Michele Bachmann

On Countdown! The "Best Petard To Be Hoist Upon Later Award!" Michele Bachmann, who represents the district that is, much to my chagrin, just a few blocks from where I live, has been calling for people to give the upcoming decadal census a pass, is a person of amazing moral integrity. You see she considers the census to be an evil plot by Acorn to facilitate the rounding up and internment of Christians (or something). However, as I'm sure she knows as a member of Congress the census is also the instrument our benevolent government (benevolent now that the Dems are in power) uses to figure…
And I'm still sayin' it, and I'm going to continue to deny I'm sayin' it, and I'm going to keep sayin' it, and Joe the Plumber, the liberals, I was trapped, they gotta do their job and vet the liberal views in congress, and that's that's what I was getting at.... Apparently, the following video from last October was just released by the Star Tribune: From the Dump Bachmann web site
Michele Bachmann has publically vowed to refuse to answer any of the questions aside from the number of people in her household for the upcoming census. This could land her a 5K fine. Bachmann is avoiding the census because Acorn may be involved in recruiting people for the process. It is well known that anything Acorn touches becomes socialistic and Democratic. The details are at Think Progress.
I put this below the fold because Sean Hannity is obscene. Did she say "We believe in rational discord?" (at about 1:38) Hat Tip DMB
See the other video and more at Dump Bachmann.
Totally stolen from Effect Measure where you can see another Michele Bachmann bit as well.
Bachmann implies that killing doctors and other terrorist acts is the expression of a "difference in opinion," and that people who are against killing doctors is merely an "interest group". She calls for the investigation of those who would call right wing killers "terrorists." Read more here. Bachmann's comments are in response to Janet Napolitano's concerns over right wing extremism. These concerns were voiced before the murder of Dr. Tillman by an anti-abortion activist with Operation Rescue. The document mentions single-issue anti abortion or anti-immigration leanings together with…
I know. Not very good But I'll bet it was cheap to make. Hat Tip DMB
Michele Bachmann wanted to make sure ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) did not receive any fund related to home foreclosure relief. So she pushed through an amendment in the House Financial Services committee that would disallow funding to any organaztion facing federal indictment for voter fraud. Because she thinks ACORN is facing such an indictment. Because she has been saying that they are. But they are not. Weren't. And won't. Her fellow representatives (especially the Dems) must have had fun with this one. "Oh, righ, Bachmann wants this amendment…
Apparently, this is being seriously considered. By whom you may ask? Michlele Bachmann! Who else!?!?!? Bachmann is quoted in the Star Tribune as saying that it is an "interesting coincidence" that the last swine flu outbreak also occurred under a Democratic president. That, of course, would be Democratic President Gerald Ford. Who was a Republican. To be fair, Bachmann is saying that she really isn't blaming Obama for the swine flu. She just finds it "very interesting." Just sayin' I certainly hope that she does not find out that Woodrow Wilson was president at the time of the 1918 flu…
Educator alert: The best example of the Naturalistic Fallacy EVAH!!!! The money quote is.... "Carbon Dioxide is Natural. It is not harmful. It is part of earth's life cycle. And yet we are being told we have to reduce this natural substance, and reduce the american standard of living, to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is a naturally occurring in the Earth." Here it is... Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: hat tip: dump bachmann
"Building a permenant home in the political wilderness" ... brilliant, Rachel. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy This is totally unbelievable. The Imams were polite yet annoyed. Reasonably annoyed. Here's the Imam story from way back when: MINNEAPOLIS - The Council on American-Islamic Relations called Tuesday for an investigation into the behavior of airline staff and airport security in the removal of six Muslim scholars from a US Airways flight a day earlier. A passenger raised concerns about the imams -- three of whom said their normal…
... so, I'm guessing that the "Re-Education Camps" .. also known as AmericCorps ... are a good idea. This concern on the part of Wackaloon Congresswoman Bachmann (WCB) is is probably valid, to the extent that AmericCorps is in any way educational. Education is always bad for Republicans. This is why in the late days of the Bush Administration and the ultra dumbed down Palin-McCain campaign, high-IQ Republicans were running away from the party. This is why Republicans push for teaching bad science in the schools. This is why ... oh, never mind, I'm sure you totally get it. Anyway, here is…
The voice of the Republican Party appears to be unable to converse. Originaly from Dusty Trice, via the D.B. web site.
Apparently President Obama has to be bound. By Bachmann. These people are insane. Hat tip: DMB
Well, I suppose we could go get guns and knives and bludgeons and just go KILL HER. That certainly would be a kind of ironic justice. But since we are all peace loving non violent types, I suppose we are going to have to make sure she does not win the next election. Whatever. But clearly, one way or another, we have to figure out a way to REPLACE MICHELE BACHMANN!!!! Which is what the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival is all about. The new, revived edition of this carnival is up and it is known as: Revenge of Daughter of the Replace Michele Bachmann Blog Carnival Submit your posts…
"The Bachmann Effect" is now officially a phenomenon. Danny Thomas made the spit take famous, in his TV show Make Room for Daddy. He's always be drinking a cup of coffee when someone would say something to which he would react with such great and sudden incredulity as to suffer a visceral reaction making it impossible for him to do anything other than spit the coffee out in an impressive atomized spray. An excellent example of a spit take is in the following video, which is a promo form the re-make of Make Room for Daddy, called Make Room for Granddaddy. It's at 30 to 32 seconds, and it is…
Back before the election in November, Stephanie Zvan and I had dinner to discuss the idea of forming a community of like minded bloggers to exchange resources and information. Mike Haurbrich was part of that conversation as well, but not at dinner that particular evening, which was at The Blue Nile. During that conversation, and in subsequent email conversations and over a pizza here and a Martguerita there, two projects developed, neither one of which was the blogger community resource that we had envisioned. One of those projects was our joint blog, Quiche Moraine, which has been goin…
I live next to this crazy person's congressional district and I do not want the yahoos who live there pouring over the border of My Fair City with their guns and rabid dogs, mullets and swastika-bearing pickups. Michele Bachmann barely makes it to Winged Monkey level, and this is well demonstrated here: More details here. More details and important request below the fold: Should Bachmann Be Censured for Her Recent Remarks? Politico: Bachmann urges "armed" revolt over climate plan. At Political Animal I recommend writing your representative in congress and asking that Bachmann be…
Illegal aliens are swarming across the border of Michele Bachmann's district. Which is on the border of .... nothing, actually, it is a 'landlocked' district. Uffda. Take a breather. OK, ready? Let's keep going a minute more... Can you handle more? Probably not, and that's OK. Nobody really can. But if you want, we've got it: Who is the poor guy who has to stand there and listen to this crap?