
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [8:02]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [10:02]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows our planet by looking at our planet as a whole. There is a lot of gorgeous bird footage in this part [10:00]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [10:00]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [9:40]
New anatomical DIY project: get a CT scan, remix it to music, and post it on the web! That's what Jaymis did: Inside The Jaymis: Skeleton Animation - Wide Time from Jaymis on Vimeo. I got an MRI recently, but they didn't give me the results on a CD, so I can't do this. Now I feel all left out. Nevertheless, it's kind of odd looking at someone else's innards on a Sunday morning over tea. . . is this DIY TMI? Via Andrew Sullivan.
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a commercial for the PrayerMAX5000! Finally, Prayer Amplification Technology⢠can be yours -- either at home or on the go [2:00]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows Edward Current's new contraption, where he exploits science to build a prayer amplifier, the PrayerMax5000. Edward says, "I have faith that with my new invention, praying to God will be effective and reliable, finally." [3:55]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows a little chat with Edward Current, who pleads, "My Grampa seriously needs to stay alive. Fortunately when there's something we have no control over, there are still things we can do!" I'll bet you can't guess what that might be [4:09]
I found this video to be very entertaining. Dry Ice is LEEEEEEATHALLY DAAAANGEROUS? - These bloopers are hilarious William Beaty's site has tons of great stuff -
tags: captive dolphins, SeaWorld Orlando, bubble ring, animal behavior, streaming video This streaming video shows the dolphins at SeaWorld Orlando's Dolphin Cove as they artfully create and play with underwater bubble rings and hear what SeaWorlds trainers, educators and guests have to say about this fun and fascinating behavior [3:25]
Joanne Manaster reviews two books about distinguishing science fact from science fiction in our everyday lives: Bad Science, by Ben Goldacre, and Lies, Damned Lies and Science, by Sherry Seethaler. For more of Joanne's video reviews, see her web page, Joanne Loves Science, or her science reviews YouTube channel.
tags: sand monsters, animation, children, streaming video This streaming video presents a fascinating world of sand animation where a child fights monsters, dragons and ghosts with the power of his violin's sound, a melody that is able to make all these scary characters run away [4:45]
Welcome to our new home on the web! For those of you who are longtime readers of Starts With A Bang!, I welcome you to our new location! And to those of you who see me as a new face, it's my pleasure to meet you! I'm looking forward to a long and healthy partnership with scienceblogs and their outstanding team of bloggers, including (some of my favorites): Pharyngula -- full of irate opinions and outstanding biology, Dynamics of Cats -- where theoretical physics and random events meet, Framing Science -- Matthew Nisbet brings some reason to science communication, and Eruptions -- Volcanoes,…
tags: religion, atheism, humor, occam's razor, streaming video This streaming video is a brilliant example of the topic that it addresses, discussing religion, the incorrectness of Occam's Razor and the secret ninjas who destroyed the World Trade Towers using a controlled demolition on 11 September 2001. The argument? The most complicated, difficult explanation is usually the right one. Because God is infinite (and infinitely complicated) [4:16]
tags: politics, good citizenship, humor, America, streaming video This streaming video provides essential educational advice to Americans on how to be good citizens -- I was especially impressed with Mary's frugal meals, but seriously, she'd spend le$$ if she stopped eating meat altogether! [10:39] Hattip: Travelgirl. interviews Carl Bergstrom, whose eigenfactor project uses citation databases to map networks of information sharing within science: We find papers to read by following citation trails. If you have an eigenfactor of 1.5, it means 1.5% of the time, a researcher following citation trails is actually trying to get an article from your journal. . . How do you make the right connections, right? How do you make the critical connections to move thought forward? If you can solve a problem like that, or even just make a little contribution to it, it really accelerates science in a…
It's amazing what the kids are up to these days. This one comes live from Mount Sinai (my present educational residence). Hubner et al., publishing in Science, use an infectious, fluorescent strain of HIV to watch the virus move from one cell to another. Their results are fascinating and may help us develop better ways to treat the disease. (Full disclaimer: This research was performed in the Chen lab at Mount Sinai where my roommate presently works.) It's funny how my biases work. I mean, I am not a microbiologist, but here is the bias that I had about how infections like HIV work: I…
tags: sesame street explains madoff scandal, politics, satire, , humorstreaming video In this video, Ernie and Cookie Monster explain the Bernie Madoff scandal .. so even kids can understand it [1:18]
Get out your Kleenex, wimps. Thanks, Berkery for forwarding this along.