Advanced Adapting In Place

As I begin the final push on _Making Home_ my book on Adapting in Place (out next spring), Aaron and I will be offering the first ever "Advanced AIP Class" running from Tuesday, September 20 to October 25th. The class will build on the basic Adapting-In-Place skills that we've been talking about all these years in my classes, the blogs, etc... - triaging your situation, thinking about scenarios, and building both personal and community resilience, but this class moves beyond the basics into the larger question of how to make a life that both provides you some insulation from tough times, but also works across a range of circumstances and for you right now. The question is how to optimize - to be secure, to be content, to be ready, to be happy.

For those of you who have taken the classes previously, or who want to build on skills you've been working on for a while, the class will help everyone do a full evaluation of their resources and skills, and design short and longer term plans for how to move forward in the circumstances we actually have and in the ones we anticipate. We'll look at the next steps in building stronger communities, optimizing our home resources, and keeping secure in tough economic times. We'll go over a range of possible scenarios and try and figure out what practices work best - and what practices will make your life better no matter what.

We're very excited about the class, and welcome both people who have taken our previous Adapting-in-Place classes and those who are coming to this with some experience in personal adaptation and community building.

The class is online and asynchronous - there is no requirement you be online at any particular time. The time commitment is 5-10 hours per week, but the archived material remains available in perpetuity so that if you miss a week, you can go back and reconsider it. The class includes design help and telephone discussion as well as internet materials.

The cost of the class is $180. We do have available five free scholarship spots for low-income participants, on a first-come, first-served basis. We also gladly accept donations to make additional scholarship spots available - 100% of all donations go to additional class spaces.

Please email me at for more information or to register.


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(like it matters!)

Paypal to who?

By curiousalexa (not verified) on 15 Sep 2011 #permalink