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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

November 1, 2005
Lott has drafted yet another cherry-picked article where he pretends that crime in Australia is increasing despite plummeting crime rates here. Jonathan Dursi takes it apart.
October 30, 2005
The Australian reported: THE debate on climate change is over. As far as the Howard Government is concerned, Australians must accept that humans contribute to global warming and adapt their behaviour to save the planet. Emerging from a bush walk through the Tarkine forest in northwest Tasmania,…
October 29, 2005
Eli Rabbett has encountered Essex and McKitrick's briefing about their book Taken by Storm (which I criticised here) and is not impressed: with so many dubious claims that one hardly knows where to begin.
October 29, 2005
See it at The Uncredible Hallq.
October 26, 2005
Les Roberts comments on the shoddy reporting of his study: I thought the press saw their job as reporting information. Most of the pieces discussing our report were written to control or influence society, not to relay what our report had documented. For example, the day after the article came out…
October 26, 2005
Correspondence on the paper "Agricultural production and malaria resurgence in Central America and India" Nature Vol 294 26 November 1981 pages 302,388 Malaria debated SIR --- I have read the paper by Chapin and Wasserstrom (Nature 17 September, p.181) with interest. I am disappointed with the…
October 26, 2005
There were some letters written to Nature by malariologists disputing Chapin and Wasserstrom's paper that argued that agricultural use of DDT was the major factor in the resurgence of malaria in India and Central America. Before I write about the dispute I should stress what they all agreed on:…
October 25, 2005
Via Pharyngula I find the commissar's project to make a blog family tree. your blogfather, or blogmother, as the case may be. Marie Gryphon who was the first blogger to post on the the John Lott affair. I started this blog to join in the discussion. Include your blog-birth-month, the month…
October 24, 2005
The John Lott article at Wikipedia was unprotected and the edit war has restarted. Lott is using a sockpuppet called Timewarp to try to make massive changes to the article. Some of the additions he wants to make are interesting: Although Lott has published in academic journals regarding education…
October 22, 2005
Michael Fumento has responded to my post way back in January demolishing his foolish proposal that after the tsunami: DDT should be sprayed on water pools, tents, and on people themselves---as indeed was once common in Sri Lanka and throughout most of the world. Unfortunately, mosquitoes in Sri…
October 21, 2005
John Bruton, the EU ambassador to the US responds to Mallaby's clueless DDT boosting piece. In his Oct. 10 op-ed column, "Look Who's Ignoring Science Now," Sebastian Mallaby suggested that European regulations are to blame for the misery in Uganda and other malaria-stricken nations. The facts…
October 21, 2005
Extracts from "Should DDT continue to be recommended for malaria vector control?" by C. F. Curtis published in Medical and Veterinary Entomology (1994) 8, 107--112 The banning of DDT in developed countries In the early 1970s the use of DDT was banned in the U.S.A. and some European countries…
October 20, 2005
Seixon is no great shakes with statistics, but he sure can do things with a metaphor: I swear, commenting on this blog is like a game of hide-and-seek with the elephant somewhere in the room. Lambert and his friends giggle every time I open up a cupboard and don't find the elephant, even though the…
October 18, 2005
If you are interested in serious discussion of the Australian government's proposed new "anti-terrorist" laws, you should read the posts by Senator Andrew Bartlett, Mark Bahnisch, Ken Parish and Tim Dunlop. One place where you won't find it is on channel 9's "Sunday" program who interviewed my…
October 17, 2005
Andrew Bolt has responded to Tim Flannery's correction of some Bolt's egregious errors. Bolt's primary tactic in his criticism of Flannery is to go out of his way to misinterpret Flannery's writing and then when Flannery corrects the misinterpretation to insist that his strange reading is the only…
October 17, 2005
All kinds of action over at the Wikipedia page on John Lott, with someone using the handle "Timewarp" starting an edit war that has led to the page being temporarily protected from changes to encourage Timewarp to discuss the changes he wants. Timewarp has denied being John Lott, but sure sounds a…
October 14, 2005
Andrew Kenny in The Spectator writes Judged on sheer evil, the worst crime in history was brown, the Nazi genocide, although the reds slaughtered more people. The death toll (difficult to measure) is roughly, Hitler's holocaust 6 million, Stalin's famine and terror 8 million, and Mao's famine 30…
October 14, 2005
Extracts from "Agricultural production and malaria resurgence in Central America and India" by Georganne Chapin and Robert Wasserstrom published in Nature Vol 293 17 September 1981 pages 181--185 Among the inhabitants of Asia, Latin America and tropical Africa malaria, remains a major cause for…
October 14, 2005
Get your skeptical blogging at Time to lean.
October 10, 2005
Sebastian Mallaby's article in the Washington Post has all the hallmarks of the clueless DDT-boosting article. The only expert mentioned is not a malariologist but comes from some right-wing think tank. In this case it's Roger Bate. Nowhere is mentioned the main reason why anti-malaria…
October 9, 2005
Tim Flannery has a new book The Weather Makers on climate change. You can read an extract here. Naturally this has prompted the usual pieces on how global warming totally isn't happening. First we have William Kininmonth, who writes: The science linking human activities to climate change is…
October 8, 2005
The Sydney Morning Herald reports The High Court Computer games enthusiasts are free to modify their Playstations to run cheap games bought overseas or online, following a landmark High Court ruling. The court found that "mod-chips"- used to override technology that prevents consoles running games…
October 2, 2005
In an earlier post I observed that "Seixon does not understand sampling". Seixon removed any doubt about this with his comments on that post and two more posts. Despite superhuman efforts to explain sampling to him by several qualified people in comments, Seixon has continued to claim that the…
October 1, 2005
At Wolverine Tom.
September 30, 2005
The Source Watch wiki page on John Brignell quotes extensively from some of my criticisms of Brignell. Rather than address this criticism, Brignell edited the page to add this comment: What follows is the work of an individual known as The Adhominator. You can recognise his style, as he never…
September 29, 2005
Senator Inhofe comes in for some well-deserved mocking for inviting novelist Michael Crichton to testify on global warming science. RealClimate has a detailed dissection of Crichton's testimony. I watched the proceedings and learned that as well as believing that global warming is a big hoax,…
September 28, 2005
I've written several posts debunking the myth that using DDT is banned, pointing out that is used in places like South Africa. Now Professor Bunyip has finally discovered this fact and slams Tim Blair for spreading the myth: This item from the BBC will have Tim Blair beside himself -- a contortion…
September 28, 2005
David Appell has quit blogging and deleted his blog, Quark Soup. William Connolley writes: it was the first blog I read; perhaps DA somewhat lost his place when other climate-type blogs (RC mainly; perhaps even Stoat) took some of his niche. Deltoid was the next one I read... I trust they won't be…
September 26, 2005
William Connolley catches claiming that Global Climate Models can't recreate the temperature record of the 20th century. However, they can and its no secret unless you get your science from junkscience rather than actual scientists.
September 21, 2005
Daniel Davies has a new post on Lancet denial, with some particularly egregious examples. The worst example is by Harry of Harry's Place whose "discussion" of the study is to make a statement that he must surely know to be false: Dsquared is a serial bullshitter who has never given a straight…