The Spitzer files...

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Just to add some more to yesterday's numbers and links on the Iowa caucuses, which just shows that if you get all your news from the MSM, especially the TV, you are not just woefully uninformed, but criminally misinformed. Take your time this weekend to read up on these: Sara Robinson: 2008: A…
Ah, why do I have to be so busy on a news-filled day (no, not Anna Nicole Smith)? I barely saw the computer today. I'd get home, have about 5 minutes before I have to go out again and so on. NPR did not mention Edwards until 4pm or so (that I heard in the car), so when I first got home I only had…
Here is the U.S., especially, we love to think the ivory tower is a meritocracy, and that the tribe of science is objective in all things -- including how it treats its members. A nice little pile of data runs counter to this picture, however. A quick roundup: At Majikthise, Lindsay Beyerstein…
I know it's been a week since I got back from Netroots Nation, so this is a rather belated report, but I have a good excuse. I was on the road for 4 weeks before NrN, and it's taken me a little while to get caught up again. Netroots Nation was awesome. It'll be in Las Vegas next year, and should…

Someone was incredibly fast - this site went up just a couple of hours after the first news broke out.