Lessons to wannabe astrologers

Suvrat Kher, a geologist, has given answers to questions from a muddled engineer and wannabe astrologer. Suvrat Kher is a patient bloke. Instead of hitting the questioner on the head repeatedly with Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit, he has done the nicer thing.

Why do so many seemingly educated people - people who have been trained in the scientific method - have a soft spot for astrology in India.

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A patient bloke indeed, and no dummy, neither. Thanks for the link. rb

Maybe because they find that Astrology "works" for them?

By Michael Barwick (not verified) on 22 Aug 2008 #permalink

When you are not among best of times and a famous astrologer comes along to say that the future is bright, you could atleast hope that it could be true.... Hope is one thing which can keep even civilizations steadfast.

Destination Infinity

You seem to easily assume that so many educated people have been trained in the scientific method. That is a dangerous, and very often untrue, assumption. Far too many educated people I know haven't the faintest idea of how the scientific method works.