
tags: Antigen Shift, Influenza Viruses, molecular biology, virology, microbiology, streaming video This video discusses the process of antigen shift in influenza viruses, such as the H1N1 "swine flu" that has recently been identified in Mexico and in quite a few other countries, including in NYC [1:18]
tags: Phinneas Phogg, Seattle, Pike Place Market, parrots, pets, entertainment, streaming video This interesting video is an interview with Chris and Phineas Phogg, who entertain crowds at the Pike Place Market in my other home, Seattle. In this video, Chris talks about about their lives as Buskers. This video reminds me of my own beloved Congo African Grey parrot, Zazu, who died while under the care of a so-called Veterinary Technician while I was in the hospital. I always want another Grey parrot, but watching this video makes me especially miss my parrot, and my home. [5:30]
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This strange and amusing streaming video features a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important purpose: Let's help build the HMS Beagle and follow Darwin's journey of discovery! [1:06] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science communicators (perhaps, including me!). The…
tags: Edward Current, christianity, pray for armageddon, vibrations of devotion, satire, humor, streaming video Edward Current is depressed: our once great country is now an Islamic communistic atheocracy where children are forced to learn things like math and science. This video is dated, but it still is worth watching. [3:40]
tags: Edward Current, christianity, the intelligent dust bunny, the big bang, satire, humor, streaming video Just in time for Saturday cleaning day: this video examines a dust bunny, a little ball of dust, it's miraculous what can be logically inferred about God and outer space. [4:06]
tags: earth day, green living, environmentally-friendly offices, work space, streaming video This video offers advice on how to be green at work by suggesting a few easy changes that you and your co-workers can make to save the environment [2:02]
tags: The Soloist, homelessness, mental illness, movie trailer, film, true story, streaming video Wow, now this is a movie that I must see! I heard an interview with the author of the book on which this film was based, LATimes reporter, Steve Lopez. He meets a mentally ill homeless man playing Beethoven on a violin with only two strings, and, recognizing his talent, writes a story about him. Lopez's readers send him musical instruments to give to this homeless man, who was a musical prodigy as a child. The resulting friendship transforms both men's lives in this inspirational true story [3:…
tags: umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba, behavior, humor, funny, streaming video This amusing video captures an umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba, taunting a pug by imitating its barking -- what do you suppose this cockatoo was saying? [1:17]
tags: Harry Potter news, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film trailer, movies, streaming video If you're like me, you have practically gnawed off all your fingers in anticipation of the often-delayed next installment in the Harry Potter film series; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which will FINALLY be released on 15 July. Here's the official trailer to keep you satisfied for .. oh, roughly two minutes [2:26]
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This amusing streaming video, featuring a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important message: Let's Bring the Magic Back! [1:50] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science communicators (perhaps, including me!). The voyage will apply the techniques of 21st century…
tags: Christians, religion, death, humor, streaming video A scientific study recently found that Christians are more likely to have aggressive medical care at the end of their lives -- why is that if heaven is so wonderful? In this video, Edward Current, the defender of Christianity everywhere, explains why Christians do not want to go to heaven early [3:17]
tags: Antwerp, The Sound of Music, public stunt, streaming video This video shows more than 200 dancers who performed "Do Re Mi" in the Central Station of Antwerp on 23 of March 2009, 8:00 AM. It was a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program, where they are looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of "The Sound of Music" [4:01]
You've never heard "in real time" screamed with so much passion. Not just one, but two big-haired metal-band bio-rock videos after the fold. . . (sources: here and here)
It seems like it was just last week that I wrote about colliding dark matter, showing what happens when two galaxy clusters collide. Well, nature has gone and one-upped me. Let me explain. Galaxy clusters are huge conglomerations of matter: normal matter (protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.) and dark matter (this mysterious, non-collisional stuff). We find them all over the place, and they can contain anywhere from a handful to thousands of galaxies. They are spectacular sights, and I'll give you one below. But one thing these galaxy clusters do, even today, is continue to gravitationally…
tags: bacteria, microbiology, TEDTalks, science, streaming video This interesting video is a TEDTalk. TED -- for Technology, Entertainment, Design -- talks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. They are a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give "the talk of their lives" in 18 minutes. In this TEDTalk, Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning…
tags: taxes, online tax filing, humor, satire, streaming video This amusing video tells us how to rely on a "green" solution to powering our laptops while figuring and filing our taxes [1:29]
Click here for more video book reviews by Joanne Manaster.
tags: animal porn, Apple computer, iPod, humor, funny, prank, streaming video This hilarious streaming video is a prank phone call to iPod Customer Support regarding "Animal Pornography" on the complainant's 4-year-old son's iPod [18:53] If you have a crank/prank idea, post it to Friday Night Cranks.
Previously, I showed how to analyze a cat video with Logger Pro. Logger Pro is nice, but so is Tracker Video. I also posted a comparison between Tracker and Logger Pro. Now, here is the same tutorial on the same video using Tracker Video. Record your screencast online I am not going to go through the analysis, since it would be the same as with Logger Pro.
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]