your inner child

Get Your Sexy Name But I actually like this name better; Get Your Sexy Name But I am such an amazing lover that, when I give the generator my full name -- "GrrlScientist" -- it blows up! But when I give it my name in bits and pieces, it gives me this (see above the jump for the first part of my name); Get Your Sexy Name
tags: blogosphere, meme, science badges meme Okay, my good readers, ScienceScouts has updated their badge page, so I thought I'd start a little meme where we all compare badges, sort of like an advanced form of navel-gazing, except for scientists and other geeks. Below the fold, I've listed which badges I qualify for, along with a brief comment regarding that badge, and I invite you to join in the fun! Which badges do I qualify for? Here's a list; The I've published at the Science Creative Quarterly Badge. It happened a long, long time ago when I was still at my blogger site. If you humor…
tags: The Ant Whisperer, ants, hymenoptera, pheromones, EO Wilson, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, evolution, streaming video If I owned a television, you can bet I'd be watching this Nova program on PBS tonight: The Lord of the Ants. This program describes some of EO Wilson's amazing discoveries about ant communication, behavioral ecology and evolution [3:40]
tags: child stars, Disney, geneticists, satire, humor, funny, social commentary, streaming video In this amazing news report, Disney claims its latest batch of child stars is so lifelike, you'll barely be able to tell they have no souls [2:40]
tags: Snickers Bar, candy bar, Kitchen Science, cloning food, Todd Wilbur, streaming video Famous food cloner, Todd Wilbur, wraps his head with tape and attempts to duplicate the world's most popular candy bar [5:59]
tags: duckling rescue, birds, cute, streaming video Bankers have a bad (although, deserved) rap these days, don't they? This BBC video shows banker Joel Armstrong of Spokane, Washington, who was nice enough to initiate an intensive bailout (eviction?) of his neighbors, who could no longer stay in their home. His neighbors: a family of mallards [1:10] Yes, he did the same thing last year, so the video and the story, which is fresh, might look familiar.
tags: animals, kittens, whack-a-kitty game, silliness, cute, funny, streaming video This video is filled with head-exploding cuteness! It's time to play Whack-A-Kitty! It's like the game, Whack-A-Mole, but on cute overload. [1:33]
tags: animals, porcupine, banana, hiccups, cute, funny, streaming video This cute video depicts a baby porcupine (also called porcupet) while he eats a banana. You'll hear tiny squeaks -- those are hiccups! [1:24]
tags: movies, film, Star Trek prequel, satire, humor, funny, The Onion, streaming video I'm not sure I want to see the new Star Trek film. Based on this video report, long time fans of the Star Trek franchise say JJ Abrams' enjoyable, engaging prequal betrays what Star Trek is all about. [2:22]
tags: film, movies, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, streaming video This video shows the West Wales site where two Hollywood blockbusters will be filmed this summer. Harry Potter and Robin Hood will both be filmed in Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire. [2:05] Filming for for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is already underway. Roads will be closed in Pembrokeshire, as building for Shell Cottage begins. Shell Cottage plays a prominent part in JK Rowling's final book. Originally located on a little cliff in Cornwall, Harry, Ron and Hermione take shelter in Shell Cottage whilst on the…
tags: An Engineer's Guide to Cats, pets, humor, funny, streaming video I've shown you this video before, but it I enjoyed it so much that I think it is worthy of an encore showing. Two professional engineers illustrate the proper care and practical benefits of cats. None of the cats, humans, or engineers were mistreated in the making of this film. They were however, slightly annoyed. [6:57]
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This strange and amusing streaming video features a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important purpose: Let's knock ourselves out to rebuild the HMS Beagle and use this vessel to follow Darwin's journey of discovery! [1:14] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science…
tags: Harry Potter, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, books, film, movies, streaming video Image: Garrett Hubbard. In what is probably the cleverest scheme to capture any remaining pocket change that Bernard Madoff has not swindled out of the average American, the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry is slated to open a Harry Potter exhibit on Thursday, 30 April. According to what I've read, Harry Potter: The Exhibition takes visitors from the Hogwarts Express train platform through the Gryffindor common room, classrooms, the Great Hall, the Forbidden Forest and Hagrid's hut…
tags: Phinneas Phogg, Seattle, Pike Place Market, parrots, pets, entertainment, streaming video This interesting video is an interview with Chris and Phineas Phogg, who entertain crowds at the Pike Place Market in my other home, Seattle. In this video, Chris talks about about their lives as Buskers. This video reminds me of my own beloved Congo African Grey parrot, Zazu, who died while under the care of a so-called Veterinary Technician while I was in the hospital. I always want another Grey parrot, but watching this video makes me especially miss my parrot, and my home. [5:30]
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This strange and amusing streaming video features a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important purpose: Let's help build the HMS Beagle and follow Darwin's journey of discovery! [1:06] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science communicators (perhaps, including me!). The…
tags: Harry Potter news, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film trailer, movies, streaming video If you're like me, you have practically gnawed off all your fingers in anticipation of the often-delayed next installment in the Harry Potter film series; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which will FINALLY be released on 15 July. Here's the official trailer to keep you satisfied for .. oh, roughly two minutes [2:26]
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This amusing streaming video, featuring a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important message: Let's Bring the Magic Back! [1:50] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science communicators (perhaps, including me!). The voyage will apply the techniques of 21st century…
tags: animal porn, Apple computer, iPod, humor, funny, prank, streaming video This hilarious streaming video is a prank phone call to iPod Customer Support regarding "Animal Pornography" on the complainant's 4-year-old son's iPod [18:53] If you have a crank/prank idea, post it to Friday Night Cranks.
tags: film, trailer, Everyone Poops, humor, satire, streaming video If you saw the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are, then you will recognize that this streaming video is a satire of that, providing us with a humorous look at the children's book, Everyone Poops [1:18]
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]