
Interesting video about a couple teen girls who are conjoined.
I ran across this blog which has all sorts of optical illusions, and they are not limited to the ones in psychology text books. Check it out!
Here's another video for you guys to figure out if it's real or not! From the YouTube profile: An old British kids show that never aired on tv. Watch and you will see why. Talk about innuendos ;)
They're invading... watch out!!! ohhh nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like there are a couple of interesting articles/TV shows out there in the last couple days highlighting some Omni Brain topics of the last few weeks. You know how I love the mind control people, It looks like the Washington Post has a great article on it... Mind Games New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that. And of course you all remember the severed dogs head! National Geographic is producing a show about the Russian research that came up…
Ohh boy... I've seen this kind of thing before - but it's always shocking anyway. I know they must interview a whole bunch of people and only put the biggest idiots in - which you could do in any country, but still... idiots! haha -UPDATE Below the fold- Thanks entitlement for this funny video :) More evidence that people in the U.S. are stupid...
I always find it interesting when advertisers use basic psychological research to sell their products - In this case Mountain Dew uses an RSVP task. Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a technique in psychology (it's also being used for more practical things like displaying text on small displays) used to study a number of topics like attentional blink, temporal masking and repetition blindness. This ad doesn't quite fit into that mold since you don't know what the target is before hand, but the basic idea is there - show a bunch of pictures (or words) in rapid succession and your…
Freaking cool - I just saw this on PBS's Nature:
1: Nat Neurosci. 2007 Jan;10(1):27-9. Epub 2006 Dec 17. Mechanisms of scent-tracking in humans. * Porter J, * Craven B, * Khan RM, * Chang SJ, * Kang I, * Judkewicz B, * Volpe J, * Settles G, * Sobel N. 299 Life Science Addition, MC 3200, Program in Biophysics, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720, USA. Whether mammalian scent-tracking is aided by inter-nostril comparisons is unknown. We assessed this in humans and found that (i) humans can scent-track, (ii) they improve with practice…
Pretty cool!
Here's a working brain - mine. I took it out of my skull and recorded it. Produced, Written, Filmed, Edited, and Directed by me! I should go into Hollywood! Isn't it the most amazing movie you've ever seen?!?!
Just because it should be posted at least once a year - Pinky and the Brain go over the parts of the brain - in song!
you know... this brain is broken! it is supposed to open its mouth (which is pretty creepy and cool) at the end while it's growling - I'll post my improved brain after I make it into the office.
Check out this new pilot from PBS. You can watch the episode next Wednesday on TV or you can see it right now right here. If you want this program to continue show your support by watching and sending your love to the website :) Here is their press release: 22nd Century "World Wide Mind" Wednesday, January 17, 2007 8:00 p.m. EST Ever wonder what the world is going to be like in the future? Will human life spans increase to 250 years or more? Will your personal computer become smarter than you? Will machines shrink so small they can make repairs inside a human cell? 22nd Century is an…
If you want some more cool parasite info check out The Loom
Got an hour or two? Check out the 2 part documentary, The God Delusion with Richard Dawkins Part 2 is below the fold, as are the results of the Omni Brain user survey on religion (well it's really a single question). Would you call yourself religious? yes 13.6% no 86.4%
-via mindhacks- This is Temple Grandin, whose Autism helps her understand the cows she's working with. She helps them feel comfortable as they get taken to the slaughter house. Temple was profiled by Oliver Sacks in An Anthropologist on Mars. I think she might have even made the comment that she feels like an anthropologist on mars which obviously became the title of the book (i could be wrong since its been a while since I've read it). I think she also created an interesting machine that could best be described as a 'hugging' machine.