
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

September 25, 2012
Al Gore announces an online event taking place on November 14: 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report:
September 25, 2012
I did this thing: Minneapolis News and Weather KMSP FOX 9 A few notes: Ross Olsen is a retired physician who is a principle player in our local Young Earth creationist group, which produces the local creation science fair (this search will get you most of my posts on that). When I said second…
September 24, 2012
Helium is rare. It is not produced in factories, and the places where it is found in the wild are unusual. When it gets lose, it tends to drift out into space. Simply put, it is a hard to find commodity with a limited availability. Helium is important in science. Big Science Projects like the…
September 24, 2012
But at the same time say that Obama is doing it wrong: The campaign’s plan cited four priorities – giving NASA focus, working with the international community, increasing the nation’s capacity to defend its assets in space and easing trade limits on foreign sales of American “space goods.” Romney…
September 24, 2012
First, if you don't have health insurance, that's OK. Just wait until you are catastrophically ill and then they'll pick you up in an ambulance and bring you to an emergency room. He does not discuss what happens later when they come to collect the payments. Also, according to Romney, an…
September 24, 2012
A new video from Yale:
September 23, 2012
What a jerk! Keep that guy away from the scissors.
September 23, 2012
A GOP PAC has produced a ridiculous ad supporting Michele Bachmann for re-election to Congress representing Minnesota's 6th District. You'll remember that Bachmann made national news when she declared that a senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Minnesota 5th District Congressman…
September 22, 2012
are up early.
September 22, 2012
First this, from a blogpost by David Firestone: On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate…
September 22, 2012
Skeptically Speaking #182 Science Cinema Sunday, September 23rd, Skeptically Speaking will record "before a life UStream audience" as per usual: This week, we’re looking at film and video as an exciting, engaging way to communicate science to the public. Guest host Marie-Claire Shanahan spends the…
September 21, 2012
Elizabeth J. Laden, a few years ago. Some of my earliest memories are of my sister, BJ, who later preferred to be called Elizabeth. Each of my three siblings, all older than me, had a measurable influence on my life, influences that happened when I was little when they, much older, were mostly…
September 20, 2012
A talk by Genie Scott:
September 20, 2012
Hahaha It's great to see a Juluka number in such a prominent place. Hat tip: Kristi Lewton
September 19, 2012
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
September 19, 2012
I just want to remind everybody that the fundraiser at which Romney proudly declared he would not represent 47% of Americans, claimed that if he was brown he'd get elected, and promised that if there was a hostage situation in the middle east during the present election season that he'd find a way…
September 18, 2012
There is some brand new research on those New Caledonian Crows that seem to be able to do all sorts of things we thought only smart Humans could do (like making tools, understanding physics, that sort of thing). I've written it up here: The Incredulous New Caledonian Crows, on 10,000 Birds, where…
September 18, 2012
What could be wrong with presenting in a science class "both sides" of controversial topics like evolution or climate change, or having students debate the topics, using argumentation to improve their critical thinking skills? In the case of evolution, presenting supposed alternatives, such as…
September 17, 2012
The tape was running, he was speaking at a fundraiser, didn't know he was being taped. Holy crap: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Details here.
September 17, 2012
Alber Saber is a pro-democracy blogger in Egypt who also runs a facebook page for atheists. His neighbors found out about this and, of course, mobbed his house. The police arrived on the scene, and of course, they arrested him. He was thrown in jail and, of course, he seems to have been attacked…
September 17, 2012
Michael Mann is reporting this on his facebook page: Breaking: A victory for science! ATI loses ATI/UVa FOIA case. Judge issues final order. Affirms the university's right to withhold scholarly communications and finds that the documents & personal emails of mine demanded by ATI were indeed…
September 17, 2012
In March, 2012, I attended a conference called Moving Secularism Forward run by the Council for Secular Humanism and the Center for Inquiry. I spoke as part of a panel called Does Secular Humanism Have A Political Agenda? along with Ronald Bailey of, Razib Khan of Secular Right, and…
September 17, 2012
This is Denise Bader, who is running against a very extreme Tea Party candidate:
September 17, 2012
Yeah, I'm bringing back the term "Sea Change" which was briefly popular a few years ago, in reference to the perception of party difference, the difference between Democrats and Republicans, in handling foreign policy. Let me say first that it has never been true that the Republicans were better…
September 16, 2012
Stephanie Zvan wrote a post re-addressing a few earlier posts she and I had written a few years ago which caused a firestorm of testosterone drenched reaction from men (and a few women) who somehow had a problem with the political, social, and scientific investigation of wartime rape. (A rape in…
September 14, 2012
She explicitly says, without any window dressing, that there are Americans, and there is Islam, and the Muslims are the enemy. No punches pulled here. And, she explicitly says that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are aiding and assisting the enemy. This was at the so called "…
September 14, 2012
Remember Rover? Rover is still finding stuff, and this latest find is strange, enigmatic, interesting, and worthy of further investigation. So far there is only a press release from NASA, here: NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Reveals Geological Mystery PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's long-lived rover…