Occupational Health & Safety

A fourth official formerly associated with Massey Energy was sentenced to 3 ½ years in prison for conspiring to thwart federal mine safety laws.  David C. Hughart, 54, appeared this week before U.S. District Judge Irene Baker for his sentencing hearing.  Hughart plead guilty in February 2013, following charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). U.S. attorney Booth Goodwin’s staff have been investigating former Massey Energy personnel (the firm was purchased by Alpha Natural Resources in 2011) as part of DOJ's criminal investigation related to the April 2010 Upper Big  Branch (…
Occupational health hazards are often hidden, and may not even be appropriately disclosed to workers who are exposed.  They are usually shielded from public view, meaning they don't get the attention needed to ensure protections are put in place to address them.  But every once in a while, hazards to workers' health are right in front of you. Yesterday morning, I was driving on FM 1626 in Kyle, TX and passed this scene:  Two construction workers standing in a nasty cloud of dust.  The men were working at the new campus of Austin Community College in Hays County, TX and were cutting stone…
As Celeste and I were putting together The Year in U.S. Occupational Health & Safety: Fall 2012 – Summer 2013 (released on Labor Day), we noticed that many of the year’s developments in occupational health and safety occurred in various parts of the food chain. From fields and silos to poultry plants to fast-food restaurants, workers are speaking up about unsafe and unjust conditions, and demanding improvements. Here are some of the highlights: Agricultural hazards in the news: Investigative reporters have done a terrific job delving into the unsafe conditions agricultural workers face.…
This week, Liz and I have been highlighting parts of our second annual review of U.S. occupational health and safety.   The first two sections of the report summarize key studies in the peer-reviewed literature, and an assessment of activities at the federal level.  In section three of the report we present high points---and a few low points---from state and local governments on workers’ rights and safety protections.  These include: New laws in Portland, Oregon and New York City requiring many employers to offer paid sick leave to their employees.   With 22 percent of the U.S. workforce in…
As Liz Borkowski noted yesterday, we are following up on a tradition that we started last year to mark Labor Day.  We released our second annual review of U.S. occupational health and safety for Labor Day 2013. Liz explained in her post our objectives in preparing the report.  She also highlighted its first section which profiles some of the best research from the year published in both peer-reviewed journals and by non-profit organizations.  Here’s a peek at section two of the report on activities at the federal level: Sequestration and other budget cuts have affected our worker protection…
Last year, Celeste Monforton and I started a new Labor Day tradition: publication of a report that highlights some of the important research and activities in occupational health in the US over the past year. The Year in U.S. Occupational Health & Safety: Fall 2012 – Summer 2013, the second edition in the annual series, is now available online. We want it to be a resource for activists, regulators, researchers, and anyone else who values safe and healthy workplaces. Much as the AFL-CIO’s annual Death on the Job report focuses attention on workplace injury and illness statistics each April…
For older workers, the most dangerous occupational move may be getting behind the wheel. Last Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data showing that among highway transportation incidents, which are the leading cause of occupational death in the country, the highest fatality rates occur among workers ages 65 years old and older. In fact, workers in that age group experienced a fatality rate three times higher than workers ages 18 to 54. The unfortunate trend was seen across industries and occupations and among most demographic groups, according to data published in…
President Obama's regulatory czar, Howard Shelanski, has been on the job for a month.  During his confirmation hearing Shelanski expressed his commitment to transparency.  He suggested it was one of his key priorities within the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) which is housed within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  As noted, however, by CPR scholar Sidney Shapiro and his colleague James Goodwin, OIRA has a long history of secrecy with respect to its role in the centralized review of agencies' regulatory activities.  Many in the open-government…
After more than 900 days of "review" by the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), OSHA announced it was publishing a proposed rule to protect workers who are exposed to respirable crystalline silica.  It's a workplace hazard that causes the irreversible and progressive lung disease silicosis, and is also associated with lung cancer, autoimmune disorders and kidney disease.  About 2.2 million workers are exposed to the fine dust in their jobs, many of which are employed in the construction industry.  I've been writing here for about two years on the need for a…
Marshall Turner, 55 and James "Bubba" Rains, 34 were part of an asphalt paving crew, working on I-55 in Crittenden County, Arkansas.  On the evening of April 16, 2013, a pick-up truck driven by an Illinois man swerved into the closed-off construction work zone and struck Turner and Rains.  Both men were fatally injured. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, on average, 110 workers are killed each year while working in roadway and highway work zones.  In 2011, the most recent year in which data is available, the number of fatalities was 119.  Thirteen of the deaths occurred in Texas,…
In their efforts to protect the most vulnerable workers from illegal workplace practices and conditions, worker centers have now attracted the million-dollar ire of formidable anti-union forces. And while advocates say it's a sign of worker centers' success, it's still a worrisome trend that's made it all the way to the halls of Congress. In late July, a full-page ad ran in the Wall Street Journal accusing worker centers of being fronts for labor unions. The ad was paid for by a group calling itself the Center for Union Facts, a nonprofit with a $3 million-plus budget run by industry lobbyist…
My summer road trip took me through the scenic State of Oklahoma.  As I drove heading north through the Sooner country, billboards line I-35.   They didn't advertise restaurants, gas stations, insurance firms or country stores.  Billboard after billboard promoted one or more casinos in the State.   I wondered how it was possible for a rather sparsely populated locale could support what seemed like dozens of casinos.  One particular billboard caught my eye.  It read: "The only smoke-free casino in Oklahoma." There are 94 casinos in Oklahoma owned by 33 tribes.  Gaming is the second largest…
More than 400 inspectors with the USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) worked, on average, more than 120 hours each two-week pay period.    Those were the findings of the agency's Inspector General in an report issued late last month.  Their investigation covered FY 2012, and included field work conducted from November 2012 through February 2013. FSIS inspectors are assigned to more than 6,000 meat, poultry and egg processing plants in the U.S.  They are responsible for ensuring that the product sold by companies to consumers is safe and wholesome.  These firms process tens of…
Federal OSHA announced this week a settlement agreement with Wal-Mart for serious safety violations found at its store on Chili Avenue in Rochester, NY.  Lots of companies sign settlement agreements with OSHA, but few of them involve making safety corrections at multiple worksites controlled by the same firm.  This settlement agreement will apply to 2,857 of Wal-Mart's 4,600 retail establishments in the U.S.  The 2,857 stores are all of the stores located in States where federal OSHA has enforcement jurisdiction. How will OSHA monitor Wal-Mart's compliance with the settlement agreement?  In…
Here we go again.  Worker killed on-the-job.  The employer decides---after the fact----it would be smart to install a piece of safety equipment that likely would have prevented the death.  That's what happened after coal miner John Houston "Hollywood" Myles, 44, was killed on-the-job. Myles worked at the Metinvest's Affinity Mine in Raleigh County, WV.  The veteran of Operation Desert Storm (1991) had worked as a coal miner for a total of four years, one of which at the Affinity mine.  On February 19, 2013, Myles was shoveling loose coal and material from the mine floor.  In an adjacent entry…
Fair working standards for construction workers and financial profit for developers aren't incompatible, according to a new report from Texas' Workers Defense Project. In fact, consumers are actually willing to pay more to live in places built on principles of safety, economic justice and dignity. Released this week in collaboration with the University of Texas' Center for Sustainable Development, "Green Jobs for Downtown Austin: Exploring the Consumer Market for Sustainable Buildings" studied consumer attitudes toward sustainable construction jobs and explored the market for certification…
Finally!  After far too much hullabaloo about the cost of regulations, there was a U.S. Senate hearing today on why public health regulations are important, and how delays by Congress and the Administration have serious negative consequences for people's lives.  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) called the hearing entitled "Justice Delayed: The Human Cost of Regulatory Paralysis," the first one conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee's newly created Subcommittee on Oversight, Federal Rights and Agency Action.  The witnesses included a parent-turned advocate for automobile safety, AFL-CIO…
Pilgrim's Pride can't seem to get its act together safely handling highly toxic and explosive gases.   The firm---the second largest poultry producer in the world with annual net sales of $8.1 Billion---received citations again from federal OSHA concerning its failed safety management of anhydrous ammonia. OSHA announced this month $170,000 in proposed penalties for 9 serious, 1 willful and 1 repeat violation at the company's De Queen, Arkansas plant.  All of the alleged violations involve requirements under OSHA's process safety management standard for control of highly hazardous chemicals…
Celeste wrote earlier this month about a public meeting at which the US Chemical Safety Board would vote on whether to label several of their outstanding recommendations to OSHA as having seen unacceptable progress. I attended the day-long meeting, and thought the CSB staff and board members made a strong case for the “unacceptable” designations, which the board unanimously voted to adopt. Throughout the meeting, the CSB was careful to acknowledge the progress OSHA had made in addressing the hazards, the factors that impede effective OSHA action, and the preventability of explosions and other…
On July 15 and 16, about two dozen farmworkers paid an unprecedented visit to Capitol Hill to ask Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House to support increased protection from exposure to pesticides. Farmworkers have lobbied Congress before, but this is the first time such a visit focused entirely on pesticide exposure issues, explained Farmworker Justice director of occupational and environmental health, Virginia Ruiz. Farmworkers are asking Congress to support strengthening the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard for pesticides, a regulation that has not been…