Besides Nuclear Energy, Other Quick Fixes that Didn't Pan Out So Good

A list:

Genetically Modified Foods
Breast Implants
Rosie O'Donnell on The View
1986's Flow-bee Haircut before the Junior Prom with Wendy Barnes
World War I


More like this

Genetically Modified Foods
-Jury is still out on that one.

-Works fine for me. What`s your problem?

Breast Implant
-They're back in style.

Rosie O'Donnell on The View
-No idea what you are referring to.

-Not without its flaws, but overall a major success story.

1986's Flow-bee Haircut before the Junior Prom with Wendy Barnes

World War I

This post confuses me. You heard it here first: nuclear power will save us from global warming. If we weren't lazy, cheap, money-motivated assholes, renewable power would save us from global warming. But this is the real world - welcome to the lesser of two evils.


Do we really believe the whole menu - our entire range of conceivable options - consists of exactly two choices?


To clear any confusion, the other "evil" was oil based power. That said:

If you put everything "renewable" under one catagory (wind, solar, bio, combinations thereof) and conceed that even with huge advancements in efficiency (which would require major lifestyle changes for everyone in first world countries) our growing first-world population is going to only demand more energy in the near future...


It appears I become lazy and glib when I'm tired. I should be more careful.

Something I find useful in the earlier comment is the implication that circumstances affect our decisions. In other circumstances, we might choose differently.

So it might be interesting to ask ourselves, In what circumstances would one or another of these choices make the most sense to us? And, how might we influence those circumstances?

I know it can be tempting to assess the probability of one set of circumstances and then dismiss it as unpromising. But circumstances change, and sometimes probability changes with circumstance.

I find value in keeping as many options available as I can. With that in mind, I find it helpful to think about the mechanisms by which probabilities can change.


Oh, p.s. Bourbon and water, please.

p.p.s. Apparently jeffk and I were both writing at the same time. I intended to follow-up my own comment. I appreciate jeffk's clarification!

p.p.p.s. Mmmmm....bourbon

Now there's something we can all agree on. As soon as my last final is over at noon tomorrow I'm going to hit me up some Knob on the rocks.

Cold Fusion