
A really good overview of all the extreme weather we have been seeing this last year from Greenman. I'd say it is about time to say welcome to the new normal. I heartily second Al Gore's call of "bullshit", that is what folks like Bastardi deal in, pure and simple.
Non-lord Christopher Monkton is out and about again after laying low for a while, calling people nazis, using his Pink Portcullis coat of arms, etc. Greenman has a short video on that, though I must say I found more interesting the clips and content on James Delingpole. I must say he does not come out looking too good in that! Seriously though, it is a perfect analogy no wonder he faltered and stuttered like he just woke up from one of those dreams where you are naked in a crowd only to find it was no dream. I actually felt embarrased for him! Think he mistook this cartoon as a "How To"…
I have always like this graphic from Global Warming Art: It puts the current CO2 rise into sharp perspective in terms of historical flucuations, both in its magnitude and rapidity. Well, even better for impact is the video below from Youtube user CarbonTracker: Especially intriguing is watching the seasonal rise and fall, the collective breathing of earth's plant life. (passed down from Lou Grinzo to MT to here)
For readers and passers by, I offer all this gift of music, which I found utterly amazing and enthralling the first time, and many subsequent times, I heard it.
I don't like Prince Charles much, but that is just because of all the gossip the world was exposed to when Lady Di still walked this earth, so I can hardly be sure if he deserves that feeling. So what? Well, it seems Charles is very into eco-friendly sustainability and all that dirty hippy stuff. I was offered a free copy of his new book "Harmony." Below is an exerpt from Harmony Movie Trailer from Balcony Films on Vimeo. Does anyone know anything about it? Should I get a copy for review?
This Youtube is long, but it is very well done, and frankly hilarious. Many of our favorite denier memes would fit in very comfortably as well. Of course, after the laughing stops, the congressional hearings will begin.
From the "just because it's beautiful" department, have a look at the image sequence below. Thanks again to APOD! Water Dance from Alex Cherney on Vimeo.
If you have a spare couple of hours, I am sure the YouTube below is well worth the time. I don't, so I can't comment on anything but my expectations and the approval of Dessler's performance from Eli Rabett and Deltoid. Thanks, Eli, for the link.
Okay, so this one is a bit of a tear-jerker and I usually like to avoid mixing sentimentality with environmentalism, but it is very informative and interesting if sad. It is greenman3610's Climate Crock of the Week from about three weeks ago and as usual well worth watching. I tend to be skeptical about anthropomorphizing our fellow earthlings, but I'll be damned if that wasn't a very affectionate mama walrus hugging her baby! If walruses weren't so ugly they just might top polar bears in terms of public concern...
File this one in the "sad but true" department: Donald Duck learns what Glenn Beck is really about. And apparently he was not happy about it!
A few days ago, an environmental organization from England released what can charitably be called an appaling video in support of their campaign to reduce carbon emission 10% per year starting now, in 2010. The group is called 10:10 and the page originally containing the video, now containing an apology, is here. It was removed very quickly following very negative reactions from across the spectrum of environmental ideologies. The video is a very graphic depiction of various people chosing not to go along with the 1010 campaign being blown to bits, replete with blood and gore spattered on…
Most of us interested in climate science understand the uniqueness and importance of deep ice cores. It is truly a remarkable record of many aspects of past climate including dust, methane, sea level proxies and carbon dioxide. The video below (a YouTubed TED Talk)is a very fascinating look at what it takes to retrieve one. (warning, the last 3 or four minutes are a Rolex commercial) Cheers to Thingsbreak for posting it where I could see it!
Here is a very good TED talk by Johan Rockstrom about human pressures, environmental constraints and possible futures.
I haven't played Asteroids(tm) since the days when Atari was computer games King and 124K was an incredible amount of memory. And before any young gamers out there laugh at what an old geezer I must be, I will insist that that says much more about how fast computers have evolved than it does about how old I may or may not be! But as the subject of asteroids was raised here in the comments recently, I thought I might play a climate customized version of that game today. Before we get started, I would like to answer crakar's referenced comment seriously because it may indeed resonate with some…
Greenman's latest: Entertaiing and informative, as usual! I did not know there was a "theological" debate about CO2 levels in the atmosphere, interesting.
Via a new blog started up this summer, Fool me Once (sounds like wishful thinking ;-), proprieter Alden has graciously permitted me to embed a most excellent video he has produced on arctic sea ice. He is covering a standard denialist talking point, that arctic sea ice has/is recovering, so the concepts will not be unfamiliar to any regulars here, but the very clear trains of argument and great use of data and graphics make this well worth watching. The original posting is here. His other post from about a month ago, is similarily clear and compelling. (Warning: video starts automatically,…
From Climate Crock creator Greenman: R.I.P.
Check out Peter's latest Climate Crock: Oh those hysterical enviro-wacko-loons...
From APOD: (click on image for full resolution, totally awesome!) Here is an equally stuning video of that prominence erupting: Ironic that according to the IPCC that massive ball of fire has nothing to do with the climate which is entirely controled by CO2, isn't it? (As humour is hard to detect on the internets I had better spell it out: the IPCC makes no such ridiculous claim, that is a denialist strawman. The sun sends around 343W/m^2 our way, but the important factor is change in that number, which since around 1850 is ~0.3W/m^2 while GHG direct forcing is ~2.5W/m^2. Kinda ruins the…