Michele Bachmann

I did not go to the Michele Bachmann "town hall" meeting yesterday because of a schedule conflict (I was out of town) but there is some news. Check out the last few posts on Dump Michele Bachmann blog. There is evidence, apparently, that Bachmann supporters were bussed in to pack the room. I've heard from two other private sources, one from inside and one from outside, that there were mostly supporters inside and mostly anti-Bachmann people outside. I expect there to be a couple of good blog posts out about this in the next day or so, and I'll point to them if I find out about them. Add…
An analysis by Eric Ostermeier says ... In only one instance since the DFL merger has a political party both taken back control of the Governor's mansion and lost a U.S. House seat.... ... so it depends. It does make sense that a strong race for governor is going to have coat tails. Ostermeier's analysis is here.
It's a quickie. Below the fold. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I love the face-palm.
Lake Elmo, MN, Aug 27 Health Care Reform Public Forum With special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D. Thursday, August 27th Doors open at 1:45 pm Forum runs 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm Oak-Land Junior High School 820 Manning Avenue North, Lake Elmo Along with my special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, who practiced medicine before coming to Congress and who sits on one of the House committees with jurisdiction over the health care reform legislation, we'll be discussing the proposals that are making their way through Congress and hearing your thoughts on this important issue. I hope you'…
Unfortuntaely, Taitz was not born in the US... seriously. I'm not making that up.
I, for one, am going to be there, in the back of the room, screaming at anyone I disagree with until they SHUT UP. Because that's how I roll. Here are the details. Time: Thursday, August 27 from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Host: Gail Harless Location: Oak-Land Junior High School (Lake Elmo, MN) 820 Manning Avenue North Lake Elmo, MN 55042 More info here at Dusty Trice's blog.
The Worst Person in the World!!!! Again!!!!
I'm calling all my friends, we're going to get on a bus, we're going to go to Michele Bachmann's health care town hall and SCREAM AT HER FOR AN HOUR and make sure no one else can talk. Because THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS, BITCHES!!!! Oh, no, wait, forget it. I read the head line at DMB wrong. It looks like Michele Bachmann is going to have one of those highly controlled events that allow in only her stepford-zombie Bachmann-symps with prepared softball questions. She doesn't really do the Town Hall thing. Why should she? She's a Republican. It's the Democrats that are into Democracy.…
Well, there are different theories on this, and one is that there is a regional accent that runs from the great Lakes across central and western Canada and the norther Tier of the US. That's my theory, and I think it is correct. Furthermore, I think this accent is the product of Native American and Euro-Immigrant interaction int he 19th century through the depression. But that theory, as with many of my theories, gets the White Folks mad because it attributes a feature they hold dear to subaltren little brown people and they tend to find that annoying. Now we have a new theory that is not…
Keith Olbermann: Hat Tip DMB
Elwyn Tinklenerg has withdrawn his bid in the race for Michele Bachmann's seat in congress. Tinklenberg had run against Bachmann last time around, and carried out what started as a rather Quixotic race against the then very entrenched Bachmann, but received a great deal of extra funding and support when Bachmann made a name for herself by calling for an investigation for un-American activities of everyone in congress who disagreed with her. But that push, as substantial as it was, came to late in the game, and Bachamann does represent a district consisting primarily of Cave Men and Tray-…
... or something. You will recall that Michele Bachmann has lambasted Americorps, the Bill Clinton Legacy program like the Peace Corps, as a political re-education camp in the service of the Liberal Left Wing. WEll, Harrison Bachmann, son of Michele, entered the program just a couple of weeks ago. Details at DMB, who has broken this news exclusively. (Chalk up one for the Blogosphere.)
... Well, that is not really what the former Democratic opponent of Wackaloon Bachmann said, but he might as well have. As is being reported generally and nicely summarized on DMB, Tinklenberg, who will be running for Michele "The Congresswoman" Bachmann's seat, has publicly announced that he will seek election even if he is not endorsed by the DFL. "Huh?" you say? Well, if you are not from Minnesota you may not know about our stupid-ass system for selecting Democratic candidates. Well, most Minnesotans don't understand it either, but we do know this: If you are a Democrat and you run…
Hmmmm. If you listen to the Fox people ... the details ... they actually do a pretty good job of making Michele Bachmann look foolish. But they are very excited to have her on the show. Here are the FOX digs that I noticed: Isn't your claim about "Obama counties" getting more money bogus? (Answer .... evade! evade! evade!) Only 10% of stimulus "3.0" is out on the street so how do you really know how it will work? Now tell us how it won't work. Snarking out on "faith based." Tell us how it really works with Acorn... (answer: Well, not really an issue there if you look like facts but…
And a few words about Michele Bachamann. Oh, and he makes the claim that Dan Quail was brilliant. Brilliant! Man, this guy sure does know how to babble. At least he admits that he is a moron several times. More details and analysis here, at DMB.
have puke bag ready She's speaking here to the Tea Baggers. HT DMB
The BS continues. I'm very tied up today with some political issues, practicing my Klingon, and a writing project. But I still have time to briefly point out what is going on with Bachmann. Bachamann wants her constituents to believe that if they fill out any details at all on the US census form that they will some day be rounded up and tossed in a POW camp. The reason she wants this idea out there is simple. She is linking a fearful thing, a thing that if true we really should be afraid of, with Obama, Democrats, Liberals, etc. In her racist, sexist, anti-gay congressional district,…