
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

September 8, 2013
The disturbance off the west coast of Africa that I mentioned earlier is now officially Tropical Depression Number Nine. It is forecast that Nine will turn into a hurricane in about 72 hours, though one model suggest much sooner. The last time that no hurricane formed in the Atlantic before…
September 8, 2013
We are two days away from the peak day for hurricane season (with many more days of hurricane season coming, of course). Yet there have been no Atlantic Hurricanes. In just a few days (on September 11th) if we don't have a hurricane, we'll break the record for latest over the period of record…
September 7, 2013
Melissa Harris-Perry hits on so many important points here that I'll probably use this in class: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
September 7, 2013
Joe Kernen is a business finance talking head who co-hosts CNBC's Squawk Box. I don't know if he actually knows much about Wall Street, but I can prove he doesn't know squawk about Climate Science. Have a look (warning: Might make you dizzy): Something about a low participation rate because…
September 7, 2013
Over the last several days the Atlantic has been very active, producing numerous storm systems that had promise to turn into something. Only one did, Gabrielle, and Gabrielle downgraded to a stormy blob (#1 on the above graphic from the National Weather Service). Gabrielle may well be back as a…
September 5, 2013
Years ago I knew Richard Dawkins as a fellow evolutionary biologist (met him only once, at a memorial event for WD Hamilton, but we have numerous mutual friends and colleagues). To be frank, and I'm only being frank now because I'd prefer not to use my real name, Dawkins was considered a bit of an…
September 5, 2013
From Climate Bites we have this nice meme thingie:
September 4, 2013
Over the last decade the surface temperatures of the earth have increased. During the previous decades, the surface temperatures of the earth increased at a somewhat higher rate. Meanwhile, over the last decade there seems to be some extra heat gain in the deeper ocean. Also, some of the surface…
September 4, 2013
I love it when controversy develops in climate science. It demonstrates that climate science is a science, not dogma. Also, it is interesting. And, ultimately, it is important because we need to reduce uncertainty and addressing controversy eventually does so. There is a new controversy in climate…
September 2, 2013
In this Labor Day message, Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor and subject of the upcoming documentary “Inequality for All,” breaks down what it’ll take for workers to get a fair share in this economy — including big, profitable corporations like McDonald’s and Walmart to pony up and…
September 2, 2013
Here is a press release for an upcoming event: At the culminating event on the 66 mile Energy Exodus march, over 150 ralliers will call for the Town of Barnstable to withdraw its lawsuit against the Cape Wind offshore wind farm and begin negotiating in good faith with Cape Wind and federal and…
September 1, 2013
You can read the details here. The situation is appalling.
September 1, 2013
On this blog. Below is the relative percentage of operating system use by the readers of this blog from a four month longs sample form the middle of the year last year compared to the most recent six months this year. There is not a lot of change, but notice the nearly five percent drop i…
September 1, 2013
I suspect is under attack. Why? Because the site is going really really slow, and the spam coming in is different ... huge spamy comments with a zillion links which I think send the server into conniptions. I've closed comments on all posts over five days in age on this blog, for…
September 1, 2013
Andrew Revkin thinks so: It is hard to interpret this as meaning anything other than the crisis of Arctic Sea ice melting too much and too fast is over. This is an important thing, because the rapid and widespread melting of sea ice in the Arctic seems to be causing a thing called Arctic…
August 30, 2013
From Time Team America: Fort James, South Dakota In 1865, a unit of cavalry soldiers thought they had volunteered to fight in the Civil War. Instead, they found themselves sent west to keep the peace between incoming pioneer settlers and the Sioux Indians in what is now South Dakota. Upon their…
August 30, 2013
The National Park Service (NPS) and the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) excavated nine archaeological sites along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon during three years of fieldwork. The NPS/MNA excavation project was the first major archaeological excavation to occur along the river corridor…
August 29, 2013
Europe's Oldest Town? Bulgarian archaeologists led by Professor Doctor Vasil Nikolov, from the National Archaeology Institute and Museum, claim to have discovered one of the oldest towns in Europe, in north-east Bulgaria. Dr. Nikolov, who has been studying the area for many years, located the town…
August 29, 2013
Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) sample collection demonstrated and explained by Darrin Lowery:
August 29, 2013
This is a bit of the excellent documentary "The Human Spark" featuring my friend John Shea teaching Alan Alda how to be a good hominid. No actual animals were speared during this video.
August 29, 2013
A bit of documentary on the Donner Party: Donner Party Archaeology and Forensic Science Donald L Hardesty discusses the archaeology and forensic science used at the Donner Party camp sites in the Sierra Nevada mountains. This is a good video, but I can't embed it, but go have a look.
August 28, 2013
A few items of interest from the intertubes: Mann: Reality and threats of climate change are clear This is a guest column in the Times Dispatch by climate scientist Michael Mann discussing ongoing legal issues. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli certainly has some odd characters coming to his…
August 28, 2013
A virtual tour of the areas threatened by the Yosemite Rim Fire. Hat Tip Mother Jones
August 28, 2013
Climate science denialist Christopher Monckton wrote a post at WUWT blog in which he describes the non-existent stall in global warming. At the end of the post he writes: Meanwhile, enjoy what warmth you can get. A math geek with a track-record of getting stuff right tells me we are in for 0.5 Cº…
August 26, 2013
First, watch it: Then, go here to sign the petition!!!!! A while back a few of us were talking about naming storms and droughts after climate denialists. Maybe this petition will help make that happen!
August 25, 2013
The following is an entry from the Esoteric Programming Language project (see link below): HERE is the site. If you go check it out, don't miss the programming langauge designed for Orang Utans, called Ook! Hat Tip: Ryan Jean
August 25, 2013
!!! WARNING *** POST IS META *** WARNING !!! We’ve been watching the new House of Cards (produced by Netflix). Here’s how I can tell it is good. Amanda actually started to watch it, which is unusual because she rarely watches anything. But she watched the first one, liked it, then tuned in to the…
August 25, 2013
Apparently, there is a Faith Healer [who] Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, [and] Now Church [is] The Center Of Measles Outbreak The Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, Texas, run by Kenneth Copeland Ministries, has long been a strong anti-vaccination stronghold. Now, it is the…
August 25, 2013
So, how has the Atlantic hurricane season shaping up so far? According to data accumulated by the National Weather Service, as shown (with added items) here ... ... we should have had about four or five named storms at this point in the season. Since numbers for this time of year are small,…
August 24, 2013
News from Fukushima Update # 69 by Ana Miller and Greg Laden Over the last several weeks we’ve heard repeated, alarming, and generally worsening, news from Fukushima Diachi, the Japanese nuclear power plant that suffered a series of disasters that make The China Syndrome look like a Disney family…