
Freaking hilarious! Nothing to do with the brain though - ohh well. Don't play this out loud at work - it's a bit potty mouthed. (Sorry for the autostart - I can't figure out how to not let it automatically start). And if you have thoughts about which dirty words are appropriate and which are not... head on over to Cognitive Daily for todays Casual Friday. Since I'm sooo terribly sick of having this video autoplay I am switching it out with this nice little quiet link.
Does anyone have any suggestions for tomorrows Multimedia Friday? It can be reader request day or something like that ;) And in thanks for your input I leave you with this completely unconfirmed set of results from a website reporting about a publication on nose picking: * 8.7% claim that they have never picked their nose. (In other words, they are liars or they can't remember doing it as a kid.) * 91% stated that they had picked their nose in the past and were still actively practicing this habit. Yet, only 49.2% of the respondents actually thought that nose-picking was common in…
Art Week ( its retroactive art week) continues with this strange little commercial with Salvador Dali pimping Alka Seltzer. Enjoy,
techno Magnetic Resonance Imaging...aka tMRI
Here's some entertainment from Big Bend. This is my friend Gary who has to be the worst yodeler - ever.
Here's a music video that some students from a neuroscience lab made. Perhaps they should be given more work to do?!
I almost forgot about Multimedia Friday! Here's some brain surgery! [edit by Sandra - the procedure in the video is removal of a Hydatid cyst. It's a tapeworm, eww!] Hahaha.... soooo cheezy. Wilder Penfield - the greatest Canadian alive!
Since I'm away I scheduled this Ali G video post I found on Ginny's blog, Sequitur. Enjoy!
Nothing neuroscience/psychology related today only videos of Big Bend National Park in Texas that I should be on my way to right about now. So enjoy...and be jealous! ;) I'll be back next Wednesday. See you then! (there are a couple more videos below the fold)
Strangely entrancing....via boingboing
Uhh... a Nova episode where Einstein's brain 'speaks' - a bit weird. Especially b/c Einstein admits to being a Bears fan. The next video is the Story of Kenji Sugimoto, professor in Math and Science history at Kinki university in Japan on a pilgrimage to find Einstein's brain. Kenji Sugimoto is a professor in mathematics and science history at the Kinki university in Japan. He has spent thirty years documenting einstein's life and person. To complete his life's work, the professor travelled to America in search of the key to the mind of the great thinker. Part 1: Part 2: The rest below the…
From the YouTube description: Back in April of 2006, there were two not-to-be-missed activities in Pensacola, Florida: a visit to the United States Navy's supremely cool naval aviation museum and watch the Blue Angels practice their high-G maneuvers over the airfield, or a visit to Kent Hovind's back-yard creationist theme park, Dinosaur Adventure Land, to film a documentary using the video feature on a Canon digital stills camera and a Creative MP3 player for the voice overs. Both, we found, were equally rewarding... Addendum: Turns out that Kent Hovind is dealing with some rather more…
Ahhh the life of the grad students. The Simpsons have it soooo right. Ok.. I don't actually grade any papers or have a pony tail...but hahahah... I have a feeling this is going to be more like my entry into teaching: (HT: Jennifer and David for the video links)
Funny since my mother is a librarian... "March of the Librarians" is a spoof of sorts of the "March of the Penguins." Via Improbable Research Blog Watch out for that hipster librarian in the crowd! I also just ran across this at Bad Astronomy Blog: Good stuff!
So cheezy.... Now for a classic.... And finally here's an entire site of children's songs rewritten to be about the brain. And finally...a robot playing John Coltraine.
Via BoingBoing What it's about: BLOGUMENTARY playfully explores the many ways blogs are influencing our media, our politics, and our relationships. Personal political ... all » writing is the foundation of our democracy, but mass media has reduced us to passive consumers instead of active citizens. Blogs return us to our roots and reengage us in democracy. Shot in candid first-person style by director Chuck Olsen. Find the whole video below the fold.
Watch as Max sneezes out his brain and tries to figure out what to do! This cartoon is AWESOME :) I give it 4 astrocytes or something like that... See more videos below the fold. Here's one of the most pointless - poorly drawn - boring you tube videos I've ever seen! I love it! It's a girl drawing a neuron and all its parts :) This should really be over at Retrospectacle... in any case - here's a pretty cool parrot doing crazy sound effects.
GW Pharmaceuticals has developed a diet drug derived from Marijuana which suppresses the appetite. This is especially surprising for obvious reasons - perhaps a little ironic?! Clearly the marijuana plant contains many many different compounds - but who would have thought that one of them suppressed the urge to gorge yourself on cheeze doodles and icy pops. The drug will soon be entering into human trials to combat obesity. Don't get too exited about getting high on the drug though since that doesn't happen to be one of the side effects. Well...that is unless you want to find the secret…
Here's a little Monty Python action about a brain surgeon. D. P. Gumby - My Brain Hurts! and a little P-Funk below the fold... Parliament Funkadelic "Maggot Brain" 1978