your inner child

You'll find a few items in this quiz that are correct according to British grammarians, but are incorrect according to American grammarians. To take the test and to see my score, see below the fold. Your English Skills: Grammar: 100% Punctuation: 100% Spelling: 100% Vocabulary: 100% Does Your English Cut the Mustard?
As I said, I want to remind you, dear readers, that I am still here, and still missing you all, so I dug up a quiz that you might enjoy. This quiz presumably determines how logical you are. The good thing about this quiz is that I have some evidence that all the drugs I've had to take recently haven't permanently impaired my cognitive functioning, at least. But wow, the illustration that accompanies the quiz sure could be improved. What do you all think? You Are Incredibly Logical Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic You think rationally, clearly, and quickly. A seasoned…
Another quiz for you to enjoy while you are supposed to be working (and I am supposed to be convalescing) .. and gee, how did they know that I'd chew coffee beans if I was in a crunch? Mocha Frappuccino Hyper and driven, you'll take your caffeine any way you can get it. Frappuccinos are good, but you'd probably chew coffee beans in a crunch! What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?
This streaming video is clumsily made, but at least the visual quality is good. I'm a victim of gravity. Everything keeps fallin' down on me. No matter where I go That forces that I know, Just a pullin' me down, down, down, down, down. It's all around town now, It's like a magnet deep inside the ground. When I lift something up, I can feel it pulling down. It pulls me in the pool, It pulls rain down on me. I'm a victim of Down, down, down, down, gravity, yeah. . tags: schoolhouse rock, education, teaching, streaming video
I am posting another silly quiz for you to play with, mostly to remind you that I am here in the background, checking in and thinking about all of you, dear readers, but I am still unable to post very often due to inconsistent computer access (and I am trying to access my blog using an antiquated Dell computer that loves to crash, which is truly a severe punishment). However, I do read and enjoy your comments, so please keep them coming! Anyway, my quiz results are hardly surprising in the grand scheme but they are below the fold for you to enjoy. Of course I am curious to know your results…
Well every person you can know The Beatles and the Monkees, Chubby Checker And every place that you can go Like a neighborhood or a store And anything that you can show Like a dime or a record machine You know they're nouns. A noun's a special kind of word It's any name you ever heard I find it quite interesting A noun's a person, place or thing. A noun is a person, place or thing. . tags: schoolhouse rock, education, teaching, streaming video
My hero, Zero, such a funny little hero, But 'till you came along, We counted on our fingers and toes. Now you're here to stay And nobody really knows How wonderful you are. Why we could never reach a star, Without you, Zero, my hero, How wonderful you are. What's so wonderful about a zero? It's nothing, isn't it? Sure, it represents nothing alone. But place a zero after 1 And you've got yourself a 10. See how important that is? When you run out of digits, You can start all over again. See how convenient that is? . tags: schoolhouse rock, education, teaching, streaming video
Even though it is a weekday and I tend to write serious science-y material on days such as this, I am putting this silly quiz here just to let you know that I am thinking about all of you and that I miss you all, dear readers. You Are Kermit Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems. Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green. Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test
Electricity at rest is called static electricity. Like in the winter, wearing a heavy coat, You get a shock off the doorknob. Or you scrape across a carpet And sneak up on your very best friend, And zap 'im on the ear with a shock of- Electricity, Electricity Current flowing to and fro, makes a circuit of Electricity, Electricity Voltage is the pressure that makes it go. It's pushin' uh... Electricity, Electricity... Watts will tell you just how much You'll be usin' Uh... Electricity, Electricity Yet another installment from the Schoolhouse Rock series. . tags: schoolhouse rock,…
If you were, you would know how to do fun things like what you see in this video (below the fold) using common kitchen objects. But no, you all opted to be business majors instead! What's happening here? When carbonated beverages and mentos candies are mixed together, they create a volcanic explosion. Can anyone write out the chemical equation for what is happening in this video? tags: streaming video, coke+mentos, chemistry
So when you're happy (Hurray!) or sad (Aw!) Or frightened (Eeeeeek!) or mad (Rats!) Or excited (Wow!) or glad (Hey!) An interjection starts a sentence right. Interjections (Hey!) show excitement (Hey!) or emotion (Hey!). They're generally set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point, Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong. Interjections show excitement or emotion, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah... YEA! This episode is one of several that really sticks out in my mind. . tags: schoolhouse rock, education, teaching, streaming video
We the people In order to form a more perfect union, Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, Provide for the common defense, Promote the general welfare and Secure the blessings of liberty To ourselves and our posterity Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. This video should bring back a few memories for some of you, and it is an important lesson for the current administration, who behave as though they've never heard of the US Constitution. . tags: schoolhouse rock, education, teaching, streaming video
It takes three legs to make a tri-pod Or to make a table stand. It takes three wheels to make a ve-hicle Called a tricycle. Every triangle has three corners, Every triangle has three sides, No more, no less. You don't have to guess. When it's three you can see It's a magic number. Do you remember those Saturday mornings, sitting around in front of the TV in your pajamas when you were a kid, waiting for that week's episode of Schoolhouse Rock? I do. So I have decided it would be fun to watch one of the Schoolhouse Rock videos with you each week, just like the good old days, except I will…