
Just a reminder that you can make me your friend on Facebook, as well as join the groups of fans of A Blog Around The Clock, or the ScienceBlogs Fan Club or the PLoS group. I am also on Dopplr, LinkedIn, Flickr and Stumbleupon so you can find me there if you search and make a connection. I don't care for my profiles on MySpace,, Pownce and probably some other sites I don't even remember. And I am still resisting Twitter.


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I think I have a profile on Friendster - I don't know, I haven't checked since 2003. I have bare-bones profiles on MySpace, LinkedIn and Change.Org and I will get an e-mail if you "friend" me (and will friend you back), but I do not have time to spend on there. I refuse to even look at all the…
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As a young(er) person, I've always been taught to guard my identity when online. The thing about blogging that continues to strike me is how so many bloggers don't do so anonymously. Obviously blogging anonymously would undermine the networking... I mean you could make connections and get "to know" people and their work, but you'd have to learn each other's real identities at some point...

So I guess my point is that I'd like to friend you on facebook but I'm indoctrinated not to. Though, I enjoy your blog and I'm definitely a fan of PLoS. Perhaps I'll come around in the future.

The two generations use FB differently - the older folks use it similarly to LinkedIn: for networking and marketing.

Thank to all my readers, the PLoS group now have 1001 members, ScienceBlogs Fan Club has 650 and A Blog Around The Clock group has 299 members. Keep them coming!

I am unjoining Facebook groups that I wasn't using, so I left yours. It's nothing personal, I left many. The groups that I stayed in are for example a group for my orchestra, and a group that regularly sends out invitations to its members for events I want to attend. But I already get the PLoS updates in e-mail and I read your blog, so those Facebook groups don't have any added value to my online experience.