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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 30, 2006
Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot Kip Hawley is an idiot ...Just sayin'....
September 30, 2006
I am not dead and gone, taken away in the middle of the night (yet). I am just working on two carnivals - Tar Heel Tavern and the Teaching Carnival, both of which will air somewhere around here at some time tomorrow.
September 29, 2006
Multitasking Is No Problem, But Double Talk Overwhelms Us: We can listen to a car radio and drive while keeping an eye on changing traffic conditions -- separate complex tasks completed without much trouble. But if two people are talking to us at the same time, our perceptual frequencies get jammed…
September 29, 2006
Sorry, no Friday Weird Sex Blogging today - as I am feeling quite impotent today, now that I know that I cannot see my lawyer if they come at night and take me away, and neither Congress nor Court has any say about it.
September 29, 2006
Here is another example of a person who has experienced dictatorship first hand and has decided that last night was the breaking point. I am not the only one. Hat-tip: Dr.B
September 29, 2006
Thanks to Avedon, Mike, Mike, Melissa, Lindsay, Zuzu, John, John, Ekzept, Caitlin and a miniscule rightwing blog that called it "Left Wing Hysteria", for linking to my morning post (and whoever put it on Redditt). They have more links and comments. Also check what their commenters say. Stay…
September 29, 2006
This is so old (December 03, 2004) and so long that I did not even bother to re-read it or check the the links. I am sure the commenters will draw attention to everything that is wrong in this post... First, here is some science, or really problems with science policy, or better still, some top-…
September 29, 2006
Many of my friends and neighbors don't want to talk about politics because it is boring and "same-old-same-old". Connect this and this. Many of my friends and neighbors don't follow the news or care to vote because "all of them are the same". Connect this and this. Many of my friends and neighbors…
September 29, 2006
Revere has an update on the campaign to free the Tripoli Six. Declan Butler is keeping up with the news on his blog and collecting blog responses on Connotea. Injection is a documentary film about this case. You can see the trailer or download the whole movie. Then, blog about it. And urge your…
September 28, 2006
If you decide to post about the 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference please tag your posts with this Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
September 28, 2006
The third edition of Panta Rei, the physics blog carnival focusing on heat and flow, is up on Nonoscience.
September 28, 2006
36th Philosophers' Carnival: Tzadikim Edition is up on What is it like to be a blog. Carnivalesque XVIII is up on Blogenspiel.
September 28, 2006
Target: Leftist Groups: In addition to the nebulous definition of "enemy combatant," so too is the definition of "leftist group" entirely vague. Does a blog community qualify as a leftist group? Are only groups that have the means and intent to organize going to be targets of scrutiny? Does…
September 28, 2006
...are you a citizen journalist or just a blogger? Depending on one's definition of "journalist", I guess. Is a professional (i.e., someone paid by a news organization) who publishes in newspapers a journalist no matter what s/he is writing, i.e., publishing just anything: ads, horoscopes, comics…
September 28, 2006
Beauty And The Brain: Experiments led by Piotr Winkielman, of the University of California, San Diego, and published in the current issue of Psychological Science, suggest that judgments of attractiveness depend on mental processing ease, or being "easy on the mind." "What you like is a function of…
September 28, 2006
First posted on December 12, 2005 on Science And Politics, then re-posted on January 16, 2006 on The Magic School Bus and most definitely worth reposting again here... The new article on PLoS, Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution by David…
September 28, 2006
If so, do you care, and if you do, what can you do to stop them? Open Switch, Billy the Blogging Poet and Robert Scoble and their commenters chime in on Internet copyright, Creative Commons and splogs.
September 28, 2006
Some weeks, I skim through The Raleigh Independent and nothing catches my interest. Other weeks, I find it chockful of interesting stuff - some of if quite bloggable. This week's issue is one of those. This article about legal steps same-sex couples can take to get protections similar to…
September 28, 2006
Beyond nest eggs: I and the Bird #33 is up on Don't Mess With Taxes.
September 28, 2006
What Would Real Election Integrity Mean? The repeated use of the Illegal Immigrant frame activates deep frames related to police protection from a criminal threat. In such a law and order frame, progressives who oppose the House bill are characterized as failing to protect the citizenry from…
September 28, 2006
More on blogospheric rhetoric, via Newsvine.
September 27, 2006
The 44th Skeptics' Circle is now up on Salto sobrius.
September 27, 2006
Mother Birds Give A Nutritional Leg Up To Chicks With Unattractive Fathers: Mother birds deposit variable amounts of antioxidants into egg yolks, and it has long been theorized that females invest more in offspring sired by better quality males. However, a study from the November/December 2006…
September 27, 2006
Scientists Fight Back! Announcing Scientists and Engineers for America: Concerned about the ideological and partisan manipulation of science, compromising of scientific integrity and harassment of scientists by the Bush Administration and Congress, leaders in the scientific and engineering…
September 27, 2006
Burglars found to be as skilled as pilots: BurÂglars are so good at robÂbing housÂes, they should be reÂgarded as exÂperts in their field on a paÂr with piÂlots, new reÂsearch conÂcludes. PsyÂcholÂoÂgists Claire Nee and Amy Meenaghan of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of PortsÂmouth, U.K. found that burÂglars'…
September 27, 2006
A really cool new study: DailyScience: How Butterflies Got Their Spots: A 'Supergene' Controls Wing Pattern Diversity: To explore the genetic backgrounds of each of these species, the authors crossed different races of each species and genotyped the offspring in order to identify genes responsible…
September 27, 2006
I saw this ScienceDaily report earlier today and thought: "What's new?" I recall a study with similar conclusions from just a couple of months ago, and even that was not that new - I used the example in teaching about 5-6 years ago (then dropped the example as the literature got more and more…
September 27, 2006
An interesting paper came out about nine months ago about a proposed new universal law of biology, so I blogged about it on January 17, 2006 and updated on February 20, 2006. Now this is some cool science! Biology does not have laws. Natural Selection is a Principle. Evolution is a Theory. But…
September 27, 2006
Agonist (via Melissa and Amanda) reports that "comma" is a dog-whistle code word that Bush used to signal to the Fundies: The phrase is: "Never put a period where God has put a comma." Which is to say - it ain't over yet, and God may well make it better. So Iraq's bad, but if we trust in God, he'll…
September 27, 2006
Opinions are split. Matt Nisbett think it is bad here, here and here. Sara Robinson thinks it was good here and here. Although I have no great love for Bill Clinton, I am siding with Sara here (read her posts to see why), just on gut feeling. But also, check out this AOL poll (never known to be a…