After being prompted by GrrlScientist and Prof John Lynch, I took this test again remembering that I scored in the 79th percentile before we joined
The results page states further that, "it's time to apply to MIT," but after the Tonegawa/Karpova thing, I'll stay with my land-grant state university-earned PhD, thank-you very much. If they wouldn't have me back then, no need to think they'd have me now!
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Nice...I took the test myself !
OK, I know it's just for amusement purposes, but. . .
Excuse me, owning a graphing calculator makes you more nerdy? A graphing calculator?? Is this some kind of a [bad] joke?
And what, pray tell, has age supposedly got to do with nerdiness? Is nerdiness something one grows out of? or into? You couldn't prove it, either way, by me.
Anybody that enjoys doing more than not doing is nerdy, didn't you get the memo?
Graphing caclulators, being teriffically useful, thus make you neardy. Or perhaps thinking that they are terrifically useful, and not understanding why they would make you neardy, is what makes you neardy.
Surprised that I got a 98%, probably has something to do with not being able to figure out why I scored so high. . .
Perhaps the age is used to provide different weighting to different questions, such as level of education.