VADLO - Google for Scientists?


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I swear I'm not being paid... but it does follow the theme of our blog. Check out their merchandise as well :) Ok.. who is going to buy me one of these shirts? HT: Sandra!
Apparently, offering high school English students the chance to read an article on the Seed Magazine website is ground for suspension - at least if you're an English teacher in Piasa, Illinois. According to several media reports, teacher Dan DeLong has been suspended with pay pending a Monday…
It's been a while ... We'll start off with Science and Art: Design and the Elastic Mind at MoMA (NY Times article) RPM at evolgen ponders about faculty members that blog. And now there are even journal editors that blog. In another post, RPM discusses the various phenotypes found in the typical…
Ok... for reals... this is what Therapists actually do. Recognize the young Gregory House? It's always a little weird hearing a British accent coming out of his mouth. HT: Mitch Harden

Very very useful. As long as you don't stray from the categories, I think you get good results. Many times I just use it as a browser of concentrated information. And oh, powerpoints, great idea! But then, I am addicted to vadlo cartoons too.

From my city..another five letter great thing from Chicago this year (hint O):-)