The intoxicated brain

The intoxicated brain knows no fear. Apparently, that's why people loosen-up when drunk and will happily talk to fearsome strangers. That's funny, 'coz someone I know will go completely quiet when drunk and will simply stare at you like you are a wall of abstract painting if you talk to him. I am wondering why..

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The consumption of alcohol seems to exacerbate the mood that the person was in prior to consumption. It does not make everyone brave and talkative. Pre-existing depression may potentially be the reason your friend becomes quiet and withdrawn after drinking.

Also different people seem to react differently to alcohol. It may be that your friend is, under whatever his "normal" personality may be, really a quiet, withdrawn, even shy person. When his inhibitions are lowered by alcohol these qualities could be more pronounced.
And this is purely perception (I've never done a formal study) but different types of alcohol seem to me to affect people differently. For instance tequila seems to bring out the dark side in everyone I know who drinks it--but only when it's consumed straight. Margarita drinkers are slightly mellower.