Things I've done in the past year that my tenure committee may find objectionable.

Since we were on the topic of tenure: here is a list...

Proposed using bioinformatics (computational biology) as a tool to measure the potential performance of folks in American politics (link)

Read a lot of Haiku's (link)

Escorted dignitaries such as UN Envoys, National Geographic Explorers in Residence, etc in my '97 Honda Civic (link).

Enjoyed a movie starring Keanu Reeves (link).

Hung out a lot more with philosophers, historians, poets, and artists than usual, and even ate with them on occasion (link)

Was asked to give a welcoming talk for a new Dean, and elected to talk about said Dean's surname instead - the surname happened to be a type of bird (link)

Contributed to a book with the words "Dance Moves" in its title. (link)

Did research using Lego blocks (link).

Joined a gym.

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Wasn't the Lego article also a blog post on SCQ? I think I linked to it before. It may be a good nomination for the Anthology....

I dunno. I see phrases like, "extraordinarily well-rounded," and, "tremendous breadth of knowledge and experience," in a letter of support. Not that I've been asked to provide one, or anything.

Looks good, all of it - except the gym bit, of course. People may start to suspect you're not taking the whole "disembodied cerebral intellect" thing seriously. Besides, you'll become slightly less "extraordinarily well rounded".