Info on the next New England RNA Data Club

I just sent out this email:

Hello All,

We are soliciting speakers for the November and December meetings. If you are a postdoc or grad student, and would like to present your work in a 20-25 min talk, please let us know and we will add you to the roster.

The next meeting of the New England RNA Data Club will take place September 11th starting at 5:30 in the Cannon Room of Building C at Harvard Medical School. Our speakers will be
-Chris Hammell, from the Ambrose Lab, Darthmouth Dartmouth Medical School
-Natalie Gilks Farny, from the Silver Lab, HMS
-Sebastian Kadener, from the Rosbash Lab, Brandeis University

Food and beverages will be served after the talks. This meeting is sponsored by MERCK and Qiagen. If you are driving in and need parking, please let us know so that we can make accommodations.

In a future email we will send the titles of each talk and a flyer. For more information on the New England RNA Club, including maps and info on future meetings, visit the website:

Or subscribe to the RSS feed:

Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested. If you know someone who would like to be added to the mailing list, please let us know.

Thanks and hope to see you at our next meeting,

Alex Palazzo
Neil Kubica
Danesh Moazed


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You might want to check the spelling on that lab at Dartmouth. Just sayin'.

By George Smiley (not verified) on 14 Aug 2007 #permalink