
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

September 13, 2009
If you check my you-tube account and look at videos I've "liked" or "added" or whatever, ignore that. I've only ever added one (by Ana) and all the others are random click events. If you ever want me to join a Facebook cause or group, send me an email asking me to do that. I routinely go through…
September 13, 2009
Wilson's outburst was designed by the GOP corporate PR fronts to distract media coverage following Obama's cogent and compelling remarks to Congress. Speculation here.
September 13, 2009
Of Creation, starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connolly, Scott says: I believe it to be a thoughtful, well-made film that will change many views of Darwin held by the public - for the good. The acting is strong, the visuals are wonderful, and it treats with loving care the Victorian details of…
September 13, 2009
You are 50 years old today!
September 13, 2009
Dave Mabus sent me this along with a threatening e-mail with a subject line I've used as the title of this post. The email was cc'ed to me, but meant of PZ Myers, and it says: Hey PZ Myers, you little fool... Just wanted to let you know this has been posted on every forum of the internet. Some…
September 13, 2009
Geraldo is asking Michele Bachmann to take her hyperbole down a notch. That's funny. Huckabee blames Obama for Wilson's Remarks. Anne Coulter claims that Michele Bachmann is her fave. hat tip DMB Oh, and confirmed: Wilson's outburst WAS an act of racism.
September 12, 2009
September 12, 2009
Go to a large family gathering. (Or a similar gathering. Borrow someone else's large family if you don't have one.) When somebody decides you are all going to pray together with bowed heads, start to bow your head so everybody else sees you doing it, but after everyone's heads are supposed to be…
September 11, 2009
Well, we don't know because the necessary detailed information has not been released. I do not personally know the Caster Semenya story, medically or biologically speaking, but there has been a lot of discussion and apparently wild speculation on this, and I may have a thing or two to help clarify…
September 11, 2009
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
September 11, 2009
Well, not really, but it is an excellent refresher on Genesis. Well, not really it's .... well just watch it:
September 11, 2009
The last wild Fiji petral specimen collected, an albatross-like bird (as petrels tend to be) that spends much of its time over the open sea, was collected in 1855 fro Gau Island, Fiji. It didn't really go extinct, because in 1984 one was caught on Gua, photographed, and set free. Subsequently,…
September 11, 2009
Her point is, and she's right, that there really is not any longer a difference between the extremists and the Republicans. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
September 11, 2009
Armed and ready, baby!!!! Dusty's YouTube channel
September 11, 2009
Think back to the last time you had a bad coughing fit. It's gross, but think about the saliva and the mucus. Think about the last time you threw up. Now imagine all that together, along with gasping for air-and not being able to swallow. And then go read this.
September 10, 2009
... (which means, in ADL, "Science For the People") ... is up and running at Southern Friedd Science.
September 10, 2009
source: Carl
September 10, 2009
This is really, really funny: Well, actually, it's not even a little funny... ... Well, actually, the punchline is the funniest thing I've see yet this year. I can hardly type I'm laughing so hard. Hat Tip Science Lover
September 10, 2009
Read the following text. As you read it, try to empty your mind. When you encounter grammatical errors or jargon that is impossible to understand, do not try to translate what you are reading. Rather, become one with the obscurity. Read slowly, thoughtlessly, with emptiness of purpose, as…
September 10, 2009
Hat Tip Grrl. Go here and vote for Grrl.
September 10, 2009
Australian scientologists have proposed that anonymity and criticism be eliminated from the intertubes. According to the scientologists: Since January 2008, the Church of Scientology has been subjected to a continuing campaign of violence and abuse from a hate group calling themselves 'Anonymous…
September 10, 2009
Hat Tip: Who Else!?!!???
September 10, 2009
Zoom into a Leafby Weird_Weird_Science Hat Tip Grrrl, and you should GO HERE AND VOTE
September 10, 2009
Repost Life Science Teachers: Take special note! This is not yet an error in the mainstream press, but there is an error afoot, currently represented in the widely read slashdot, which I imagine will propagate. The purpose of this post is to alert you to this problem and prepare you for the…
September 10, 2009
More than 200 people remain missing in Sierra Leone a day after a boat capsized, killing at least 8, police said on Thursday. Police official Ibrahim Samura said most of the passengers onboard were schoolchildren returning from holidays in the West African nation. more The typical "third world"…
September 10, 2009
... And he has apologized. He actually called the White House to apologize, and the apology was accepted by a high ranking staff member and presumably conveyed to the president. I just saw him speak of the "apology." If that was an apology, I'm the Queen of England. NBC report below the fold…
September 10, 2009
Rob Miller is running against Republican Joe Wilson. Who's that? He's the guy who yelled "you lie" at Obama on international TV. Click here to give money
September 10, 2009
OK, folks, were taking this MoFo down next election. Joe Wilson (that is not his real name, by the way) is the member of Congress who interrupted President Obama's speech last night with a shout of "You Lie!!!" Now, there are those of you who will say "Well, at least he wasn't being civil! That…