Yes...YOU can help the USA Science and Engineering Festival! Wanna know HOW?

I am going to make a little confession here, I love science and I really love working for the USA Science and Engineering festival. Why? I am passionate about getting science into our culture in a hands-on way and making people say: is cool AND fun.But one thing I have found about working for the Festival in its inaugural year, not everyone is aware of the festival and I want to change that.

Do YOU love science? Do YOU use social media? Are YOU interested in helping the USA Science and Engineering festival? You CAN in a variety of different ways. Check this video out first.

As the Social Media Outreach coordinator I work with....well a lot of social media. I edit and write for the blog, work with our twitter account, linkedin, facebook, ect. But social media is something that can't be done in a vacuum and by one person and by its very nature I need YOUR help to get the word out.

So maybe you are thinking: I want to help, but I'm just one person what can I do? My answer: Lots.

So here are lists of things that you can do with social media that helps promote the festival and might be able to even earn yourself a t-shirt in the process.


Do you blog or subscribe to blogs?

1) Subscribe to our blog

2) Start a conversation in our comments. Lets see if we can get people chattering about topics.

3) Do you have a blog of your own? If you write 3 original blog posts and post them on your blog (not a repost of the festival site, but 3 original blog posts spaced out over some time about what's happening at the festival or what you think looks interesting), you can earn yourself a t-shirt! Let us know by dropping us a note in the comments section linking to your post. (Limited time offer)


1)Have a twitter account? Subscribe to ours: @USASciencefest, #scifest.

2)Re-tweet things that are going on at the festival that you think other people should know about and tell your friends and groups about the festival.


1) Subscribe to our facebook group.

2) Share links from the festival's website or blog with your friends about what's going
on with the USA Science and Engineering Festival.


Join our linkedIn group and tell your friends and colleagues to join the group so you can be kept up to date about the festival.

Social bookmarks

Do you use Stumbleupon., redit,, newvine or any other social bookmarking site? See something cool on the festival site or blog? Bookmark it!

The USA Science and Engineering festival is for EVERYONE, not just people who are in the 'know' about the comings and goings in the area of science education. I am hoping for the day when I tell people that I work for the USA Science and Engineering Festival they don't look at me blankly and say: What's that? They instead say: Oh yea, I saw a blog/twitter/facebook update/stubbleupon book mark about that. That sounds REALLY cool!

So yes, you can absolutely help promote the Woodstock of Science, the USA Science and Engineering Festival Oct 10-23 on the National Mall, but I need your help us get the word out!

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