Plush Microbes for Xmas or Chankukah!

ThinkGeek has a phenomenal new product line just in time for the holidays: Plush Microbes!

There are a ton of them, but below are some of my favorites:

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There are also a ton of owner submitted action shots, documenting the fun that can be had with your microbes!

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Nature isn't cruel, just indifferent

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Tomato scare!

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Easter egg hunting is more fun with Salmonella!

Thanks once again to Javie

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I've got the earache. I got it from a friend as present.
It's so funny to say, well, I've got earache and got it from a friend. And then show the plush thing.

Oh I LOVE these little guys! You know they have different cells from the body too? I got the neuron for my birthday, but I've always wanted an adipocyte.

WHO in their right mind wouldn't want the e. coli!!!! These are a hoot.

Those li'l cuties have actually been around for years. I keep meaning to get ebola. A friend gave me sleeping sickness. Definitely great gifts!

Oh there's definitely a streptococcus plushie- I have it on my desk at work! He even has a little knife and fork.

I also gave the Salmonella plushie to a coworker who got it and spent about a week in the hospital with it.

I like e.coli too. That was next on my list. I love these things.

Oh, I love Giant Microbes! I have the Ebola and krill ones myself. My friends at college and I love to throw the Ebola one at each other and say "Congratulations, you just caught Ebola!" Yeah, we're kind of odd. :P

I hope they make ones of organelles. I want a mitochondrion, dammit!

I'm totally buying some of the mini ones that come in petri dishes for some of my coworkers! Herpes is adorable!

Is it just me, or does E. coli bear a striking resemblance to the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 20 Oct 2008 #permalink

Oh, and "bookworm"?

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 20 Oct 2008 #permalink

The gifts that keep on giving...