
tags: Professor Destroys Student's Laptop In Class, University of Oklahoma, Professor Kieran Mullen, laptop, laptop brutality, teaching, education, university, comedy, humor, strange, behavior, streaming video In an effort to make a point -- Laptops are distracting students -- University of Oklahoma physics professor Kieran Mullen freezes a student's laptop with liquid nitrogen then smashes it onto the floor. One student caught this act of laptop brutality on video: Read more about it: Professor shatters distracting laptop.
tags: Law & Order, Pups & Order, television, music, dogs, pets, comedy, humor, strange, behavior, streaming video I love Law & Order so much that this one TV show is enough to tempt me into purchasing a television (I've never owned nor possessed a TV, although I do watch TV in "my" NYC pub). But according to this curious video, the theme music from Law & Order is enough to cause dogs everywhere to howl (with delight?). This video was compiled from a collection of "pups & order" videos. Does anyone have a dog that also howls when the opening credits for Law & Order…
tags: Old Spice commercial, manmercial, television, Superbowl, advertizing, technology, computer-generated imagery, CGI, wow, I'm on a Horse, Isaiah Mustafa, funny, humor, streaming video Daily, men ask themselves, What do women want? We want a gorgeous bare-chested man with a beautiful voice on a horse, that's what! And this is exactly what Old Spice gave us with bare-chested Isaiah Mustafa, a TV actor and former NFL player, in their "manmercial" that first aired during the Superbowl. But how was that amazing commercial made? Maybe you think it was stitched together from a lot of separate '…
tags: Disappointing Torture, cultural observation, political commentary, politics, torture, funny, satire, humor, streaming video Two agents (Jimmy Mulville and Phillip Pope) are preparing to interrogate a suspected secret agent (Tony Robinson). Unfortunately, the suspected secret agent is afraid of torture, which seems an ideal situation, right? Well, not really, not when you wish to test your torture kit for the first time.
tags: Queasy Bake Oven, Easy Bake Oven, kid's toys, funny, spoof, humor, Ronald Howes Sr, streaming video The Easy-Bake Oven was the invention of Ronald Howes Sr, who died 20 February at age 83. I never got one, although I sure would have loved one to experiment with ... According to his obituary, Howes sounds like a very fun person to be around. "He always had the coolest stuff on earth that I could mess around with," such as phosphorescent powder he was testing for various glow-in-the-dark applications, his son said. But Mr. Howes always realized that the Easy-Bake Oven was, in his son's…
tags: americans, ignorance, stupid, uneducated, Bill Maher, comedy, humor, beliefs, television, education, streaming video "This country is like a college chick after two long island iced teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care," says Bill Maher. "We should forget town halls and replace them with study halls."
tags: How to Swear Like a Brit, humor, funny, comedy, culture, British culture, cursing, swearing, language, streaming video My spouse, who I was told was a "shy and nerdly British scientist" is anything but that! He is teaching me, a shy and nerdly American scientist, how to swear like a Brit, something that inspired me to share this video with you.
Here's my first little editing project for my documentary film class. A day in the lab, but much much faster paced.
tags: Center for Inquiry, CFI, NYC Skeptics, Free Inquiry and Secular Humanism, Darwin Day 2010, Ian Tattersall, Massimo Pigliucci, public education, outreach, New York City, NYC, education, streaming video On the day after the anniversary of Charles Darwin's birthday, prominent paleoanthropologist Ian Tattersall gave a public lecture about Darwin and his impact on what we know about human evolution. Tattersall, curator in the anthropology department at the American Museum of Natural History, then sat down for a conversation with Massimo Pigliucci, Chair of the Philosophy Department at…
NASA's SDO destroys a Sundog on launch. Cool video. The Solar Dynamics Observatory was launched, successfully, Feb 11th. On the way up, the rocket crossed a high altitude layer of ice crystals - a wispy cloud - which was showing a Sundog - the rocket visibly rippled the cloud as it passed through - looks very cool. SDO video link Full launch video - ripples at ~ 1:50+ see also GrrlScientist
tags: Sonic Boom Meets Sun Dog, amazing science, sonic boom, Atlas V, rocket launch, amazing, beautiful, atmosphere, physics, astronomy, streaming video This amateur video is absolutely amazing: recording the precise moment when a rocket goes supersonic, which coincides with the moment it passes through a layer of ice crystals in the atmosphere, creating a rippled effect that is just astonishing to see. Solar Dynamics Observatory Launch, Feb 11, 2010: A sun dog is a prismatic bright spot in the sky caused by sun shining through ice crystals. The Atlas V rocket exceeded the speed of sound in…
tags: Conan O'Brien, Martha Stewart, Conan O'Brien Invades Martha Stewart's Kitchen, humor, funny, comedy, offbeat, cultural observation, television, streaming video After having my kitchen invaded repeatedly -- six times, for those who care -- by strangers hired by IKEA to install the kitchen that my spouse purchased three months ago, I can relate to this video, where Conan O'Brien invades Martha Stewart's kitchen. The end is quite funny, though!
tags: whale, humpback whale, seabirds, Whale Versus Bird, Vancouver Aquarium, British Columbia, education, streaming video Imagine you're a bird, you're minding your own business, leading your flock, when out of nowhere -- Humpback Whale tail! Either the Humpback has a serious dislike for birds, or while feeding this coincidence occurred. This video was shot in Juan Perez Sound, British Columbia, within the boundaries of Gwaii Haanas National Park and Haida Heritage Site. Hat tip to my spouse, Bob O'Hara, who is celebrating his birdday today. Be sure to give him the gift of a cheap thrill by…
tags: British, Americans, funny things that people say, humor, funny, comedy, offbeat, cultural observation, television, streaming video Here's an amusing list of the top ten funny things that Americans say to Brits, as said by Stephen Fry Ricky Gervais (this is posted in honor of my spouse, who is British, who is celebrating his birdday today);
tags: dog eating, funny, offbeat, silly, humor, pets, pranks, fucking hilarious, streaming video This video shows what happens when a guy and his dog have too much time (and a video camera) on their hands.
Now I get to do something with that force scale I built. I had a request some time ago to talk about friction. Friction is surprisingly complicated. When two surfaces rub against each other, why is there a friction force? The basic answer is that the stuff the two surfaces are made of (atoms) are interacting with each other. If you like, you could think of the bumps on one surface hitting the bumps on the other surface. I know I said it was complicated and that doesn't seem to complicated - does it? The complication comes when you try to model this interaction by looking at either all…
tags: Downfall, Even Hitler Made a Hitler Parody, internet meme, technology, Hitler, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video If you've been following the Hitler Parodies video meme on YouTube (197 unique videos so far!), then you'll appreciate this amusing parody where Hitler himself tries to jump on the bandwagon. (I am standing in a restaurant in Germany, viewing this video and the waitress just looked over my shoulder .. GAH! I hope this isn't illegal here!)
tags: food, health, healthy eating, healthy food, cooking, portion size, obesity, overweight, Jamie Oliver, TEDTalks, streaming video In this affecting video, TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver shares powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, W. Va., and makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food. Jamie Oliver is transforming the way we feed ourselves, and our children. Jamie Oliver has been drawn to the kitchen since he was a child working in his father's pub-restaurant. He showed not only a precocious culinary talent but also a passion for creating (and…
I was thinking about some experiments that deal with friction and I wanted to show something with a force probe. The problem is that most people don't have one of these. So, I decided to try and make one out of simple things. In this case, I am using some straws, a rubber band and some paper clips. Let me draw a little sketch of how this thing works. The basic idea is to use the rubber band to measure the force (by measuring the amount the rubber band stretches). The two paper clips do two things. First, it allows you to hook up the device to something (like hanging some Lego bricks on…
tags: nerds, valentine's day, comedy, funny, humor, parody, offbeat, music video, education, streaming video I did what this guy suggests and went one further: I married a nerd (but not on VD). It's kinda hard being a nerd on Valentine's Day. Cause Statistically ladies don't feel the same way. So i say to all the girls, From the nerds across the world. Hug a nerd on Valentines Day. Oh it only takes me one minute so solve a rubix cube. But when it comes to the ladies I'm a really big noob. So i say to all the girls, from the nerds across the world. Hug a nerd on Valentine's Day. Spoken: YOU…