Universal Images


Occasionally, a friend or associate tips me off to a particularly interesting manifestation of the word "Universe." Some are more interesting than others; some are really in line with what this manifestation of Universe is all about, and those blow me away the most. This one -- all shadowy polygons, flowers, and color fields -- comes from Greg Davis, who once discovered a rare old Unarius film completely independently of me, and at the same time. Thanks, Greg!


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oh man!
i was so excited to share these with you the other day...


... we found these shoes at a 2nd hand market for a dollar, and bought them immeditly. we decided that if they fit sarah, she'd keep them. if they didn't, we would send them to you. but they fit her like a glove and she wore them all weekend. unfortunately the 'universe' on the back rubbed off before i had a chance to take a good picture of them... the tag on the inside proves though that they did indeed say 'united universe'. if i see another pair, i'll be sure to pick them up for you.

Wow! So amazing!

I'm a women's 9, if you ever come across them again.

Hay! ryan just downloaded that album!

By Luc Rollin (not verified) on 19 Jun 2007 #permalink

This is the first time I've really been to this website.

It's cool, maaaaaan.

I like that picture a lot, it reminds me of my grandma. She had a lot of weird science fiction posters and weird inserts and shit; she read an intensely large amount of sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks. So that picture reminds me of my grandma Carmela, 2nd generation lower middle class Mediterranean woman.

"wht fng"