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William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

October 28, 2013
[Update 2013/11/01: Solar Activity and the so-called “Little Ice Age” is sufficient evidence of Lockwood's opinion]. Sigh. Paul Hudson (remember him?) says Real risk of a Maunder minimum 'Little Ice Age' says leading scientist, and the person he purports to rely in is Mike Lockwood, who is sane.…
October 25, 2013
Isaac Held has a wonderful post about recent work on "Aqua-planet hurricanes and the ITCZ". Go read it and watch the videos - its utterly refreshing and might change your view of hurricanes. Hey, you kow what? I've used that title before. More than once.
October 25, 2013
Paul links to What Can We Learn About Human Psychology from Christian Apologetics? The article itself is an exercise in proving itself right: the only people reading it will be those who disagree with Christian Apologetics. But I digress; the point I was trying to make was the connection with "the…
October 23, 2013
Just like 2011 or 2012 but faster! TL;DR: 3:43:06. Just 5 minutes faster and I'll only be an hour slower than Maz. This post is mostly for my records. Transport and accommodation just like before, except I had Miranda with me. As you can see, Amsterdam has some exciting architecture. My GPS track…
October 17, 2013
Begin by reading Role for Eurasian Arctic shelf sea ice in a secularly varying hemispheric climate signal during the 20th century? That post offers some snarks on the paper, and some indications why you might distrust it, but no really substantive criticism. I'll try to do that here but I won't…
October 16, 2013
This is Wyatt / Curry's Stadium Wave (Marcia Glaze Wyatt, Judith A. Curry, Clim. Dyn., Sept. 2013; henceforth W+C), but you don't get a title like that past a staid journal like Climate Dynamics. Note: the copy of W+C I started writing this from which I found at Curry's site offers graphics of…
October 13, 2013
Like its illustrious forebears comments elsewhere and part II. However, rather differently like, in that I want to point to some positives before falling back into snarking. I've commented at wottsupwiththatblog and hotwhopper about Li et al.. It is, I think, a flawed paper but not as badly flawed…
October 8, 2013
You may say "but you declared Lindzen emeritus in 2011", and so I did. But that was over the issue of peer review. This is concerning science: arctic sea ice is suddenly showing surprising growth. That's just stupid. Really; its nothing but propaganda: designed to make lies sound truthful and…
October 5, 2013
As I was saying, somewhere, to someone the other day, - oh, I reemember, it was to Timmy - you can get rid of some of the problems with future projections by drawing temperature against CO2 emissions, instead of against time. If you do that, you (the person drawing the figure) doesn't have to…
October 4, 2013
Who's Afraid of Peer Review? by John Bohannon is about his experiments in sending a fatally-flawed paper to a variety of open-access journals, and the appalling lack of rejections that followed (note that PLOS-ONE correctly rejected it). To make it not too easy to reject just based on "I can't find…
September 30, 2013
The AR5 draft is now available from W00t! In the style we've come to love so much from the IPCC it sayeth: The final draft Report, dated 7 June 2013, of the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report "Climate Change 2013…
September 28, 2013
Judith Curry has a weird post called "IPCC diagnosis – permanent paradigm paralysis" which starts off with a perfect example of the denialists favourite tactic - a walled garden of links to their own nonsense. She says: In a previous post, I discussed the IPCC’s diagnosis of a planetary fever and…
September 27, 2013
So, AR5 SPM is out. The obvious place to start is RealClimate or perhaps you could even read the SPM itself. Here's a quote: Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850 (see Figure SPM.1). In the Northern Hemisphere, 1983–…
September 19, 2013
I'm not desperately interested in the "MOOC" on-line course thing, though I can see that I might be in future. I don't have a lot of spare time; for example the 2 hours I had free last night I spent running + recovering, not learning. But others do, and CIP has been talking to "the enemy" - i.e.…
September 9, 2013
A report for the Department of Energy and Climate Change. MacKay is Sustainable Energy – without the hot air person, and a rather infrequently updated blog. He's a pretty sensible chap and the new report is a challenge to all the folk who go around unthinkingly saying that shale gas emissions mean…
September 4, 2013
This is my take 2. See here for my incautious take 1. Take 2 is not as interesting as take 1 - I no longer have an overall theme, and I don't feel inclined to contradict the take-home message. That reduces me to quibbling and a slight feeling of unease, though that may quite possibly be because I…
September 2, 2013
[Ahem. Update: this was just wrong, because I misread the defn of POGA-C; see comment 2, thanks to TC. To avoid polluting the record, I'll delete the rest of this post, but there's an archived copy at if you like. The paper fairy has now delivered a copy of K+X…
September 2, 2013
From the dept of general-fun-but-with-a-serious-message: Retraction Watch on a somewhat unusual case: "Journal retracts two papers after being caught manipulating citations": Mauricio Rocha-e-Silva ... and several other editors published articles containing hundreds of references to papers in each…
August 28, 2013
It has to be weird - the potty peer is pushing it: Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency... This year Dr. Christopher Essex…
August 15, 2013
Quite a lot really. Unless, of course, you're looking at the wrong models in the wrong way. As Robert S. Pindyck does. I do have some sympathy for the paper, but its badly written, somewhat confused, and the author has failed to emphasise some key distinctions. To begin with where I agree, I'm…
August 13, 2013
I follow David Hone, though not the details. He's really keen on CCS, and has (I think) a strong commercial interest in it succeeding. But there is no real answer to "its not commercially viable" - and I think it remains non-viable even at plausible CO2-price levels ($80 / tonne is Sternish, no…
August 12, 2013
Can China clean up fast enough? asks The Economist. In more detail: If China were simply following the path of rich countries from poverty through pollution to fresh air, there would be little to worry about (unless you lived in one of those hellish cities). But... When Britain’s industrial engine…
August 12, 2013
Well, you may call me a wild-eyed jumper-in-too-early but I'm going to call this year's sea ice as "unexciting". There's maybe a month left, but there's no way its going to fall off the scale in that time [*]. Indeed, its looking pretty middle of the road: about the same as 2010 or 2008. Its…
August 7, 2013
The AGU has a revised policy statement on Human-induced climate change requires urgent action (h/t: everyone). As with any serious item like this, people release comedy versions. RP Sr had a go and JC threw in her bit, and now Screaming Lord Monckton has had a go, at the home of Blog Science Comedy…
August 3, 2013
An interesting article from Timmy, who makes clearly a point I've glimpsed muddily recently. Notice that the point stands, even if you happen to like regulation (I think there is far too much). Permit me to quote (fair use, I'm sure): Big business positively delights in much regulation...…
August 1, 2013
Yeah yeah, yet more opinion. So, Snowden has asylum in Russia. Naturally, he's delighted to be out of his tedious airport, saying in the end the law is winning. But is it? Because the interesting thing is who is making the decisions: Putin. As the Graun says the decision was "almost certainly…
August 1, 2013
Oh, this is funny, but Curry isn't laughing. While poking around for more context on my previous post, I found ‘Denier’ blogs by JC, who quotes the "Society of Environmental Journalists" who say Judith Curry’s blog, Climate Etc., is an exception to the stereotype of denier blogs. Curry is a real…
August 1, 2013
Ah, enough science (or at least computation) what about the advocacy then? Talking about advocacy is great, you don't have to have a clue about anything factual, its all so meta. JA, as usual has a nice thoughtful post which you should read. I'll just throw in some... some what? Well, some words.…
July 29, 2013
Some parts of the discussion of Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear: chaos, weather and climate confuses denialists have turned into discussions of (bit) reproducibility of GCM code. mt has a post on this at P3 which he linked to, and I commented there, but most of the comments continued here. So its worth…
July 29, 2013
[Don't miss the 2nd birthday!] About a year ago the entirety of the intertubes were rocked to their foundations by an announcement of epochal proportions: WUWT publishing suspended – major announcement coming. Or so we were told. Speculation was rife: had AW finally found those pix of Mann's…