
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

March 15, 2008
When we see a brain 'light up,' [most of] our brains shut off which explains The functional neuroanatomy of science journalism.
March 15, 2008
Just a reminder that you can make me your friend on Facebook, as well as join the groups of fans of A Blog Around The Clock, or the ScienceBlogs Fan Club or the PLoS group. I am also on Dopplr, LinkedIn, Flickr and Stumbleupon so you can find me there if you search and make a connection. I don't…
March 15, 2008
Oekologie XV is up on The Other 95% Friday Ark #182 is up on Modulator
March 15, 2008
Bird Brains Suggest How Vocal Learning Evolved: Though they perch far apart on the avian family tree, birds with the ability to learn songs use similar brain structures to sing their tunes. Neurobiologists at Duke University Medical Center now have an explanation for this puzzling likeness.…
March 14, 2008
Was there a weight attached to the wheel of time, hanging from the month of May? Time went so slowly the rest of the year, as though it shoved a weight before it. In April, the wheel was in balance and didn't want to go further. It tipped back to winter or could give a hint of summer. But when…
March 14, 2008
The SuperReaders, site-wide around, have been selected. I had considered a number of people (some contacted me, I contacted some), some said No, and after a long and hard deliberation (it was tough, I wish I could have chosen ten people or so) I chose my two SuperReaders and sent…
March 14, 2008
It's the Pi Day today, after all:
March 14, 2008
Toronto SciBarCamp starts tonight and I am so jealous for not being there. Perhaps next time. For now, I'll just follow it via blogs.
March 14, 2008
Got an e-mail from AAAS and will try to go if at all possible: The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), in partnership with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and North Carolina State University, will be holding a one-day workshop "Communicating Science: Tools for…
March 14, 2008
Faraday's Cage is where you put Schroedinger's Cat Monkey Fluids Sociological Images: Seeing Is Believing Playing Chess with Pigeons Punk Professor
March 14, 2008
Of course, I got this video on Facebook as someone put it on my FunWall (and yes, I ignore 99% of invitations to do stuff, get new apps, etc.):
March 13, 2008
It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens. - Woody Allen
March 13, 2008
Snakes Vault Past Toxic Newts In Evolutionary Arms Race: Snakes don't eat fugu, the seafood delicacy prepared from blowfish meat and famed for its poisonous potential. However, should a common garter snake wander into a sushi restaurant, it could fearlessly order a fugu dinner. Bipolar Disorder:…
March 13, 2008
He was here last Tuesday for filming of a scientific documentary for PBS: He was doing important work on an upcoming PBS special "The Human Spark", a three-part documentary about what makes us human, due to air next year. Alda, who also met with researchers at Duke University on Monday, started…
March 13, 2008
It was bound to happen sooner or later. People seem to really like my series of interviews with the participants of the Science Blogging Conference. So, as he promised, John Dupuis turned the tables and interviewed me, even using some of the same questions that I tend to ask. Read the interview…
March 13, 2008
My Scifoo friend and prize-winning science photographer Felice Frankel just gave a great interview to Ginny on Page 3.14.
March 13, 2008
A new deal: Wiley-Blackwell and JoVE Unveil Groundbreaking Online Video Publications Moshe on TV:
March 13, 2008
The new Carnival of Space is up on Observations from Missy's Window The 82nd Skeptics' Circle is up on Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes
March 13, 2008
Rose Reis interviewed me in person on the Sunday morning right after the second Science Blogging Conference in January. Then, I got scooped for the interview. But I will not be deterred - so here is, finally, the exclusive interview with Rose for A Blog Around The Clock: Welcome to A Blog Around…
March 13, 2008
On this day in 1884 the International Prime Meridian Conference established a system of standard time zones: In 1884 an International Prime Meridian Conference was held in Washington D.C. to standardize time and select the Prime Meridian. The conference selected the longitude of Greenwich, England…
March 13, 2008
Yesterday we had our first blogger meetup since the Conference, the Triangle bloggers jointly with the NC science communicators. Who was there? Anton Zuiker, Russ Campbell, Brian Russell, Ernie Hood, Chris Brodie, Abel Pharmboy and Lenore Ramm who took the pictures. We talked about plans for…
March 13, 2008
David Neiwert: But I also noticed this line: "Unlike traditional, mainstream media, blogs often adopt a specific point of view. Critics complain they can contain unchecked facts, are poorly edited and use unreliable sources." And this distinguishes them from the mainstream press exactly ... how…
March 13, 2008
Lindsay Beyerstein: Spitzer linked to prostitution ring Spitzer's Nixonian hubris Sex and taxes: How Spitzer allegedly got caught Spitzer and Suspicious Activity Reports and sex stings Enough is enough: Feds probe Spitzer's records back to 1999 Amanda Marcotte: Cut out the stand by your man routine…
March 12, 2008
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. - Douglas Noel Adams
March 12, 2008
Insect's Sensory Data Tells A New Story About Neural Networks: A group of researchers has developed a novel way to view the world through the eyes of a common fly and partially decode the insect's reactions to changes in the world around it. The research fundamentally alters earlier beliefs about…
March 12, 2008
Four Stone Hearth: Volume 36 is up on Afarensis Carnival of the Liberals is up on Tangled Up in Blue Guy The 162nd edition of the Carnival of Education is up on Learn Me Good
March 12, 2008
Karen Ventii is one of my SciBlings - her blog is Science To Life. At the second Science Blogging Conference in January she co-moderated a panel on Gender and Race in Science: online and offline, relevant to the discussion of racial diversity that is ongoing here on Scienceblogs right now. Welcome…
March 12, 2008
Check the website and download the PDFs: An unprecedented five consecutive years of stagnant funding for the National Institutes of Health is putting America at risk--slowing the pace of medical advances, risking the future health of Americans, discouraging our best and brightest researchers, and…
March 12, 2008
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY in SLEEP MEDICINE Charles A. Czeisler, Steven W. Lockley, Christopher P. Landrigan, Laura K. Barger Harvard Work Hours, Health and Safety Group Division of Sleep Medicine, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School The Harvard Work Hours Health and…
March 11, 2008
It is quite hard at times to distinguish a genius from a lunatic. - Dorothy Thompson