Scienceblogs weekly recap

Signnup for the nifty newsletter and automatically enter the ScienceBlogs 500,000 Comment contest, the winner of which gets to visit a great science city (probably Cambridge, UK. Not far away from where I live. Woohoo! Come visit humble me while in UK.) Between, the winner of the 500k comment contest is not necessarily the writer of the 500 thousandth comment. Once Sb hits 500k comments, a winner will be randomly picked from the registered email addresses at Sb.

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To celebrate the fast-approaching 500,000th reader comment, ScienceBlogs is running a contest. To enter, all you need to do is post a comment on any of the blogs in the SB network, using a valid email address. Alternatively, you can sign up to the new weekly newsletter. When the 500,000th comment…
During our casual 3.5 hour dinner last night, Bora and I got to wondering... Why isn't North Carolina's Research Triangle in grand prize destinations for the 500,000 comment contest? Winner receives a 5-day trip to the greatest science city in the world and the three contenders are Boston/…
Well, we've done it. Just over one year has passed since we hit 500,000 comments, and now, September 16, 2008, at 8:32 a.m. Eastern Time, we've reached 1,000,000. Hooray! Check out the ScienceBlogs homepage throughout the day; we'll be rotating some of what we thought were the best of the million…
Maybe by now you've noticed the new box at the top of the comments, just below every post, asking you to enter the ScienceBlogs 500,000th comment contest. You have to submit your email address with your comment to be entered. Or sign up for the Sb weekly recap. Well, just click on comment below to…