
Video of a Second Life virtual reality simulation of psychosis in schizophrenia, created by UC Davis Professor of Psychiatry Peter Yellowlees. Also, create a psychotic VR therapeutic scenario with NeuroVR (from Positive Technology Journal).
You've played the game.... now see the movie - Minesweeper! Funny stuff.... Thanks Davemeister Rozovskiramadamadingdong!
Since we're talking about panicking about drugs today, complements of Robot Chicken:
Via Neatorama and the Presurfer
A music video, a crowdsourced homecast cultural expression ... Brain Tamer by Peter Johnson. Brain Tamer
Channel 4 in Britain has created a series documenting what goes on in Autopsies, but even more exciting is that they've made them available online for your viewing...pleasure? I'm a pretty squeamish guy, which is one of the (many) reasons I didn't go to medical school. So if you're particularly grossed out by dead, cut open people then you should perhaps not watch these graphic videos. I'm about to force myself to check out the videos though! Wish me luck ;) Here's a short description from the show webpage: These clips contain scenes of a graphic nature demonstrating disections of the…
It certainly is a silly video.... This episode is about stem cells.
Thanks to Vaughan over at Mind Hacks we've discovered that the great movie The Brain That Wouldn't Die is now in the public domain :) You can watch it below the fold or even download it in full right here or here. This movie is a wonderful, wonderful movie! ... ok, really, I've never seen it nor do I think I'll take the time to watch it unless I'm really bored. But you should! Let us know how it is. It is after all about brains! Here's the plot summary from imdb: After a car crash, a man keeps his wife's head alive in his laboratory. As if this weren't enough, an evil beast pounds and…
Are you a politician or currently considering a run for office? Do you agree with Richard Nixon that drugs are "public enemy number one in the United States"? Are you worried that smoking marijuana makes you insane, turns you into a violent criminal or causes death? Do you worry daily about why prohibition failed? Do you think the War on Drugs is a great idea? Are you stressed out about these things and need an easy way out? Incarcerex may be for you! Take a look at this great spoof from! Does your politician suffer from Chronic Re-Election Paranoia (CREEP)? Do you think our…
Seeing Eye Horse - The funniest home videos are hereSeeing Eye Horse
Thanks to LonelyFatGuy, our Belgian friend
A special musical performance just before the closing ceremony. Who are the cowboys in suits at the end?
Hadeel Masoudi of Amman, Jordan explains her project on shark antibodies.
Adam Halverson of Garretson, South Dakota, gives a tour of his robot creation.
"Pavlov's Cockroach: Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect," sounds like a great paper and seriously...salivation in the cockroach! that's great stuff ;) But this is certainly not the first time classical conditioning has been demonstrated in other animals. Heck, Eric Kandel (among others) won the Nobel prize for his work on classical conditioning and learning in Aplysia (sea slugs). If you're really excited about the salivation component of Classical Conditioning here's a little summary from Medical News Today :) A new study, led by Makoto Mizunami and colleagues at Tohoku…
Ever see a rat tickled? You can now - and evidently they laugh :) [via scienceblog] Here's another video of rats playing with their owner. I knew they could be friendly but this is something new to me. I didn't know that they could have so much personality - I was pretty sure they just crept around sewers or sat in a nest all day.
[HT Developing Intelligence]
Yes yes... I know cancer isn't funny and I also seem to be obsessed with Family Guy in the last day or two. So without further ado.... Here's a Peter Tumor!
Mathew Tucker of Mankato, Minnesota shares the inspiration and development of his tornado model.
"The Brain of Morbius". Doctor Who challenges an increasingly unstable Morbius to a mind-bending contest. Enjoy ;)