
tags: Boston Museum of Science, education, science, streaming video This fun and interesting video makes me want to go to Boston for a daytrip so I can go to the fabulous Museum of Science! [3:28].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few questions in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:38].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This video teaches me how to say "shit" in Finnish -- I must be well-equipped to express myself while in Helsinki, don't you think? [0:34].
Big trucks are not as popular as they used to be, but gas prices are going down so maybe this commercial for the ford F-150 will start showing up again: They say its a real demonstration, but it has seemed odd to me. (they also say this is a professional driver on a closed course and don't try this at home - damn! I was SO going to do that this weekend). Here is my analysis: Here is the important data I have gathered from the Internets. The truck (a Ford F-150) stops a plane C-123 Provider The curb weight of the F-150 is around 5,000 lbs - depending on options and stuff. The empty weight…
tags: gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, Orca, killer whales, Orcinus orca, streaming video This gripping video details the real-life story of a gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, being chased by a pod of hungry orcas, Orcinus orca, in Antarctica [5:01]. The submitter, Antarctica. SRSLY. writes: This has got to be one very, very relieved penguin! Probably thinking something along the lines of "I don't know if these strange creatures in the black rubber iceberg will eat me, but I KNOW the things in the water will eat me!" This video was given to me by the chef at Vernadsky, the Ukrainian…
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me the days of the week in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:32].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple phrases in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it [1:27].
tags: extreme bird watching, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a hilarious look at bird watching and bird watchers themselves -- in this video, you will meet such luminaries as Rodney "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair, Tanya "Titmouse" Slippers, Leo "The Loon" Cantarell and Warren "Dodo" Morgan [2:36]. So dear readers, which birder most resembles you? I think I am most like "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair: Judgment Day is coming for birders!
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple phrases in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it [1:10].
tags: triceratops, dinosaur exhibit, Boston Natural History Museum, Triceratops Cliff, streaming video This fascinating streaming video shows a time-lapse creation of a triceratops exhibit, Triceratops Cliff, in the Boston Natural History Museum. This video is especially relevant for Sunday morning because, besides being really interesting, this video will answer the question once and for all: Does god have a butt crack? [1:47].
Here is a video of a guy jumping 35 feet into a pool of water only 1 foot deep. UPDATE: Apparently, that video went away. Here is another version. How does this work? I don't think I even need to do a video analysis of this motion, all the important info is given. I will assume that air resistance did not play a signficant role (and that is a good assumption - or good enough - see this for example: motion of a falling tennis ball). So, here is the situation. Part 1: guy falls 35 feet 5 inches (10.8 meters). ![Screenshot 16sd](…
tags: plants, giant water lilies of the Amazon, David Attenborough, streaming video This video is a portion of the David Attenborough program about the lives of the giant water lilies of the Amazon region. It has some astonishing footage of the plants, its flowers and the habitat these plants provide. [4:27].
tags: pets, cutest kitten in the world, streaming video Squeeeeee!! This video shows the cutest kitten in the entire world. No, seriously. If you watch this video and remain unaffected by the cuteness of this kitten, I think you are a prime candidate for psychiatric evaluation [3:01].
tags: pets, cutest kitten in the world, streaming video This video is a 5 minute amateur documentary about Hawai'i's endangered birds and the causes of their decline. The filmographer writes; "This was somewhat a difficult topic and we suffered from a lack of suitable footage of native birds as most endangered birds are not seen regularly as they used to be decades ago. Could have done better for sure, in fact if I had the chance I'd do it over for the sake of sharing the issues of the human impact on island birds." I think this is a great start for a conservation filmographer! [5:14]
tags: pets, silly cat, streaming video This video proves that Japanese cats can be just as .. erm, "furry" as American cats. Oh, yeah, and they can be just as silly as American cats, too. In fact, with a cat like this as a pet, who needs a TV? [1:32].
tags: kiiking, Finnish entertainment, crazy Finns, streaming video When you were a kid, did you ever try to swing so high that you could touch the sky? Well, this video is a wee demonstration of one of the activities that my host in Helsinki is planning on doing while I am there to show me how the Finns entertain themselves -- impressive! I hope he doesn't eat anything before he does that, or he might end up wearing it [1:51].
tags: miniature horse foal, horses, cute baby animals, baby miniature horse, streaming video This video is perfect for Friday's animal blogging tradition. Barely larger than a cat (the traditional subject of animal blogging), this miniature horse foal is just. so. cute! Have I mentioned recently that I really want a pony? No? Well, miniature horses are NOT ponies, and for the record, I'd like to say that I DO want a miniature horse -- they are so small that they can live in my apartment comfortably and they can be house-broken. [0:54].
tags: North Norfolk Coast, UK coastline, salt marshes, shingle dunes, shorebirds, seabirds, streaming video This wildlife film shows the wildlife that can be found along the North Norfolk Coast of the UK during the winter. From Seals to migrating waders, salt marshes to shingle dunes, we are able to see many species and beautiful sights in this special part of Norfolk -- lots of amazing and interesting bird behavior! [11:18] Evolving Tides from Peter Naylor.
tags: Sarah Palin, politics, satire, humor, streaming video Sarah Palin has such a good idea to put the federal checkbook online -- it's such a good idea that Coburn (R), Obama (D) and McCain (R) already beat her to it .. in 2006. Like, duh! But I shouldn't criticize Sarah because she gives hope to all brain dead poodles that they too, may one day become vice president. [0:53]
tags: Sarah Palin, politics, satire, humor, streaming video Sarah Palin: This streaming video provides an overview of her experience that makes her the most qualified human being in America to be the vice presidential candidate for the Republican ticket. This shows that all Republicans with an IQ over 100 have wisely abandoned the party long ago [5:38]