The Joy of Questioning by Sunil

The first essay in a series of science essays to be published at is out. It is titled The Joy of Questioning and is written by Sunil of balancing life blog. Yours truly imagines that he has improved his reading skills. Give it a listen. An excerpt:

...Even the most educated seem to hold on dearly to some of these beliefs. We would consult with astrologers to know blessed times (the moments when stars, planets and the moon are in fantastic positions bringing us fame and fortune). We would change the spelling of a name in the hopes of nominative prosperity. We would sit tight without moving a muscle when the Indian cricket team plays, in the belief that the fortunes of the Indian team rested on us not moving a muscle, because the moment a muscle is moved, we are convinced that disaster would befall the Indian team. Of course, there will be this one incident where Tendulkar would get out when someone got up to pee, validating your belief and dooming you and your friends from then on to watch every moment of every cricket match that India plays while the bladder screams in agony.

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So that's what happened on Tuesday evening.

I did a search here and I was surprised to see apparently no mention of early Indian mathematician Brahmagupta. If not the discoverer of "zero" he seems to be the first to have studied it, besides making other math and astronomical advances.

Maybe you have a different spelling of his name.

A site about education that I discovered in searching the subject. I haven't checked it out, but it seems interesting.