San Diego Zoo survives the Wildfires (so far)

Via Russlings (here, here and here so far), information about the effects of San Diego wildfires on the San Diego Zoo:

San Diego zoo ordered closed, Wild Animal park in immediate danger

Fire Update from the Panda Station from a blog by a zoo researcher, and Fire Update from the Wild Animal Park from the Zoo public relations person.

Finally, the oft-updated fire page of the San Diego Zoo blog: October 2007 Fire Updates

Apparently, the zoo was quite threatened, but survived OK and will re-open soon after a big clean-up. Some of the employees were affected by the wildfire, though, and some animals are sheltered indoors during the fire.

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Wild Animal Park. The San Diego Zoo operates the Wild Animal Park out in Escondido, which is in the fire-threatened area. The Zoo itself is in Balboa Park, in the middle of the city, only a few miles from the ocean.

What about the small zoo at Irvine Park in Orange, where I photographed huge crows, feral parrots, and waterfowl? That was _way too close_ to the fire in Orange County. Oct. 22: "OC Parks has temporarily closed park facilities where the extreme fire conditions and Santa Ana Winds has created hazardous conditions due to fallen trees and limbs. Related to the severe wind ..."

And the Fullerton Arboretum? It's next to some stadium or other--um, Cal. State's, I guess. It's between Highway 57 (Orange Parkway) & 90 and Highway 57 & 91 (Riverside Parkway--uh-oh!)

Oh, OK. Did not know that distinction. Thank you for the clarification.