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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

October 25, 2007
Via Russlings (here, here and here so far), information about the effects of San Diego wildfires on the San Diego Zoo: San Diego zoo ordered closed, Wild Animal park in immediate danger Fire Update from the Panda Station from a blog by a zoo researcher, and Fire Update from the Wild Animal Park…
October 25, 2007
Travelling delayed me a little bit, but as you already learned to expect by now, new articles get published on PLoS ONE on Tuesday afternoons. Before I showcase the papers I personally find interesting, first let me remind you to join in the discussion on our ongoing Journal Club on the article…
October 25, 2007
There are 86 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 105 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
October 25, 2007
Apparently some computer geeks at Carnegie Mellon came up with a complicated mathematical formula to decide which blogs should one read to be most up to date, i.e., to quickly know about important stories that propagate over the blogosphere? Bloggersblog comments. OK, the fact that Don Surber is…
October 24, 2007
Always have some project under way . . . an ongoing project that goes over from day to day and thus makes each day a smaller unit of time. - Dr. Lillian Troll
October 24, 2007
Biscuit and Marbles:
October 24, 2007
There is less than one week left and my challenge is still at 45% (just 5 donors!). All the relevant information is here. The other day, Janet and I participated in a silent auction at the ASIS&T meeting. You go around the tables and write down your bids. You offer a dollar or two.…
October 24, 2007
St. Bernard Study Shows Human-directed Evolution At Work: The St Bernard dog - named after the 11th century priest Bernard of Menthon - is living proof that evolution does occur, say scientists. Biologists at The University of Manchester say that changes to the shape of the breed's head over the…
October 24, 2007
Being out of town and all, I missed it, but NYTimes published a whole lot of articles about sleep yesterday. Of course, as I enjoy poking around bird brains, the article by Carl Zimmer - In Study of Human Patterns, Scientists Look to Bird Brains - was the one most interesting to me personally. But…
October 24, 2007
I am sure I have ranted about the negative effects of DST here and back on Circadiana, but the latest study - The Human Circadian Clock's Seasonal Adjustment Is Disrupted by Daylight Saving Time (pdf) (press releases: ScienceDaily, EurekAlert) by Thomas Kantermann, Myriam Juda, Martha Merrow and…
October 24, 2007
If you go here: and type in your email address, it will convert it to ASCII, thus making it harder for bots to pick up the address, while making it easier for readers to copy and paste without having to remove 'AT' and "DOT'. Hat-tip: Soni…
October 24, 2007
The Banana Peel Project MOMocrats BioBlog (NZ) The Divinely Guided Boot of Upward Inspiration ChemSpider Blog
October 24, 2007
Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development (which I mentioned a few days ago here) was a great success. You can see all the articles associated with it here. PLoS has collected all the poverty-related articles from its Journals on this nifty collections page. A PLoS Medicine article -…
October 24, 2007
All revealed, on Page 3.14
October 24, 2007
I wish everyone a Happy Mole Day.
October 24, 2007
This is where I will be next: "Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences" Friday, November 9, 1:00 - 6:00 pm TMEC Walter Amphitheater, Harvard Medical School 260 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 This is a student-organized conference…
October 24, 2007
No time to dig into this deeper myself, so check out what others are saying about the shennanigans at the American Chemical Society: Alex Palazzo has two posts. Revere also has two posts. And then there is PZ Myers and his commenters. Follow their links for more....
October 24, 2007
I know I've done it before, about a year ago, but meeting Roch at ConvergeSouth the other day reminded me that I should do this again - ask you to put up your blog for aggregation on We101. The only piece of information you need to give is your blog URL and the city you are in (so if your…
October 24, 2007
My brain is fried. My flight home was horrifying - the pilot warned us before we even left the gate that the weather is nasty and that he ordered the stewardess to remain seated at least the first 30 minutes of the flight. Did the warning make the experience more or less frightening? I think it…
October 24, 2007
Tangled Bank #91 is up on The Radula Four Stone Hearth #26 is up on Primate Diaries Encephalon #34 is up on Distributed Neuron Gene Genie #18 is up on Eye on DNA Grand Rounds Vol 4, No 5 are up on Pallimed Carnival of Math: The Spam Edition is up on Good Math, Bad Math Carnival of the Liberals #50…
October 24, 2007
David Ng started it. This was a quick and easy one for me - let me know if other queries bring up one of my blogs to the 1st spot on Google searches: 'I want this job' 'open laboratory 2008' femiphobia femiphobic Bora Zivkovic
October 24, 2007
There are 87 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 103 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
October 23, 2007
You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time. - Dr. M. Scott Peck
October 23, 2007
A quick update on the Milwaukee events.... The first time I went to Mocha's (much better wifi than the hotel and it is free) I saw a familiar face walk in - from Scifoo! World is small. She promised to come to the Science Blogging Conference (I am leaving the name out so not to play Gotcha later…
October 23, 2007
Back at delightful Mocha's cafe on the corner... We just finished our session at the ASIS&T conference: Opening Science to All: Implications of Blogs and Wikis for Social and Scholarly Scientific Communication, organized by K.T. Vaughan, moderated by Phillip Edwards. Janet Stemwedel, Jean-…
October 23, 2007
There are 88 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. There are already 96 registered participants and if you do not register soon, it may be too late once you decide to do…
October 22, 2007
Gosh that takes me back ... or forward. That's the trouble with time travel, you never can tell. - Dr. Who
October 22, 2007
So, while I still have a few more minutes on this wonderful wifi (another Scifoo camper attending ASIS&T meeting just walked into the coffee-shop a few minutes ago - how the world is small!), let me summarize my thoughts on ConvergeSouth2007 before they are erased by the new memories generated…
October 22, 2007
Why is it that there is no way to even mention anything about sea cucumbers without giggling and the thinly-veiled sexual innuendo? Seeing them, as a kid, on the floor of the crystal-clear waters of the Adriatic sea, my thoughts mainly went toward scatological...
October 22, 2007
No time to experience Clifford Simak's Wisconsin, but Mocha (124 W. Wisconsin Ave.) in Milwaukee is very comfortable, mocha is excellent and wifi is strong (and free). I'll be able to check in the room in an hour or two and will go to some ASIS&T sessions if I can without a name-badge. Our…