
"...As the country drifts slowly to war" Update: Why do I keep hammering on the "paranoid Iran scenario"? Because I am worried that the decision to "take out" Iran has been made in DC, and that it is now merely a question of when, and with what rationale. There are two considerations: one is next week's midterm election and control of Congress; the other is whether it will be a pre-emptive surprise, with assets moved in place secretly or under cover of exercises and rotations, or, if it will be an "inevitable build up to war" scenario. We'll see the latter coming, the former is interesting…
Sweden. Denmark next. Not quite three Scandihoovian countries in three days, unless you count surface transits, but still... Sweden, though, is big. I had forgotten how big. And has changed in an interestingly subtle way. So I am enjoying the hospitality of Lund observatory, but had to make a quick jaunt to Uppsala. Some things just have to be done in person. My flight, coming back, was (scheduled) very late. In fact arrived after the last bus for town was supposed to have left, according to the schedule. So, I was pondering having to book a taxi, and possibly pay more for a 10 mile20 km…
Inaccurate in detail, and wishful. Cute, but real saints would have used C-17s and Chinooks, not B-2s(!?) and Apaches... Kinda gets your feet tapping.
It is friday, but only the 20th of Oct - we anticipate our movements and ask the iPod now, the question that gots to be asked. Oh, mighty iPod - is there an "october surprise"? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: In Un Palco Della Scala - Pavarotti The Crossing: Chocolat - Cornershop The Crown: Dreadbelly - Billy Bragg The Root: Blake's Jerusalem - Billy Bragg The Past: I Ain't Gonna Let You Break My Heart Again - Bonnie Raitt The Future: Krummi Krunkar Úti The Questioner: Vertigo - U2 The House: Eitt Sinn Gekk Ég The Inside: Tveir Kettir The Outcome: The Tailor and the…
Apparently this trailer is too much for the delicate sensibilities of some of the main stream media, so I pass it along as a public service. It is funny, and sad. I'd go see the movie, if I ever got to go see movies that is...
...in Iceland that is. Got in at about 6 am, the weather was lovely, a mild frost, and not too windy, just brisk. so I took the bus to town and walked to where I'm crashing. Very refreshing, just the thing to wake you up after a long flight. A bite of skyr, and a walk down to the harbour, and ready for anything. I go to Iceland on occasion, not as often as I'd like, but usually, for obvious reasons, in summer. less often mid-winter or spring. I think this is the first time in a frighteningly long time that I've been here in late autumn. There is snow in the mountains, Tjörnin is partly…
Thanks to iTunes "share inside the firewall" option, the graduate students can track my comings and going in real time. I guess I consider this a "feature" since I control sharing. The impact of the buttocks of a 12kg baby at ~ 2 m/sec on the face is comparable in effect to that of a slow roundhouse punch by a drunk adult... There are people who hold receptions in freshman chemistry wet labs. They serve food, finger food and cheese platters, on the lab benches. There are people who show up and eat at such events. I think they were administrative staff.
Prof Foland of nuclear mangos forward an interesting pointer. The US Navy's TACAMO ("Take Charge And Move Out") went active this week, with a little flurry of messages (scroll down to comment #71 if you want to see more detail). This is the old Very Low Frequency communication system, from E-6s flying racetracks over random patches of big ocean. Primarily intended for communication with submarines on long term underwater patrol, it is also a survivable system, that can not be interfered with through E-M countermeasures, primarily intended for strategic communications during nuclear exchanges…
I just realised that my House Band nominees (below) are all White Males. And that is even while forgetting to nominate Queen (for the astrophysics of course, and We Will Rock You). Zuska has a point... Er, AlphaBlondie anyone? Dixie Chicks? Ah, Dixie Chicks: I set a SciBling challenge: Which Dixie Chick Song Are You? Since I'm going first, I'll immodestly take Not Ready To Make Nice Although I was tempted by Long Time Gone, but it just ain't me. Hurry and grab your selection - no duplications, please. I'm not ready to make nice, I'm not ready to back down, I'm still mad as hell And I don't…
Apparently the SciBlings have determined that we need a House Band... World's Fair advocates Phish, or Wilco, and Chad likes someone I've never heard of (so they must be trendy or something). Now, I like Wilco, but mostly as Billy Bragg's backup band. You could go with the classics, like Rush, or even Bowie or (really reaching) Pink Floyd. Heck, why not Holst. And They Might Be Giants is always a safe choice. Boring. I originally thought maybe Green Day: surprisingly successful, little bit of attitude, but really just nice middle class boys with a bit of angst about the whole thing. And…
Fourth Billy Bragg podcast is online here Ah, 1984, a Good Year. Life's A Riot With Spy vs Spy segways to Brewing Up With Billy Bragg. He is also Live blogging his road tour.. Now I am really sorry I missed the Golden Gate concert. Wah.
Interesting segment on Olbermann's show last night; another Bush Admin book expose is coming out on monday: "Tempting Faith" by David Kuo. DarkSyde also blogs on it Short version: the administration is, unsurprisingly, insincere in its claims christian faith; they are contemptuous of their evangelical base, and their leaders, and use them to push issues and energize voters while ignoring their policy priorities or just lying. I can not say I am surprised. I am also somewhat reassured. Strangely.
While in California, I went to the HEAD meeting (High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society) in San Francisco. Good fun, more on details later as I assimilate (even Phil couldn't properly live-blog the meeting - those F-18s are bloody loud). And I missed Billy! Again. See, Billy Bragg was playing the bluegrass festival in the Park on saturday, for free! (and, yes, I am jealous of the Pharmboy, and not ashamed to admit it). I knew, vaguely there was a "bluegrass" festival in the Park, if I had known Elvis Costello was playing I might have made a push to go, but I…
Am at a meeting out west, with remarkably poor internet access given the location and sponsors. But good meeting nevertheless. But it keeps being interrupted by the Blue Angels, navy air show team, buzzing the hotel. So the USS Nimitz is in town, which answers the question of where she's been. USS Eisenhower is heading east to the Gulf to relieve the Enterprise which has been there four months, due to head back in december. So Ike is out a little early. As is the Expeditionary Strike Group (5) relieving ESG3. The USS Mercy is back in San Diego, but there are a lot of amphibious assault ships…
Earlier this year I was at a military ceremony. The keynote speaker was an active duty flag officer, in logistics. Good speech, humorous anecdote, solemn moment, look to the future... and in the middle he snuck in a somewhat discordant meaty section. He discussed the distinction between the responsibility of enlisted men to obey the orders of their commanding officers, and that of commissioned officers to understand and interpret the orders they receive and pass down the chain of command. He discussed, at some length, the importance of the individual officer understanding the lawfulness of…
California. Again. It is raining. That is not right.
Traveling friday, and we ask a timely question: Oh Mighty Omniscient One - who will the Academy give the nod to next week for that most noble of all science prized? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: The Modern Things - Björk The Crossing: Waiting in Vain - Bob Marley and the Wailers The Crown: Gods' Comic - Elvis Costello The Root: California Uber Alles - Dead Kennedys The Past: Colpito qui m'avete - Pavarotti The Future: J'ai Plus Fin - Henry Dés The Questioner: Shadow Play - Joy Division The House: Chinese Dance - Tchaikovsky The Inside: Clubland - Elvis Costello The…
Drove to DC today. Took six hours, rather longer than planned. Car transporter jack-knifed on the PA turnpike, took out two 18 wheelers. If there were any passenger cars involved, they'd been cleared up by the time I got through. Heavy rain. As I approached the beltway, it had become an impressive thunderstorm, lightning and booming thunder Then I got into the hotel, logged on, and understood. Neighbour Daniel, the Union, she has a barnacled bottom, lost her rudder, and the captain is chasing a great white whale. The bilges are awash and the smelly water is rising. I hope the crew wakes soon.
Lots of news and speculation on possible steps to mobilization by US forces to position for a strike on Iran. They couldn't be that stupid, could they? Old Speculation Updated. So... in my humble and uninformed opinion, if the US were to launch a air strike on Iran, supported by Navy aircraft and possibly a Marine expeditionary force, some things would have to move into place first. First you need a MEF in the gulf. Well, one group has been loitering in the Arabian Sea. Then you need, I estimate, three aircraft carrier groups in place. this japanese web site tracks the US Navy carriers (…
I have come to the conclusion that the Pearl Jam cover of Kick out the Jams is actually better than the original... Maybe I'm just getting old.