Bloggers making a vas deferens

I am very deeply touched (as I was literally yesterday) by the outpouring of support and best wishes from fellow bloggers on the liveblogging of my vasectomy.

For all of the dark humor and puns, you have each been instrumental in supporting my aim of telling men relatively quick and painless the procedure is, or at least getting them to think about this as a contraceptive alternative to having their wives undergo a more involved tubal ligation.

I'll still never understand what makes things fly in the blogosphere as I spend hours writing what I think are thoughtful posts about drug safety and herbal medicines but get tenfold 25-fold higher traffic when I write about my own minor medical procedure.

But to pay tribute to the shoulders on which I stand, blog pioneer Grey Duck posted his before and after vasectomy accounts way back in May 2002.

Anyway, I just want to thank everyone for posting - the list below is roughly in chronological order - please let me know if I missed yours:

Dude liveblogs own vasectomy - A Blog Around the Clock (Bora Zivkovic)
This is bound to become an internet classic - nanopolitan
A Series of Tubes - Uncertain Principles (Chad Orzel)
Do You Have the Stones for It? - DrugMonkey
Dedication to blogging - Twisted One 151
Ouch!- Respectful Insolence (Orac)
Snip snip! - Pharyngula (PZ Myers)
Getting the snip - /home/me
Manly! Abel Pharmboy Liveblogs His Vasectomy - I Speak of Dreams (Liz Ditz)
Extreme Liveblogging - Crashed Pips
Of course, I won't be completely sperm-free until 20 to 30 post-operative ejaculations, the thought of which brings me great comfort - blogbites
Pharmboy got snipped - live! - King Aardvark's Kick in the Nuts
Vasectomy live-blogging - Science Notes (monado)
Skepchick Quickies 2.22 - Skepchick

At Be Lambic or Green, lambic revealed that he too underwent his own vasectomy on the very same day - good on ya, mate!

And many thanks to Lila Guterman for recognizing me in her blog, *Footnoted - from academic blogs, at The Chronicle of Higher Education. After 21 years of educating university students, this is the first time I have garnered the notice of The Chronicle.

BikeMonkey also crawled out of his garage at the old DrugMonkey:
Live-blogging a Vasectomy: PSA from Abel Pharmboy

And we even made it into Italian:
Inserire Pin - Lol Wut.

A Blog Too Far? - Rising Hegemon (DeDurkheim)
Pardon me while I dial my Sphincter tightening up to 11... - Boulder Dude
Pharmboy's Vasectomy - Winter's Haven
Friday Blog Roundup - The Pump Handle
Vasectomy Chronicles -
I feel guilty - About neglecting my blog when other bloggers are this devoted. - Brian Flemming's Blog
Sunday Afternoon Thoughts Part 5 - The Higher Ed Marketing Blog
Blogrolling and other matters - The Inverse Square Blog (Prof Tom Levenson)
Yackety Yak - Anonymoustache
In The Future, Your Vasectomy Will Be Liveblogged -
Liveblogging your vasectomy - Question Technology
Bangas - missing points
Grand Rounds 4.22: The Future of Medicine - Canadian Medicine
Drive-Bys - Leslie's Omnibus
Links for a Sunday Morning - Simplicity (Chugs)
Sunday Afternoon Thoughts Part 6
- The Higher Ed Marketing Blog
Things To Do During The Blizzard of '08 - Long Live the Village Green


And we get e-mail wishes as well: this photo of the annual Olean (MO) festival from my British pharma PR bud, Insider/Jack Friday, of Pharmagossip.

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The link for nanopolitan's post is the same as the one following it.

By Stagyar zil Doggo (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

tenfold higher traffic when I write about my own minor medical procedure.

Dude, you got ten-fold higher traffic because you wrote about your fucking balls.

Your post was an excellent example of how a blogger can improve understanding of "delicate" subjects and I loved your humorous approach. I'm chuffed to bits to have found your blog via Pharyngula.

Hope your plums are recovering nicely ;¬)

I think it's fantastic that you chose to tell your vasectomy story in the most effective way possible: live and in a humorous tone.
Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

I've just left an appropriate comment over at above Chronicle of Higher Education blog.

Many congratulations on the broad coverage and providing the latest evidence on the significant importance of posting an informative blog.