
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

July 18, 2007
tags: Harry Potter book disguises, satire Below the fold is the second in this short series of my favorite Harry Potter book disguises. Today's cover is a manly-man cover for you sensitive types; Cover by Remington Lonespear. Print Size Image: Pointless Waste of Time.
July 18, 2007
tags: BrewCam, beer, fermentation, streaming video This is a three minute video depicting a week long process -- a fermenting beer. The finished product is Judy Garland Stout -- Like Judy, it grew up in the public eye and then turned bitter... I am curious how the photographer got the camera into…
July 17, 2007
tags:, birds, ornithology, evolution, radiation, Chernobyl Normal Barn Swallow (a), while the other pictures show signs of albinism (white feathers; b & c), unusually colored feathers (d), deformed beaks (e & f), deformed air sacs (g), and bent tail feathers (h &…
July 17, 2007
tags: Hoverfly, Image of the Day Hoverfly nectaring on frogfruit near Anahuac NWR VIS 7-8-07. This is a much-sharpened picture of a difficult and fast-moving subject. Hoverflies are bee mimics. Notice, however, the big eyes of the fly (q.v., movie "The Fly"). Image: Biosparite
July 17, 2007
tags: coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, fish, living fossil, Indonesia Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, and Arnaz Mehta Erdmann, at about a 50 foot depth -- this is to give you an idea of the fish's size. Image: Mark V. Erdmann, July 1998 (Smithsonian Institute [larger]). This past…
July 17, 2007
tags: Harry Potter book disguises, satire Do you love the Harry Potter books, but are afraid that you are too old and too professional to be seen reading them? Well, never fear, I have found a few book-sized covers that you can use to disguise your new Harry Potter book from prying eyes so you can…
July 16, 2007
A male Blue Moon or Great Eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina. A butterfly-killing bacteria that is only lethal to males has given rise to skewed sex ratios in populations of this species on two islands in the South Pacific, but researchers have found that male butterflies on one island have…
July 16, 2007
tags: blog carnival, oekologie, environment The 7th issue of the Oekologie Blog Carnival is now available. This blog carnival links to the best ecology and environmental science posts of the month from all across the blogosphere.
July 16, 2007
tags: Attenborough's long-beaked echidna, Zaglossus attenboroughi, monotreme, endangered animals, New Guinea, Irian Jaya, Cyclops mountain range Attenborough's long-beaked echidna, Zaglossus attenboroughi, the only specimen known to exist in museum collections. Prepared as a shmoo (a flat skin…
July 16, 2007
tags: Viceroy Butterfly, Image of the Day Viceroy on Buttonbush, Anahuac NWR Butterfly Garden, 7-8-07. Image: Biosparite [larger]
July 16, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter This adult piping plover was on the beach at Kettle Point in the morning of 10 July 2007. The bird eventually flew off when beach strollers were approaching. Image: appears here with the kind permission of the photographer,…
July 16, 2007
This amazing video depicts thousands, hundreds of thousands and then billions of birds -- all caught on video courtesy of the Planet Earth series. This video also features some wonderful music, a piece called "Rushing" from the album called Play by Moby, that will send chills up your spine. [2:37…
July 15, 2007
tags: BOOK, new product announcement A friend sent this new product announcement to me, never expecting that I would enjoy sharing it with you. Announcing the new Built-in Orderly Organized Knowledge device, otherwise known as the BOOK. It's a revolutionary breakthrough in technology: no wires, no…
July 15, 2007
tags: global warming, human warfare, politics Did you know that there is a positive correlation between cold temperatures and warfare? According to a study recently carried out by David Zhang of the University of Hong Kong and colleagues, human warfare increases as temperatures plunge. Zhang's…
July 15, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, movie review With one more agonizing week to wait for the last Harry Potter book to arrive in my mailbox, I finally saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night. I literally could not wait one more minute for my Harry Potter fix, so I went to the very last showing…
July 13, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, satire, streaming video If you have just returned from seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I think you'll enjoy this streaming Harry Potter movie spoof as a visual apéritif. (Well, okay, I thought it was funny) [5:21]
July 13, 2007
tags: animals, blog carnival Calling all animal lovers .. the latest edition of the Friday Ark is now available. It's packed with lots of animal images for you to enjoy.
July 13, 2007
tags: books, blog carnival For those of you who love to read good books (everyone who pops in here, apparently), the 5th edition of the Festival of Good Books is now available for you to enjoy. Incidentally, there are two bird books mentioned there, so don't trip over yourselves in your eagerness…
July 13, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, Simpsons spoof, streaming video Since we have been playing with making our own Simpsons avatars here on SB, I thought you all might enjoy seeing the Simpsons Hallowe'en Spoof of Harry Potter -- this is hilarious, especially for you HP fans! I have been sitting here in the…
July 13, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, movie trailer, streaming video To put it bluntly, I am going crazy waiting to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I should have gone to see it on Wednesday midnight-oh-one in the morning because, well, I can't stand to know that it is getting generally wonderful…
July 13, 2007
tags: birds, bed and breakfast, investment opportunity Image: VivaVictoria [larger] A reader emailed me with another idea for the house-for-sale with the nesting vultures living in the back yard; why not turn the place into a bed and breakfast for vultures? There are some religious sects that…
July 13, 2007
tags: personality type, online quiz Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP) Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant. Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 6% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving…
July 13, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, movie trailer, streaming video The fifth Harry Potter film was released in several cities on the 11th, including NYC (no, I haven't seen it yet, but I've already talked to several fans on the subway who have seen it and loved it). But as of today, the fifth Harry Potter film is…
July 12, 2007
tags: PZ Myers, Pharyngula trailer I have noticed with dismay that certain people around here have been bashing PZ Myers (not naming any names, but you know who you are), and I find that upsetting. For the past few years, I have considered PZ and his wife to be good friends of mine, although we do…
July 12, 2007
tags: George Bush, al-queda, politics, political opinion George Bush, who loves to ignore the facts in favor of telling a good fairy tale, denied that al-Qaeda is as strong as it was at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Just as he does with science, Bush ignored recent media coverage of a US…
July 12, 2007
tags: cockfighting, animal cruelty, First Amendment, free speech When I learned recently that my neighbors regularly engage in cockfighting and dog fighting (illegally, of course) I was thoroughly disgusted with them. But I learned just today that cockfighting is also streamed over the internet,…
July 12, 2007
tags: online poll, scienceblogs While we are talking about online polls, I'd like to point out that ScienceBlogs is conducting a poll on the right sideboard that they will use to improve the site based on reader feedback. Their poll is kinda fun and will only take about 5 minutes or so of your time…
July 12, 2007
tags: Perija parakeet, Pyrrhura caeruleiceps, tags: birds, parrots, ornithology, zoology, Image of the Day The critically endangered Perija Parakeet, Pyrrhura caeruleiceps. Image: ProAves Colombia. (more images below the fold) The critically endangered Perija Parakeet, Pyrrhura caeruleiceps,…
July 12, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, books, reading As many people have said, the Harry Potter books were wonderful for getting kids to put down that GameBoy and curl up with a book. However, a recent study has shown that as kids grow up, they rarely read for fun "almost every day" as they did when they were…
July 12, 2007
tags: birds, bed and breakfast, investment opportunity Okay, do any of you want to help make an investment with me? Would you like to buy a house that I would turn in to a bed and breakfast? It is very cheap .. er, affordable .. because of one extra feature it has .. nesting vultures on the…