Not That There Was Any Doubt...

But just in case you were wondering, there is basically no chance whatsoever that Climate Change could be happening without human intervention. I realize that we'll be hearing about this point 0.01 possibility until we all die, but just so we all know.

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No. But that's apparently not enough to keep some people from making the claim. There's a story that's making the rounds on some right wing blogs that John Holdren said, at his confirmation hearing, that he thinks that 1 billion people will die as a result of global warming by 2020. So far, that…
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Here's what I don't get about people who harp on small doubts about anthropogenic climate change. Have they never heard of precautions? We buckle our seatbelts because we MIGHT crash, even though a crash is unlikely. We install smoke detectors in every building, even though most will never burn. Even if you aren't 100% sure about global warming, do we have to be 100% sure to take action? Would 50% sure be enough?

By Young CC Prof (not verified) on 26 Jan 2016 #permalink

Maybe what we need to focus on now is to come up with some sort of graceful way for borderline AGW denialists to change sides in this argument without suffering humiliating loss of face. Maybe we need to think in terms of coming up with ways to re-integrate denialist woo believers back into society, sans their woo. I think that we need to move this discussion from the highly polarized Punch and Judy arena it is in now to some more civilized venue.