Lotsa Links
Back to work. Got some links though. Science:
Ancient England: Before Homo Sapiens
How to afford a big sloppy genome
Former NIH Director Spins Through Revolving Door, Ends Up at Sanofi-Aventis
From the Pentagon to the private sector: In large numbers, and with few rules, retiring generals are taking lucrative defense-firm jobs (I covered this a while ago, here)
Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table
Ready or not, here comes the Civil War. Again.
Also, Too (about obnoxious cyclists)
Academic Economists to Consider Ethics Code
Floyd Norris Repeats "Big Banks Are Necessary/Desirable"…
It reached 56F yesterday. In January. In Boston. Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice. The first anniversary of 'Climategate', Part 1: The media blows the story of the century
U.S. Science-Funding Boost Faces Uncertain Future (it's remarkable just how much the Republicans don't want to fund the COMPETES Act)
Few health benefits from genomic discovery
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer
What If Israel Ceases to Be a Democracy?
America's cracked political system: US politics, often…
Lots of ones in today's date. No doubt some woomeister is making a ton of money from that. Anyway, here are some links. Science:
That's How Science Works
Utilities Seek Fresh Talent for Smart Grids
There's plenty of time for evolution
Turnout low for Rhode Island's school-based flu-vaccination clinics (this should be done nationally)
As Reasonable As Hell (must-read)
Are conservatives fatter than liberals?
Wake Up, Geek Culture. Time to Die
Dear NYT: No Means No; Shoving A Dick Into An Unconscious Person Is Rape. Any Questions?
Historians find Virginia textbooks about as accurate as…
Happy Erev New Years! Links for you. Science:
A reversal on carbs: Fat was once the devil. Now more nutritionists are pointing accusingly at sugar and refined grains.
The Decline Effect Postulate Fails to Find Its Theory
Hospital meals make it difficult to control blood sugars
Will Republican Chickens Come Home To Roost In The Form Of Teabaggers Running For Office?
The Press Rejects Its Reason For Being
The Jobs Crisis
Catcalling Is a Problem: How to Talk to a Woman Without Being Rude, Creepy or Scary
Republican Party's "Gay Problem" Rearing Its Head Again
Links for you. Science:
Fixing the economy the scientific way: Worried about the economy? Try investing in scientific research -- it can solve problems and create jobs.
Are the old folks holding us back?
Patterns of human height & lifestyle
The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas
Panic on Wall Street
Black: the dominance of unethical banking
Want a safe place to raise kids? Look to the cities
Enough with the Julian Assange hero worship
How Scummy Is Lanny Davis? He Shills For Laurent Gbagbo and Possible Human Rights Abuses
Happy Wednesday. Links for you. Science:
An amazing, though clearly little-known, scientific fact: We get more snow storms in warm years!
Farm animals get 80% of antibiotics sold in US
The paradigm is dead, long live the paradigm!
Kathleen Hanna and Kurt Cobain
It's Not That You're Racist...
Incompetent Economists, Not Pensions, Push Property Taxes Higher
The Blast Shack
Links for you. Science:
Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us
Hub care sites see rise in stomach bug cases
African elephant is two species, researchers say
What Haley Barbour's amnesia tells us: Like any good Southern conservative of his generation, he ignores the entire bad faith stew in which he was raised (a must-read post)
Really, Teacher. I Read the Assignment. The Marvel Comics Version.
When You Hit Bottom, Stop Digging. (Regarding this link and the previous one, I've dealt with value-added teaching appraisal and lifetime income issues elsewhere)
Police State…
Links for you. Science:
The Dangers Of Externalizing Knowledge
Risk is the ally of the underdog
The Physiology of Foie: Why Foie Gras is Not Unethical
I Think That Jason Kuznicki Does Not Understand the History...
Saving Social Security: Stopping Obama's Next Bad Deal
Today's FCC ruling on net neutrality shifts billions in profits and boils down to one fact: There will soon be a fast Internet for the rich and a slow Internet for the poor.
"Gravity Always Wins": How the U.S. Can Face the Crisis of Unsafe Bridges
It's my birthday. I'm....eleventy gajillion years old. Sigh. Well, links anyway. Science:
The someecard for all post-docs ...
Mexican Archaeologists Say Tonina Ballgame Court may Be the One Described in Popol Vuh
The Truth About Holiday Weight Gain
America's self-loving Jews aren't helping Israel: A Jew who truly loves himself does everything possible in order to save Israel from itself.
Getting Ready For 2012: A Couple of DCCC Turkeys (I knew Shuler and Mahoney were slime, but I didn't know they were actual Republicans)
Understanding and Forecasting the Credit Cycle--Why the…
Links for you:
Peter Orszag: Everything Wrong With This Town (Comes Back To How Much This Guy Got Laid Here)
Could You Retire Without Social Security? (no)
Moore and me continues
The ghost towns of China: Amazing satellite images show cities meant to be home to millions lying deserted
How Do Successful School Systems Treat Teachers?
Standardized Testing: The New Wild West
Teacher Common Sense takes on Education "Reform" Nonsense
Links for you. Science:
The disposable academic: Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time (nothing regular readers of any science blog aren't familiar with, but interesting to see it hit The Economist)
Finding their place in the sun: Schools in Plymouth, Milton pursue partnerships with solar power firms (there are a lot of government-owned roofs in the U.S. Just saying.)
The Kabuki Congress and Presidency
How the Oligarchs Took America
President Obama is neither weak nor stupid... nor a progressive
Obama's deal in a graphic: What we got, what they got
Links for you. Science:
Economy Forces Big Budget Cuts for Science Fairs
Wik-Bee Leaks: EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees
To classify humanity is not that hard
'Our lives became something we'd never dreamt': The former Israeli soldiers who have testified against army abuses
Also he could tell Congress to go fuck itself
The Overton Window And Corporatist Dems
Obama's deal in a graphic: What we got, what they got
Cothran defends the Confederacy
Almost vacation. Almost. Still have links for you.
Jet-propelled calamari: Rare photos of squid species that can leap through the air to dodge predators
Science, Blinding
Global Housing Boom
Matthew Hoh's Afghanistan: An Insider Talks
Why is Obama leaving the grass roots on the sidelines?
The Unorthodox Solution: Embracing Pluralism and Reason in Israeli Society
Yglesias vs. Yglesias: Hamster Cage Match
Extreme Inequality Helped Cause Both the Great Depression and the Current Economic Crisis
I've hit the green gooey phase in my cold (that's actually a good thing). Yippee!! Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
'Rockstars of Science' hurt the cause of science education
How the Republican Party broke up with Science
New Obama Scientific Integrity Memo Is Late And Vague
Yet another reason why the Wolfe-Simon conclusion is so improbable
What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
The GOP Is Eating Obama's Lunch
The Torture Culture
Thug Nation
Late Night: The Midnight Hate on Paul Revere
Happy Saturday. Links for you:
Firms See Long-Sought Goal in Sight: Major Pay Cuts
The trace elements of a nation
The Best Sites For Getting Some Perspective On International Test Comparison Demagoguery
Do international test comparisons make sense?
A True Wake-up Call for Arne Duncan: The Real Reason Behind Chinese Students Top PISA Performance
Remember: Not Everyone Prioritizes Achievement
What international test scores really tell us: Lessons buried in PISA report
How Shanghai topped PISA rankings -- and why it's not big news in China
I hab a colt. No reason not to give you some links though. Science:
The Desperate Battle Against Killer Bat Plague
Non-GMO foods: nonsense
The Bad Daddy Factor: Drinking, smoking, taking prescription meds or failing to eat a balanced diet can influence the health of men's future children
Donations poured in as Brown's role grew: With vote near, financial sector delivered $140k (whoever the Democratic MA Senate nominee is better use this)
Employment-Population Ratio, Young People: A Potential Lost Generation Of Young Americans.
Because it's so fucking ridiculous
Hostages to their…
It was 50 degrees yesterday; now it's below freezing. Warm up with some HOT links. Science:
Science is not democratic
Ion Torrent's $3-Million Community Incentive Plan
Musk Oxen Live to Tell a Survivors' Tale (I want a pet musk ox!)
Journal Register Company's Open Newsroom Launches New Era In Community Journalism
The Elusive "Swing" Vote (sadly, most political 'professionals' don't get this)
Moody's Swings
You Struck The Tsar!
Patterns of Racial Segregation on Long Island (having lived in Long Island, there are parts which are incredibly racist)
Why Democrats lose: Because they act…
Links for you. Science:
And On That Dumping Study
Verbal vs. mathematical aptitude in academics
Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath the Persian Gulf
A man thinks that by mouthing hard words...
It Gets Better
Schrödinger's Rapist: or a guy's guide to approaching strange women without being maced (sad that many men don't get this)
Yep, It's Demand
Beating Up On Brad DeLong
From Judith Miller to Julian Assange (I agree with this except that the "somehow" in the subtitle is due to the sycophancy of our elite-educated media which has been trained to genuflect towards those with…
Gray. Rainy. Gross. Thank the Intelligent Designer the intertubes aren't clogged up. Science:
Journals, are you reading this?
Sequencing Machine Helped Trace Cholera in Haiti
Stork that ate babies, rather than delivering them
Why don't low-income whites love the Democrats?
Research Design in a Recession
Inside Job
Nobody represents the American people: No matter which party runs Washington, only minor, marginal reforms ever take place
Cutting Academia Badly
Raise My Hand & Speak the Truth
Am I Also Worthy of a Drink?
A warm day (for December) with sun! If you're stuck inside, here are some links for you. Science:
15-minute writing exercise closes the gender gap in university-level physics
Science is not the oppressor.
A Compensation for Cold Weather: Higher IQs. New research finds that within the U.S., those states with cooler temperatures tend to have populations with higher IQs. (anyone want to get a copy and fisk this?)
Thomas Friedman, the High Priest of Austerity
Deficit commission plan would kill 4 million jobs, analysis finds
Sure, the government is just like your family: Dems have used…