Climate Crocks has a new video out about Sandy and the unusual weather patterns that allowed its formation.
Good stuff!
All the pundit chatter and the Bloomberg news coming out on the side of reality does give one hope that from the ashes of Battery Point climate change mitigation policy might rise. I do however recall the same attention and promise after the Hurricane Katrina debacle, and well, we all know how far that got us.
Hope springs eternal, but also "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..."
Who thinks Sandy and its warning will stick?
Peter Sinclair has posted the second of a two part series documenting a trip he took with Mauri Pelto into the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest's Cascade range of mountains. Below are both part one and two of that series.
Deep Climate has a great run down of Richard Muller's recent public appearances and some details on his ties to the Koch brothers, it is well worth a careful read. And while we're talking about Richard Muller, check out NPR's shameful decision to "balance" Muller's converted-to-mainstream scientific views with the provision of a soap box to Anthony Watts, master of BS (aka Blog Science). Video interview is below, I have not decided if I want to expose myself to that or not....
This was also discussed on P3.
His attitude might more resemble this below (very funny)!
(seen at P3)
I always say that living well is about choosing when to laugh and when to cry...
As Eli Rabbet is noting, Anthony Watts is really unraveling, even further than we noted here a couple of days ago. So, I just have to post the video below, picked up from Denial Depot. I swear, I am NOT calling Watts Hitler, not even a Nazi, it is just pretty funny!
Via email, you might like to have a look at this video from CollegeHumour, a "what if" look at an alternative Lorax raised on Fox News propoganda:
CollegeHumor’s Favorite Funny Videos
The UCS is having a cartoon contest, go here to vote for your favorite. Please feel free to vote for any of my favorites, below ;-)
(This last one is confirmed by many of the past discussions around here!)
Some interesting goings-on in the cryosphere these days.
In this chart (click the link for an interactive, larger resolution version) from the cryosphere today we can see that we are on the 45th day in a row of daily record lows in sea ice area.
Note that this is area which is different from extent. Area refers to the actual ice cover, I am not sure of the details of how that is defined in practice, whereas extent refers to any ocean surface that contains 15% or more ice cover. Again, there will be technical details I am not familiar with for determining the edges of extent (e.g. grid size…
I have not watched these yet myself, but will do as soon as I download and convert them for my iPhone, but I have no doubt they are up to Peter Sinclair's usual high standards.
Embedded below are part's 1 and 2 of Weird Winter - Mad March. Enjoy, discuss!
I think I saw this on Planet 3.0, but wherever, the video below, documenting the late Stephen Sneider's remarkable efforts to communicate the urgency and nuance of our climate crises to the public, is very well done. Please watch.
DemocracyNow! broadcasts this whole week from the climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
DemocracyNow! broadcasts this whole week from the climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
DemocracyNow! broadcasts this whole week from the climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
DemocracyNow! broadcasts this whole week from the climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
(not an original moniker in the title, someone remind me where it came from so I can give credit where credit is due!)
While I think the approriate response to ClimateGate 2.0 is to ignore it, I also think the mainstream media is doing mostly just that so it is safer to bring your attention to this good rebuttal to the whole affair from potholer54 on YouTube:
I think the most telling quote echoing around the denialosphere right now is this one from Jonathan Overpeck:
The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid what's included and what is left out.
It's supposed to…
For those of you who have not seen this at Deltoid yet, below is the hilarious "Denial Tango" from the Aussie group Men With Day Jobs.
Very clever and well articulated! I think it applies well to quite a few folks around these parts...
As most of AFTIC readers will know by now, the Berkley Earth Surface Temprature project has pre-released its set of four studies that are still pending peer-review and publication. Bombshell news: the earth has warmed pretty much exactly as all the other analyses have indicated. UHI and micrositing issues do not explain away the measurements.
I don't have much to add to the dialogue, but here is a good place for locals to discuss and share links.
Watch the cllimate evolve here:
Update: here are a few relevant links:
Primary sources are here
The Economist gets there first
Muller has an op…
Well, it is that time of year again, the sea ice in the Arctic has reached its minimum extent.
(please note that the image above shows the August data, September's graphic is not yet available though it will look very similar)
So how's that "recovery" coming along? According to NSIDC, this year's September minimum is the second lowest in the satellite record.
Peter, over at Climate Crock of the Week, presents his latest video on that topic, a very sober and sobering placement of this year in its long term context:
Once again, the choice is between the "climate skeptics" and your lying…
Hat tip to Chris S on the last AWOGWN thread for posting the link, here is the video of David Mitchell shredding the "prove it first, then we'll stop the pollution" argument embedded below:
I have argued many times that the "let's do nothing til we're sure" people have it backwards because we are in fact doing something: altering the atmospheric chemistry. Do nothing til we're sure would entail an immediate cesation of all long-lived GHG emissions.