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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

November 13, 2007
The Lord Geekington The Modest Proposal The Modest Proposal blog The Issue Peer To Patent blog
November 13, 2007
As always on Monday nights, there are new articles published in PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine. My picks: Professional Uncertainty and Disempowerment Responding to Ethnic Diversity in Health Care: A Qualitative Study In a qualitative study published this week in PLoS Medicine, Joe Kai and…
November 13, 2007
Join us at the brand new Wine Authorities tomorrow night at 6pm for our special Durham Blogger MeetUp: The shop has a cool Enomatic machine with which you serve yourself a taste or glass of wine, and a nice big table around which to sit. Teetotalers can grab a coffee or tea next door at Sips.
November 13, 2007
My friend, Greensboro blogger Jay Ovittore is running for Congress. He started the campaign blog and the website will be up soon. He is trying to unseat Howard Coble. The Press Conference will be on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 12:00pm - 12:30pm on the Governmental Plaza/Phill G. MacDonald…
November 13, 2007
I am not much of a TV watcher, but tonight at 8pm EST, I'll be tuning in to my local PBS station to see Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial. If you were too busy or bored to read all the media and blog coverage of the Dover trial, this is your opportunity to catch up in one easy bite - the…
November 13, 2007
There are 68 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 125 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 12, 2007
Must you write complete sentences each time, every time? Perish the thought! - Stephen King
November 12, 2007
This is such a cool and novel idea - to let the public have a say in what gets patented and what not! Check out the Peer-To-Patent homepage, download and read this paper by Beth Noveck (another SciFoo camper) which explains the process and sign up to participate.
November 12, 2007
I just noticed there are six ads on the PLoS Jobs page. I thought that my vast blog readership (sic!) may include people suited for and interested in such jobs. Perhaps you would like to work as a Web Producer, or Javascript Developer, or Senior Java Programmer, for instance? You get to live in…
November 12, 2007
If you look over to you right (you may have to refresh your page or click on internal links and thus raise my pageviews to see it) you will see an ad on the right side-bar that takes you to PLoS ONE. The first 50 readers of scienceblogs who click on that ad and complete registration will receive a…
November 12, 2007
There are 69 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 123 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 11, 2007
Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it - Mark Twain
November 11, 2007
Now that the DonorsChoose drive is officially over, and the prizes have been distributed, I can now place a link to my CafePress store on my sidebar (see right under the PayPal and buttons). So, if you are thinking about cool presents for whichever holiday you may be celebrating in…
November 11, 2007
After many, many months of drought, the Tar Heel Tavern is back, covering the drought and the water issues, both in NC and globally, on Mistersugar.
November 11, 2007
OK, back home and rested - it's time for a pictorial report, in two parts. This one is social, the other part will be about the conference itself. All of it under the fold... Day 1 On Thursday morning I got up early, took the kids to school, loaded my luggage and got started for the airport. As…
November 11, 2007
What with all the traveling, I am behind with all the PLoS-related news. So, let me put it all together in one post here. In the Media There is a very nice article in New York Times about the launch of PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases and a nice article about Open Access in The Journal Times (hat-…
November 11, 2007
I don't think I ever refused a meme, even if I have done it already, especially if a lot of time passed, or one can provide new answers every time. But this one is tough, as I would barely change anything from the last time I did it. But, since it is so old, I'll copy it here again and make a few…
November 11, 2007
The Boneyard # 9 is up on Catalogue of Organisms Skeptics' Circle #73 is up on Holford Watch: Patrick Holford, nutritionism and bad science November issue of the International Carnival of Pozitivities is up on Slimconomy The 28th Carnival of Space is up on The Planetary Society Blog Friday Ark #164…
November 11, 2007
There are 70 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 123 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 10, 2007
Who ever thought up the word "Mammogram?" Every time I hear it, I think I'm supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone. - Jan King
November 10, 2007
...from Boston. Exhausted. Dog happy to see me. Cats, too. Wife, too. Pictorial report tomorrow.
November 10, 2007
How Well Do Dogs See At Night?: A lot better than we do, says Paul Miller, clinical professor of comparative ophthalmology at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Why Quitting Smoking Is So Difficult: New findings clarify the brain mechanisms that explain many aspects of dependency on nicotine, the…
November 10, 2007
There are 71 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 119 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 9, 2007
I loathe the expression 'What makes him tick' ... A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm. - James Thurber
November 9, 2007
There are 71 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 121 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 8, 2007
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. - James Taylor
November 8, 2007
Landed safely in Boston. Anna picked me up at the airport and took me to a tour of Harvard (after a breakfast/lunch of crepes), and now I wish I did read the descriptions of Harvard Square under various weather conditions. I marked the Wideman library (by going to the bathroom of course) and…
November 8, 2007
Just right. Easier than Chris R, apparently. But just you wait for the next time I use the BPR3 icon and NOT put anything under the fold! BTW, copy the image - do not use the embed code provided by the site....
November 8, 2007
There are 72 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 119 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
November 7, 2007
Try not to have a good time, this is supposed to be educational. - Charles Monroe Schulz