Love this weather report - check it out! Of course it is time to fire up the barbecue!
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Sorry for the mixed metaphor, but I assure you, it gets worse.
Google may be taking a shot at Wikipedia (and similar projects) with its newly unveiled Knol project. Knol was announced many moons ago but has been under cover and password protected with only a few special people allowed in to see…
Vic-- OMG!! Exciting Dawkins/Oklahoma news!!!
Me-- EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Dawkins had so much fun on his visit to OK he decided to buy a ranch here and raise ostriches?!?!?
Vic--.......... nooo........ *blink*
Me-- *sad*
Vic-- Well the locals had been keeping this a secret for a while, but its not a…
Technically, this is my 500th post at Scienceblogs, although I believe that includes a few I wrote but never published. So, 500 within a slight margin of error. Let us now celebrate this arbitrary milestone!!!!!
And now, on to the post.
September Scientiae is up at Lab Cat's place.
At the…
lol Not really.
(H/T AtBC) Some UD IDiot wrote a letter to OU pres David Boren (whos actually a pretty cool guy) bitching about how OUs Darwin Year celebrations dont have anyone from the Creationist Camp included!
As an institution of learning in the state of Oklahoma, it is my hope that OU would…
I watched this earlier today thanks to Keith Johnson - made my morning. I wish more people would wake up.
You know - the rate of global warming doesn't mean that all life on earth will end; just that most life will have challenges in adjusting to the new norm. Of course, there is always the possibility that our current civilization will not be able to cope with the changes - and the chance that humans as a species may not be able to cope....
That made my day! Thanks for sharing.
Okay, THAT was really good, and must be shared. Thank you!!
well, one reason for not aiwnllog post-publication edits is for reproducibility: if I carry out an analysis based on the results published in a paper, and then the paper gets modified and I don't notice it, then it will be difficult to understand what I was doing.Moreover, if a paper gets modified, all the papers that cite it should be revised as well. It is better if major revisions are published as different documents, to me it feels more reproducible.Anyway, thank you for the post, I wasn't following all the debate on the Arsenic-life topic.