your inner child

tags: Susan Powter, humor, poodle exercise video, satire, streaming video Really weird poodle exercise video for humans. This is a mesmerizing and frightening video that's a word-for-word parody of Susan Powter's first workout video, featuring poodles and a crazy poodle-woman. Absolutely surreal. It was made by Nagi Noda for Panasonic. It was part of 10 films made for the 2004 Athens Olympics. [3:29]
tags: christmas tree, online quiz This is a cute quiz and you have to let me know what your results were! You Are a Tinsel Tree For you, Christmas is no different than the rest of the year. And this means you do things your own way - and continue to surprise people. What Christmas Tree Are You?
tags: movies, online quiz I think this is a low point in my online quiz taking because I disagree with this prognosis. How about you -- do you agree or disagree with your own results? Your Christmas is Most Like: How the Grinch Stole Christmas You can't really get into the Christmas spirit... But it usually gets to you by the end of the holiday. What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?
tags: christmas stocking, online quiz Here is an amusing online quiz for you to play with -- I don't know about you, but I sure hope that my stocking is filled with the goodies that the quiz predicted for me! You Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled with Money You've either been really really good this year... Or Santa is trying to pay you off! What Will Be In Your Christmas Stocking?
tags: elf name, online quiz This is an absolutely silly online quiz, but that doesn't stop me from playing with it anyway, nor should it stop you! Your Elf Name Is... Spicy Stocking Stuffer What's Your Elf Name?
tags: holiday personality, online quiz This quiz is an example of being told what you want to hear. I mean, who wants to be told they are a holiday grinch? Well, after playing with it for awhile, I don't think that's one of the answers, but do let me know iof any of you get to be a grinch. My results are below the fold; Your Holiday Personality is Caring You like to reach out to people all year long, but you're especially giving during the holidays. Make those you love homemade presents (like cookies or scarves). Call someone who might be feeling a little down. Give to your favorite…
tags: santa's reindeer, online quiz Okay, this is a seasonally appropriate quiz that you all have to take, and yes, you have to share your results here, too! My results are below the fold; You Are Cupid A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer. Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other. Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up! Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
tags: star wars, star trek, lego, streaming video This is an amusing fan-flick using starships made from legos, showing a battle between the starship enterprise and the x-wing fights from star wars [3:16]
tags: star trek, blu-ray phaser, streaming video Hack a Playstation 3 blu-ray laser and turn the Star Trek Phaser into a Blu-Ray Laser Phaser! First time in the world this has ever been done! Less than$100 [1:27]. Blu-Ray Laser Phaser!
Are you already worried about Christmas shopping? Are you worried about what to get that family member or friend who seems to have everything? Well, worry no more! Thanks to a reader of mine, you now can give the most unusual gift that anyone has every received; the gift of a Fish 'n Flush! Not only can you keep freshwater or marine fish in this unique set up, but you can also keep lizards or frogs or live plants or even inanimate objects in this thing! Wow, what a great gift, especially for that person on your holiday shopping list who has everything! (No, I earn nothing for showing this to…
tags: hands, online quiz What Your Hands Say About You You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations. Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible. Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life. What Do Your Hands Say About You? I had no idea that hands could say so many conflicting things about a person .. did you?
tags: pirate, talk like a pirate day As you all know, today is talk like a pirate day, a day that is so important to all of us pirates because of the tight correlation between the increase in global temperatures and the decrease in pirates worldwide! So join with me and my parrots by declaring your pirate-ness, and help save the world from global warming! You can do it! I also have a cute cartoon below the fold to share with you that two people sent to me within the past couple hours, and a pirate quiz that you will enjoy. Image source: Partially Clips [Shiver me timbers size] And of…
tags: cadaver calculator, online quiz Thanks to my drinking pal (and blog pal) Orac, I now know that, as corpses go, I am worth a fair amount, it would appear, according to the cadaver calculator. In fact, I'd guess that I am worth more dead than alive! How about you? $5150.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
I always find it interesting that people try to hide their likenesses from their blog and then spend the rest of their blog careers trying to recreate an icon or avatar that looks just like them. Anyway, here's my avatar (it's not a very good likeness), thanks to a fellow SciBling. Create your own Simpsons avatar.
This rating, oddly, is because I used these words (to answer my previous question, no it does not seem to pick up words below the fold); sexy (7x) ass (6x) poop (5x) porn (4x) Well, now that I have forever ruined any remote chance that I might have had to become gainfully employed (ho-hum), I am done goofing around.
This rating is because I used these very dangerous words; sexy (6x) ass (5x) poop (4x) Okay, let's see if it picks up nasty words that appear below the fold; sex xxx handcuffs whips dominatrix
I have a boring rating because I only use these very scary words; hell (4x) dangerous (2x) sexy (1x) Dangerous?? I can't help it, I am compelled to try to raise my rating to something more respectable; porn porn porn porn poop poop poop poop boobs boobs boobs boobs ass ass ass ass ass naughty naughty naughty naughty sexy sexy sexy sexy
I'm not sure that I like my results. Which Programming Language are You? So tell me, dear readers, which programming language are you?
tags: Harry Potter, humor, satire Courtesy of Non sequitur [larger] There's another one below the fold .. Courtesy of Non sequitur [larger]
tags: Harry Potter, theme park, entertainment Hogsmeade Village from "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter." Inspired by J.K. Rowling's compelling stories and faithful to the visual landscapes of the films, fans will soon be able to experience the world of Harry Potter. Opening in 2009, "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" will feature rides and attractions, as well as shops and restaurants that will enable fans to sample fare from the wizarding world's best known establishments. Image: PRNewsFoto/Universal Orlando Resort [larger] Okay, even though I am a Harry Potter maniac, I will…