Apple Unveils an iTunes for Science Manuscripts

Wow! I really need this! With this program you can store, search and organize all those PDFs.

From the website:

Do you have dozens of PDF files from your favorite scientific articles scattered on your harddrive? Do you also try to desperately organize them by renaming and archiving them in folders? But like the piles of printed articles on your desk, you can't keep up with all the new papers you download, and despite all your efforts it has become impossible to find that one article.

Finally that all belongs to the past. We've been there, trust us, we know. That's why we wrote Papers, our latest application exclusively for the Mac. Papers will revolutionize the way you deal with scientific papers. Search for articles using the built in search engines, retrieve and archive PDFs, and read and study them all from within Papers, your personal library of Science.

[HT: Bayblab]


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Did Apple buy this application? I've known Papers for quite some time and it just keeps getting better.
I've posted about it before and even compared it to a couple other applications like Yep.

I think that if you use Endnote or Reference Manager, you don´t need this Paper software.

By 3rd world PhD(c) (not verified) on 20 Jan 2008 #permalink

Endnote is good, but I need something that will organize my PDF files so that I can acess a particular paper etc. That is something that my version of endnote does not do. Also I'm too lazy for the itunes hybrid that evil gomez pointed out (my post actually links to his excellent entry on the subject). But then again, maybe I should take his advice.

Papers might be great if you are starting as a PhD student right now - but I have almost 500 PDFs on my hard drive and I'm not about to go through them one by one to match each paper individually to a Pubmed entry. I'd wait until they at least add a feature to automatically match a whole bunch of PDFs to Pubmed entries at once. Also, many PDFs don't have the information embedded in them to allow Papers to find the Pubmed entry, so you still have to match it manually. Also be warned that the system requirements are fairly high (I have a 3.5-year-old iBook and it's awfully slow).

I think for making a bibliography, you can export your Papers library to, say, Endnote - but this is also annoying because if you're in the middle of writing a paper and find a new article that you want to cite, if you want to use Papers you have to add it to your Papers library, then re-export your library to Endnote.

Papers is great. I found it two weeks back and bought a license for everyone in my group. It is tedious to go through and match each paper but I'm anal enough to have done it. You only have to do it once so it isn't that bad. There is definitely more functionality that I'd like to see in future versions, still, so far it is great.

About four months ago I spent 3 days matching up over 1700 PDFs, not fun. On the other hand, I am now writing a few grants and this program is helping me in ways I never imagined possible. I'm sure I've regained those three days of matching in terms of writing productivity already... really an outstanding program and they're still developing it!

By juniorprof (not verified) on 22 Jan 2008 #permalink

Papers is by far the best bibliography software I've ever used - and is a bargain at the price. I thoroughly recommend it.