
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

June 20, 2007
Okay, I have a proposition for all of you, dear readers. In an attempt to increase my sicko rating while simultaneously adding some spice to my otherwise boring science blog, I have written an ad for a rare job opportunity, especially for all you struggling female scientists out there (below the…
June 20, 2007
tags: blog carnival, biology, nature, medicine, science Hey, good news, science geeks! The 82nd edition of the Tangled Bank blog carnival is now available for your reading pleasure. It is packed full of science-y goodness to satisfy even the most eclectic tastes.
June 20, 2007
tags:, superb starling, Spreo superbus, Lamprotornis superbus, birds, behavior, infidelity Superb starling, Lamprotornis (Spreo) superbus. These small birds are commonly found in open woodlands and savannahs throughout Northeast Africa. Image: Hogle Zoo, Utah. While it is…
June 20, 2007
tags: George Carlin, humor, streaming video This is a streaming video of George Carlin throughout the years, starting when he was funny. The language is somewhat colorful (as typical with George Carlin), but he is an excellent social observer and critic who has a lot of good points to make, and his…
June 20, 2007
tags: Donald Rumsfeld, creationism museum, religion, science, streaming video Three students attended the grand opening of the controversial creationism museum and interview people who agree with it as well as those who do not. This video did not take any side. Their intentions were to simply get…
June 19, 2007
This is something that should make you oh, so proud, to be American. NOT. According to the lawyer on this video, "Our goal is to NOT find a qualified or interested American worker so we can get the foreigner a green card". This streaming video shows one big reason why qualified Americans can be…
June 19, 2007
Okay, this is for those of you who are easily entertained. I know I fall into this category, so I hope you do, too. I was recently challenged by Matthew to participate in a "sicko" Google search terms contest to list the sickest search terms used find my blog. Here are a few search terms for you,…
June 19, 2007
tags: sea turtle, Olive-Ridley hatchling, Image of the Day An Olive Ridley hatchling struggles out of its egg on a French Guianan beach. Egg collection and snaring in fishing nets have brought the turtle's population down by 95% in 40 years. Turtle protection has been under discussion at the…
June 19, 2007
Today, I made the very disturbing discovery that the sound card in my laptop has ceased to function. It was working fine last night, but today .. nothing! Of course, I find this to be very upsetting for several reasons; my computer is my entertainment system because I don't have a TV or stereo, so…
June 19, 2007
tags: Donald Rumsfeld, politics, humor, satire, streaming video In an extended view, Craig shows us that you never know what those zany Defense Secretaries might do next. [2:10]
June 18, 2007
tags: blog carnival, genetics The 9th edition of the new blog carnival, Gene Genie is now available for your reading pleasure. They included a story that I wrote, along with a very nice introduction to it. But there are a lot of other stories that you also will enjoy, so be sure to go there to give…
June 18, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I have been told by assholes who want to feel superior to people like me, that Harry Potter is a children's book, that adults who read it are perverts, and other stupid stuff, but I have proof that adults love the stories at least…
June 18, 2007
tags: poetry, The Summer Day, Mary Oliver A person sitting next to me noticed that I was working on my blog. Upon learning that I was writing about science, he challenged me to read a poem, so this is the one that I chose. He had never read it before, and loved it very much, so of course, I thought…
June 18, 2007
tags: blog carnival, Family Life Another blog carnival is available for you to enjoy; the latest edition of the Carnival of Family Life. There are a bunch of interesting entries there, including the amusing "Daddy Look Penis, Penis!!" and Fun with Shaving Cream (well, I thuoght it looked like fun).
June 18, 2007
tags: blog carnival, Encephalon The 25th edition of the blog carnival, Encephalon, is now available for you to read. They include a bunch of pieces, including Pigeons playing ping pong - a little help? and The faculty of Imagination: Neural substrates and mechanisms.
June 18, 2007
tags: panda, Image of the Day Porn fans unite: this is your playmate of the week, courtesy of GrrlScientist.
June 18, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter American redstart, widespread throughout North America, is under threat from climate change and future land-use changes. Image: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [larger] Birds in Science Scientists in China revealed that they…
June 18, 2007
tags: air traffic, FAA, streaming video The Flight Pattern visualizations are the result of experiments leading to the project Celestial Mechanics by Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne. FAA data was parsed and plotted using the processing programming environment. Basically, these are some amazing…
June 17, 2007
Well, here's something that you don't see every day; an owl that insisted on watching a soccer game by flying between the two goals. The commentary is not in English, and the video is somewhat pixelated, but there are a few good shots of this bird when it perched on the goal posts. Can you identify…
June 17, 2007
tags: Junkin's warbler, birds, ornithology, DNA technology An ornithologist prepares to band a mysterious Junkin's warbler. Image: Sandy Junkin. With all the skilled birders and ornithologists in North America, it is truly remarkable to find a bird that cannot be identified, especially when…
June 17, 2007
Here is a sweet little video that you will enjoy. In celebration of Father's Day, the filmmakers behind the Evolution of Dad documentary project filmed close to 150 people around New York City, talking about their dads. The interviews are touching, funny and heartfelt. [1:31]
June 16, 2007
A looong time blog pal of mine (I am proud to say), YoungFemaleScientist did me the honor of mentioning me today on her blog in response to an email she received; It is interesting to note (and I dont mean this as a dig at you) that all the FEMALE scientific blogs do not really cover science at all…
June 16, 2007
tags: Paul Potts, opera, Britain's Most Talented, streaming video During the past couple weeks, I have been following the amazing and inspirational story of Paul Potts on YouTube. Paul is a cell phone salesman from South Wales in Great Britain -- a very quiet and unassuming man. He has been…
June 16, 2007
tags: educated, online quiz This quiz is actually is a lot more fun than than its name implies. You Are Not Stupid You got 10/10 questions right! While acing this quiz doesn't prove you're a genius, you're at least pretty darn smart. Are You Stupid?
June 16, 2007
tags: blog carnival, Oekologie The sixth edition of the new blog carnival, Oekologie is now available. It is fashioned after a newspaper and has a lot of great stories to read, including a bunch that I didn't write.
June 15, 2007
tags:, global warming, climate change, ornithology, birds, avian biodiversity, habitat destruction White-crested hornbill, Tropicranus albocristatus, also confined to African rainforests, may see more than half of its geographic range lost by 2100. Image: Walter Jetz, UCSD. […
June 15, 2007
Below the fold is a list of sentiments about George Bush that have been found on t-shirts and bumper stickers throughout the United States. My favorite is #19, although I do have a certain fondness for #5 and #22. Which one do you like best? (On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush. 1/…
June 15, 2007
tags: polar bear cub, Knut, Image of the Day Six-months-old polar bear Knut snoozes with his minder, Thomas Doerflein, at the zoo in Berlin. Hundreds of visitors still flock to Berlin zoo to get a glimpse of the little bear, who has become a global sensation after surviving rejection by his…
June 15, 2007
tags: conservation, rainforest, Costa Rica, birds Cagan Sekercioglu of the Center for Conservation Biology used a radio antenna to monitor bird positions in the agricultural countryside at Las Cruces Biological Station in Costa Rica. Image: Scott Loarie We all know the common wisdom; coffee…
June 15, 2007
tags: blog carnival, Friday Ark, animal pictures For those of you who love looking at animal pictures, Friday Ark is blog carnival is for you. Every link posted here features a large image of an animal that you will enjoy (it might also contain a story, but the picture is the primary focus of this…