Think the administration learned anything from Deutsch?

Or, y'know, the Mike Brown disaster? Think again.

We don't need none o' that fancy learnin'! We'll just repeat our mistakes until people stop noticing. Besides, who needs someone actually qualified in a boring department like Homeland Security?

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I just haven't been sucking up to the right people.


What you have is an extreme example of the Peter Principle - one is promoted up the ladder until he/she attains a job that he/she is incompetent to do. And considering the fact that G.W. Bush is a long time victim of the Peter Principle, it follows that he would appoint people that match his level of incompetence.

It's a common problem in many organizations.


By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

I know--it shouldn't surprise me, but it's still disappointing after all the lip service given to security.

Yeah, it disappoints me, too. The only that's been done about security if is a dragnet style, warrantless surveilence of thousands of people without even a suspicion of wrongdoing.

I remember Watergate.


By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink