March 28, 2017
So says Victoria Herrmann in the Graun; with subheading These politically motivated data deletions come at a time when the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global average. The alert will immeadiately wonder: do you mean citations, or data? Because they aren't the same thing. Those even more…
March 27, 2017
Or so says the Graun: A plan to halve carbon emissions every decade, while green energy continues to double every five years, provides a simple but rigorous roadmap to tackle climate change, scientists say. Well you can't fault the simplicity; then again "everyone should be nice to everyone else"…
March 25, 2017
Tired of tossers6, I seem to be having a ha ha ha series. And it's time for a two-month review of my brilliantly prescient Trump predictions. Except not really, because it's too early, but I think the failure of his repeal of Obamacare is a good time to take stock, without breaking my resolution…
March 20, 2017
The Great Persuasion: Reinventing Free Markets since the Depression is a history by Angus Burgin of... well, you can read the potted summaries there, none are quite exact, I'll off you another gross simplification: of the transition from Hayek as prophet-in-the-wilderness to the triumph of…
March 15, 2017
Also known as Qinghua Ding et al., Nature Climate Change (2017) doi:10.1038/nclimate3241; published online 13 March 2017 (PDF as submitted). And the abstract:
The Arctic has seen rapid sea-ice decline in the past three decades, whilst warming at about twice the global average rate. Yet the…
March 12, 2017
UAH V6 has finally been published (archive). Once upon a time this kind of stuff was dead exciting, but now it is just another revision of just another dataset, and no-one cares very much. The paper itself is paywalled, but RS kindly points to the submitted version.
As DA points out, RS needs a…
March 5, 2017
Lents again; here's a link to 2016 if you want to re-live the past. It was a great week, full of thrills and excitement. Caius weren't up to it (as prefigured by Mays) and were caught by Downing on the first day; Maggie patiently bumped Pembroke then Caius to get their shot at Downing on day 3.…
March 4, 2017
It am de Fail, they be at it again. With the world's longest and least coherent headline1: The making of a Wiki-Lie: Chilling story of one twisted oddball and a handful of anonymous activists who appointed themselves as censors to promote their own warped agenda on a website that's a byword for…
February 27, 2017
Or, as John Abraham puts it in the Graun, Just who are these 300 'scientists' telling Trump to burn the climate? It appears that long-term union man Lindzen has been organising again, buoyed perhaps by the prospect of some kind of reward from the Trump admistration. It seems rather notable to me,…
February 21, 2017
Today's lesson is from Is Decoupling GDP Growth from Environmental Impact Possible? (h/t mt), by James D. Ward , Paul C. Sutton, Adrian D. Werner, Robert Costanza, Steve H. Mohr, Craig T. Simmons; October 14, 2016 And here is their abstract.
February 15, 2017
By the Climate "Leadership" Council: a who’s who of conservative elder statesmen, this statement is the first time leading Republicans put forth a concrete, market-based climate solution. The idea is essentially Hansen's fee-and-dividend, though naturally they don't mention H; and thankfully they'…
February 14, 2017
From 2017 Underwater Photographer of the Year I select this one as the best:
It is, apparently, a Lionfish in its early larval stage. Here's my picture of a lionfish:
* Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014
* Stoat-tastic
February 11, 2017
I have a said a number of times1 - to no great applause it must be said - that those who are "fooled" by the denialists and faux news and so on are mostly fooled because they are entirely happy to be fooled.
But now it turns out that I was definitely right, because there is a latin tag, Mundus…
February 8, 2017
Timmy has been for a while my prime - and possibly only - example of a sane libertarian, climate-wise. In that he has frequently advanced economic arguments on the basis of accepting the IPCC WGI science. And, it has to be said, in the face of opposition from his commentariat, who are stupid,…
February 4, 2017
William (good name!) Nordhaus has a new study out. The purveyors of snake oil seek to convey to the impressionable youth that he has changed his mind. However, it is a touch unclear in what manner his mind has change. Let's try reading the abstract:
Climate change remains one of the major…
January 29, 2017
The Evanescent published an article entitled "Global Warming Policy Foundation – the UK home of climate change sceptics – hit by 60% membership fee slump. That link is to an archive of Google's cache; the article no longer exists [Update: but a few hours later is back: archive].
However, we can…
January 28, 2017
Ha ha, fooled you. That's the director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics talking about Rex Tillerson. In more detail:
I’m especially proud of the ethics agreement we developed for the intended nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He…
January 21, 2017
I was going to write something much harsher than this; but then I chanced upon "ignorant armies" and hence was reminded of Dover Beach and it was so gloriously beautiful again that I can't bring myself to be unkind, at least for a while.
So instead I'll just quietly point out that the vast slew of…
January 18, 2017
As we all kinda knew in advance, 2016 turns out to be a record warm year. If you read UKMO you get Provisional full-year figures for global average near-surface temperatures confirm that last year, 2016, was one of the warmest two years on record, nominally exceeding the record temperature of 2015…
January 11, 2017
It am Michael Mann, saying
Climate models have proven extremely skillful in predicting the warming that has already been observed and, by many measures (e.g. Arctic sea ice loss, melting of the major ice sheets) it is proceeding faster than climate models predicted...
Notice any problems with that…
January 7, 2017
Or, "philosophy advances one funeral at a time"? Oddly, no-one has ever said that (<checks Google> - no, I'm right: no-one ever has) because of course it doesn't fit. Philosophy isn't like science, with clear progress that rather leaves the Emeritus behind it3. DP says otherwise in his…
January 4, 2017
Warning: tedious navel-gazing. Go elsewhere for substance. Partly this is to explore something I haven't seen before.
If I attempt to view this tweet I see
And if I then checkup I see:
Obviously, if I actually just want to read it I can log out, or…
January 2, 2017
Mais où sont les neiges d'antan! Did you know that "Antan", though it now means "yesteryear" (which was itself coined to translate "antan") formerly meant "last year", as a contraction from the latin "ante annum"? Fascinating, eh. But not as fascinating as poking at the innards of dead things.…
January 1, 2017
More politics-via-fb I'm afraid. I wouldn't trouble you with this except people I know not only post it, but defend it. My headline could instead have been "a plea for toleration". Some... oh dear, I'm pleading for toleration, aren't I? So I'd better be nice and choose my words with care. Some…
January 1, 2017
Just a quickie. In response to my last JM points me at The Greening of Planet Earth (1992), featuring luminaries such as Gerd-Rainer Weber of the German Coal Association (featured just in case you were under any illusion that it was only evil USAnian fossil fuel interests causing trouble; those…
December 31, 2016
Via Twitter via ClimateDepot (hold your nose) we come to RealClear Investigations which quotes Lindzen as saying, inter alia, They should probably cut the funding by 80 to 90 percent until the field cleans up... Climate science has been set back two generations, and they have destroyed its…
December 30, 2016
The latest vandalism from the Dork Side is censoring the concept of "climate change" from a Wisconsin governmental website (Snopes; see-also Sou and of course half your fb and Twitter feed). As Sou points out this minor vandalism seems to have over-excited certain sections of the denialist crowd,…
December 29, 2016
A vintage year, for which the title must be Oh, and we were Gone / Kings of Oblivion. Something for everyone. Here, after review, is what catches on my mind. But first, my favourite mountain picture of the year.
Other reviews of the year: ATTP; me in 2015. Not a review of the year: Eleven Years Of…
December 21, 2016
Found, at last, the connection between Hayek and Climate! And from a most unlikely source, Climate Etc. Because it is at CE it is, of course, wrong. Even better, it is merely copied wrongness, from King Canute vs. the Climate Planners by "Jeffrey Tucker" (who?) at the Foundation for Economic…
December 20, 2016
The latest in a long line of Exxon related drivel, this one from the Graun. It isn't drivel because it is wrong - that Rex Tillerson is a director of Exxon Neftegas is entirely true - it is drivel because it has long been public knowledge, and so the "leak" is irrelevant. The very first version of…